» Religion » Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Othusitse Mmusi [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗

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how much you travel to Heaven or outer space you cannot get used to it! After sometime, I saw a Glowing Planet approaching. The closer we got to Heaven, the more the colors intensified.

Heaven is a place of great color. By the way, the Throne emits billions of shades of colors. The main colors I saw were predominantly: reddish, yellowish: close to either our sunrise or sunset! It was very peaceful. These colors were living, carrying with them, peace and love, at the same time communicating with you an important message! There was so much stillness, quietness, and peace flowing out of Heaven. This was one of the times where it becomes less bright and when activity in Heaven slows down. People get under the trees by the River of Life to meditate and rest. The Glory of GOD was carrying with it such calmness, I wanted to rush into Heaven immediately, and I knew that a lot of things were waiting for me, but GOD didn’t permit me for some reason. I just stood there enjoying such peace, calmness, and stillness in my soul. “Be still and know I am GOD,” the writer of Psalms admonishes us. I had learned another facet of GOD that night. The peace of GOD that surpasses all understanding, I don’t know why GOD does things in this manner, I don’t even know how much time it took, because in the spirit realm there is no time, but even a short time in HIS Presence is enough to change your life permanently! (Some of the things I write in brackets. I learned them instantly by revelation in Heaven or I saw them either in previous or later visits to Heaven. I write them so in order for you to understand Heaven better because it’s hard to explain the spiritual things in the human language.) I went back into my body, and then opened my eyes! Maranatha, Come LORD JESUS!


Coordinating Scriptures


Ezekiel 1:4: And I looked, and, behold, a WHIRLWIND came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire enfolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the color of amber, out of the midst of the fire.


John 20:22: And when HE had said this, HE breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye The HOLY GHOST:


Genesis 2:9: And out of the ground made The LORD GOD to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the Tree of Life also in the midst of the garden, and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.


Isaiah 51:3: For The LORD shall comfort Zion: HE will comfort all her waste places; and HE will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the Garden of The LORD; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody.


Ezekiel 31:8: The cedars in the Garden of GOD could not hide HIM: the fir trees were not like HIS Boughs, and the chestnut trees were not like HIS Branches; nor any tree in the Garden of GOD was like unto HIM in HIS Beauty.


Philippians 4:7: And the Peace of GOD, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through CHRIST JESUS.


Psalms 107:29: HE maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still.


Isaiah 29:6: Thou shalt be visited of The LORD of hosts with thunder, and with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and the flame of devouring fire.


Ezekiel 1:27: And I saw as the colour of amber, as the appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of HIS Loins even upward, and from the appearance of HIS Loins even.



My Visit to Heaven (Thursday, January 3, 2013)


There are many ways of traveling to Heaven. There is instant travel (thought-travel) which is commonly used in the Great Temple of GOD in Heaven, where you think about a certain place and you are there. So in this vision, there is something like that.

In a moment, I was on earth, the next moment, I was in Heaven, there was no in between. I was standing outside of a huge auditorium. Outside I saw a lovely garden of different kinds of trees, some grass as well, just made to decorate this place. The trees were green and on top of them there was snow, whitish color, like what happens on snowy Christmas day in old movies. (There is snow in Heaven, but it’s not cold, you have all the elements of weather, but the temperature is the same.) It was very beautiful resembling Paradise.

GOD really has Good Taste. The arrangements of the trees, flowers, grass was perfect: perfect blending of colors, arrangements, and size. I was caught up with this beautiful scene for awhile, and then I looked up to the auditorium. I saw it was very large for the mind of an ordinary human being to comprehend. The doors were very big and golden, they were shut for now. Then I saw The LORD JESUS CHRIST by the door.

Ever since I was born again, I have had many experiences, dreams, and visions of HIM. In HIS visits to me, HE appears in different forms, but the common one is a Handsome Young MAN, cloaked around with purest white robe, masculine, and sometimes HE is covered with pure light. You can’t even distinguish HIS Features! Wonderful LORD! Also when HE shows up The HOLY SPIRIT bears witness with your spirit with the art of intuition. With The HOLY SPIRIT you will never go wrong: my wonderful and only True FRIEND. So as The LORD stood there, the huge golden doors were thrown open, HE said to me: “You can enter.”

It was such a privilege to be told to enter into this Glorious Place by JESUS HIMSELF. What have I done to deserve such honor and privilege? As I went in, I felt as if there were other saints behind me, many, as we entered, I had the shock of my life! What I am going to say will be very difficult to understand. The structure seemed to go further than you can see and also it had very beautiful interior decorations, I then noticed something like homes or rather apartments within the structure. There was a large central rectangular pool in the middle. It was very beautiful with sparkling blue water! (Blue is one the major colors of Heaven, the Temple of GOD has a blue sky and ceiling inside.) I went around the pool and the structure to look at this incredible design. There are many other things I was shown there and heard while inside that structure, but I cannot say them. The LORD said, “Once you come to Heaven, you are allowed to go to any part of Heaven you like.” And HE continued, “Also there were other homes outside the structure.” The LORD told me “I took time and effort to put up all these beautiful glorious buildings, mansions, and homes.” HE said this as we were walking to the outside, that large structure contained my home in Heaven. I saw it, a very beautiful home. I was very blessed.

I stopped in front of The LORD. I sensed an urgency in my spirit about how soon HE will come. If not, why will HE show me all this? I was shaking my head with a great realization of this. So I said, “LORD, then we need to go and win more souls, and do nothing but win souls!” After this, I made a resolution not to do anything else but to win the lost and get ready for the Coming of The LORD!

The LORD is very Friendly and Patient. HE was just standing there looking at me and waiting for me to absorb this revelation. After I finished speaking, HE began to speak to me. I heard HIM say, “All the preparations and the homes of Heaven are complete, I am coming very quickly” (immediately, right away, combine these words, and then you will understand how soon HE will be coming. That’s how I felt in Heaven)!

I myself am a witness. I saw the houses and buildings which we will be staying in Heaven, complete, very beautiful, and well prepared. I saw no one building or preparing anything, but just waiting patiently for the bride to come home. In Heaven, you sense that feeling of expectation and the soon coming of CHRIST to earth. The LORD JESUS CHRIST took me to Heaven, so that I can come with an eye witness report to tell you Heaven is awaiting the bride and everything is complete.

As we were walking toward Paradise, I began to ask HIM many questions. WE talked a lot. HE also explained about the ministry of angels in our lives. You see I talk to HIM like any other human being with perfect ease except I know HE is The LORD.

Talking about Paradise, sometime later I was sitting in Paradise. WE were sitting under a large tree, on a freshly well-manicured grass. It was light green, extremely beautiful, and there were trees around. I remember touching the ground to see what the soil is made up of. It was multi-colored, something very precious that wasn’t found on the earth, but getting its properties from the Glory of GOD. From afar I could see the huge rainbow of GOD’s Throne. It’s very high and you can see it from every part of Heaven. There was a perfect blending of the grass, the trees, the soil, and the rainbow I saw from afar.

I felt very good. I knew where I was and it was the place I wanted to be in forever. I was with the late woman Pastor I know, Pastor Diana Simane, also with my cousin, my little nephew, an exclassmate, plus some people I know. Some kind of loved ones come together. We were discussing the Word, The Book of Isaiah, sharing turn after turn. GOD is a GOD of family. Even in Heaven, families are still important. Each family is part of the complete family system in Heaven. So get your loved one saved. JESUS loves them as HE does you. Also you will still learn new things, even read, and study the Word of GOD.

Then WE stood up and WE were walking in that perfect environment. Paradise is also a place where kids spend most of their time because I remember I was sometime caught up here with a little girl, light in complexion, beautiful, she was dressed in a little white gown. We were in a banquet. This part of Paradise was full of many exquisite yellow round flowers. The place was nothing but flowers, very bright and yellow. Even the atmosphere was yellowish, it was exhilarating light. There was a place where there were concentrations of intense yellowish light and flowers. The little girl was playing with me, climbing on my back, I was rolling on the ground and it was just an experience, I felt so much attached to her and my soul loved her exceedingly. After I concluded my tour with JESUS, HE escorted me to my home on the earth. I found myself opening my eyes on my bed. I am just giving the main points, not everything I saw and heard in Heaven. Maranatha, HE is coming right away!


Coordinating Scriptures


Ezekiel 28:13: Thou hast been in Eden the Garden of GOD; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.


John 14:2: In MY FATHER's House are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.


Revelation 1:13: And in the midst

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