» Religion » Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Othusitse Mmusi [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗

Book online «Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Othusitse Mmusi [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗». Author Othusitse Mmusi

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things like the saints walking about. This strengthened my thoughts and that I had come to stay permanently, I could feel security, peace, love, and joy…so much amazement, sense of wonder at what was before my eyes!

I went about a long time, observing. I met saints there, but as I continued, I learned that I had come to make another visit into the Kingdom. You can take your wildest dreams, best thoughts about Heaven and it cannot come close to what I saw there. You multiply the happiest, most joyful moments of your life times a million times, and you will have an idea of the joy, peace, and love there. It is beyond human reasoning: you will explode if you are in the natural.

I once saw mansions and houses: it was revealed to me: “There are people who have wonderful houses.” These houses are made up of reddish, yellowish, goldish light and very exquisite, of a very solid of substance. “These are for last minute converts and also for those who did not put much effort in their salvation until they died.” And then: “There are huge exquisite mansions, much bigger and more beautiful than the houses.” I talked about. “These mansions are for those who served GOD on the earth: the faithful and the obedient.” You are situated on the streets of people of the same category, according to your relationship with GOD.

There are those whose mansions are closer to the Central Throne. Heaven has different levels, locations, and definite places. Everyone there feels he or she is the nearest to JESUS CHRIST. I am just giving you a summary of this. Some of the things The LORD removed them from my mind: I felt light-minded, weightless for The LORD took me there in my transformed body to foretaste the bliss HE has in store for us.

I have already lived the day of rapture (though I don’t know which day it will be). I know how it will all happen, and also how we will leave this planet to go to our permanent abode: Heaven. This was a unique encounter, and it actually happened, but I don’t know how GOD did it: combining the vision of the rapture and the Heaven visit. While there, I could feel, think, communicate, and do like I always do here on earth. I could see very clearly with my eyes. My senses were much keener and greatly enhanced. I literally went to Heaven, and it was so vivid and so very real. Then I opened my eyes, and I felt the Mighty Presence of GOD, that I always feel when I have come from Heaven or when I have been with The LORD JESUS CHRIST or had a major encounter! My body is just wrapped with a thick blanket of GOD’s Presence. You cannot be the same again after experiencing what I have gone through. You would change dramatically. Maranatha! Let him who hears say, “Come LORD JESUS!”



My Vision of Heaven [Thursday, March 21, 2013]


Then I saw an open vision before my eyes, it looked like a cycle or an opening then it was slowly growing big. I was then engulfed into the vision; I saw a beautiful stream of water, all around. I saw grass and the most-green nature: it was pure and I got excited.

In a conversation with The LORD: I was asking The LORD how soon will HE come for us and when are we going to Heaven? I am here on earth, standing on my two feet and the curtain of time is momentarily torn as I am using GOD’s lenses of Eternity. Then, suddenly in the Eastern Skies, I see a big rainbow from one part of the horizon to the other. I can see that it is wide and big with multiple hues and shades of colors: Heavenly colors. I am in a state of total amazement and wonder!

I notice that it’s a supernatural rainbow and it’s similar like what I saw at the Throne of GOD. As I am still shocked by this, I noticed at the bottom, there is too much concentration of color. The golden light of GOD’s Glory shines through it and I can also see the goldish smoke billowing out. I see a landscape of Heaven and then I am given a glance at a set of exquisite mansions: four or five of them. I am looking at their front view and they are well-stationed, and perfectly aligned. The scene is clearly of Heaven. It’s like a sunrise, only far better. I can clearly see their outlines, but all around about is this magnificent intense light, smoke, and Glory: the most beautiful scene I have ever seen! I shout, “I can see Heaven inside the rainbow.” I am very excited and I sense GOD’s presence. I also feel joy unspeakable. I feel I am about to be lifted up any moment towards Heaven. I lift my hands up and say, “LORD, you can take me NOW! I am ready to go!” I start singing songs and I am waiting in strong anticipation, expectation, and I feel the rapture will take place any moment! Then the vision fades away!!



My Visit to Heaven [Thursday, March 28, 2013]


I was walking in a vision with the brethren; suddenly, we saw two bright figures in the sky. I noticed there were two moons, but as we continued looking, the moons began to multiply, and some were shining brightly, some were not that bright. First we counted them and there were seven in total. The second time, there were twelve and I was just amazed. In some past visions in 2012, The LORD had been showing me multiple moons in the sky. I know something will happen soon in the sky.

Also The LORD had me meet the angels that were serving in the ministry of the Apostle Paul, Simon Peter, James, and John the Elder. I don’t know why HE showed me only theirs, but in this ministry the angels were very big and to me they looked like archangels. I could easily discern that they served in the lives of those great men. Then GOD gave me a revelation: “When a believer matures in the things of GOD, and corporate well, their angels have the ability to take form, personality, and characteristics similar to that of the believer to the point whereby a mere look at the angel, can make one know who they served or serve in ministry.” No wonder why, when the church was interceding for the release of Peter, and when he knocked at the door, the damsel ran and told them it’s Peter. They did not believe it’s him, but rather his angel. That shows that it was a common phenomena in the Bible for angels to appear like people they served in ministry.


Acts 12:13: And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a damsel came to hearken, named Rhoda. And when she knew Peter's voice, she opened not the gate for gladness, but ran in, and told how Peter stood before the gate. And they said unto her, Thou art mad. But she constantly affirmed that it was even so. Then said they, It is his angel.


Also The LORD gave me a glimpse of Heaven and talked to me about important things, but they are hidden counsels of GOD. Maranatha!!



My Vision of Heaven [Friday, April 12, 2013]


As I was praying, The LORD said to me, “I am going to show you something later.” I was just missing the angels of GOD and Heaven so much. I felt just a yearning in my spirit to go home soon. Saints of GOD if you can have a taste of the Heaven, you will not want to live without it. GOD and HIS angels really exist!!

Then in visions, many of the angels of GOD came to me: I saw them coming in, girded with golden robes to the feet. Also they were all wrapped with a soft, golden glow, very beautiful, and glorious as usually, they came to do something with me!

After that as I was in my room, I heard a Big Majestic, Authoritative Audible Voice from Heaven, the Voice that thunders. At that time, I did not know if it was JESUS or GOD, The FATHER. That Voice was Big and made me afraid. I heard every Word and I saw the curtains splitting asunder as an effect of it, as if a strong wind blew between them. While still thinking to hide or run, I see JESUS walking in and HE closed the curtains that were opened up. Then I got the revelation that the Voice that spoke was from The FATHER in Heaven. JESUS came to the side of my bed. As I sat up, knelt down, JESUS held my hands and HE prayed for me, it was in a language I did not understand.

As JESUS disappeared, I saw another individual where he was like an angel. The LORD then gave me a beautiful scene of Heaven. It was glorious, big as usual. Many things were happening. Ever since my recent major visit to Heaven, GOD gives me glimpses whenever I need them with GOD‘s Lenses of Eternity. I can look up and see into Heaven. The LORD was just doing me favors, because at times, I just weep when I miss Heaven so much. I feel like I was about to explode. It was just so powerful. You cannot see Heaven and remain the same!!



My Visit to Heaven [Friday, April 12, 2013]


As I was on my bed, I began to sense my spirit getting torn from my body. The LORD first took me into multiple visions and I was switching between different realms of the Spirit world rapidly. As The LORD was taking me, there was a point I felt slipping towards Hell. I screamed, “GOD no!” because I didn’t want to visit that place again. Then HE brought me back to my body! I could see my room very clearly, I felt my heart stop, but I was not afraid. I am used to these experiences!

Then I left my body, I came to a big temple, I saw inside, on the left side and I caught a glimpse of an Immeasurable BEING Seated on a Throne Chair, with the whitest purest robe, The floor was crystal clear, like the sea of glass or the crystal sea and just so beautiful, the walls were transparent as well, beautiful ornaments inside the temple. When I looked down, I saw my total reflection or full image, I had a white robe, and I felt so much holy fear and awe come on me. I have seen GOD, The FATHER before in visions, but this time it was too much, just a glance of HIM will shake you up, as soon as I got afraid, I came into my body!

A few seconds later, as I laid on my bed, pondering about this, I began to feel my heart beat slowly and stop! My spiritual eyes got opened and I could see the room clearly in “The Spiritual.” Immediately, my spirit was severed from my body. I felt a total disconnection from my body and I then asked myself, “Am I ready to see The LORD?” “Am I ready for Heaven?” “LORD, I repent of any sin that can make me fail to enter Heaven.”

I began to ascend higher, slowly and gently as I reached the ceiling, I come back into my body. It happened four times and then I prayed, “GOD, please at least let me see my angel.” As I came to rest by my body, still in the spirit, I looked towards the door. I saw a white light coming and immediately, I knew it was him—it was a supernatural being! I saw him walking into the room. He comes right up to me! I saw that he is masculine and covered with

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