» Religion » Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Othusitse Mmusi [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗

Book online «Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Othusitse Mmusi [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗». Author Othusitse Mmusi

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form of winds. I saw the storm falling upon the demonic cows, overpowering them. The cows disappeared, and it’s like they were dissolved in the wind. I could see this clearly with my eyes, and I was thinking to myself, “Wow, look at this!” I was made to understand that whene er a true saint goes through a ‘situation’ there are always angels to offer assistance, but that saint has to make a decision with their own freewill, that is aligned with GOD’s Will for the angels to help them. Angels never move outside of GOD’s Will, neither do they violate man’s freewill, even if he wants to go back to sin!




My Visit to Heaven [Sunday, April 28, 2013]


I was walking in a vision with one of my brethren, and then we came unto a very peaceful garden in the Kingdom of GOD. I saw the River of Life passing through the garden, I could see fruit trees and nature, some trees were very tall and large, it was peaceful, calm and I knew where we were: in the garden of Heaven. There was the Tree of Life amongst the trees of the garden, the fruit trees were loaded with all sorts and manner of exquisite fruits: different shapes some like fruits on earth, and others something you have never seen. Some fruits looked like large pears. Our Escort told us to get any fruit we wanted, and I first picked a fruit that was shaped like a banana. It was yellow in color, I began to eat it, and it was so sweet and delicious. I could see people partaking of other fruits as well, and then there was a tall tree with fruits. I aimed at the green fruit that was high on it, it was so delicious, sweet, juicy, and I knew by revelation the results from partaking it, all this fruits imparted different components of spiritual life to a believer. You couldn’t possibly be the same after eating this fruits. When I picked a fruit, immediately there was small little fruits growing up, to become the next fruit, that way there is sufficient supply for all the saints and angels for eternity, I remember saying, “I will never be the same after eating this fruits in the Paradise of GOD, it was so awesome!,”

The LORD has told me many times that there is more than enough supply of food in Heaven.



My Visit to Heaven [Wednesday, May 22, 2013]


I saw an incredible scene before my eyes. It looked like a huge place with a lawn and some type of a ‘golf’ park. I could see that it was very green, full of life and vigor, well-manicured, but then I noticed many rainbow pieces of some sort with lights all over that place and it appeared to be well-lit and dazzling. It was so beautiful, it was like multi-colored light and gold dust particles. It glittered like precious diamonds. I could see gleams of reds and yellows in the midst of the grass, putting out multiple hues. It was so extra-ordinarily beautiful, no word to describe it. Then JESUS told me, “It’s a park of Heaven.” Also HE told me” there is a high fence around it with several gates and you will be coming back to see it in detail.” JESUS continued to tell me, “You will write a book and it will have details about mansions and many things in Heaven, then to send it to MY people.”

I was told, “The LORD JESUS has many Seats or Thrones in Heaven and one of HIS Seats is located at the Major Throne of GOD The FATHER in the middle of the New Jerusalem, the capital city of Heaven. HE has HIS Seat on the Throne Platform next to HIS FATHER.” Then, I heard something that is really disturbing. In Heaven I was told: “Many people in their anger have spoken many hard things against GOD The FATHER and The LORD JESUS. How can HE begin to bless them?” I saw people in the church and some leaders, worship leaders, or choir directors and other people. Now this people need to ‘forgive’ GOD for not answering their prayers at the time they wanted. GOD is not pleased with this. It’s not that GOD needs our forgiveness; it’s for our good, so that HE can begin to bless us or we won’t get blessed or move forward.

I heard The FATHER speak to me, “Continue with the ministry entrusted to you,” I was back on earth in my bed and after some time, I heard The LORD JESUS say, “Come up hither, come up hither MY son.”…Then I heard GOD The FATHER say, “You are not only visiting The FATHER, but you are visiting GOD The SON!” Notice how The GODHEAD talk and interact with us.



My Visit to Heaven [Thursday, May 23, 2013]


As I was busy cleaning the house, The HOLY SPIRIT began to speak to me and HE told me: “I want to show me something later.” HE gave me this message through the gift of the word of wisdom.

The LORD took me into a vision and as I looked over the sky, I saw the biggest rainbow spreading over the Heavens. It was from the east to the west. It had glorious colors, multiple shades of reds, golds, and other Heavenly colors. It was huge and it almost covered the entire sky. I could see it clearly and vividly with my spiritual eyes. I was very startled and I was just asking myself the meaning of all this and what will happen next.

I saw myself, some of my friends, and many people excited that rapture will happen and we will be going home soon. Immediately, I was caught up in Heaven and there were multitudes of saints assembled before a great building. There were people in the purest white from all tribes, tongues, and nations of the earth. I saw the angels of GOD amongst us and I remember looking at them. About seven of them were just few meters from me and they looked like handsome young men in the purest white. They were beautiful creatures of GOD, and many saints were assembling here. There was so much noise and joy that was in the atmosphere. Then, I saw The LORD JESUS in our midst. HE looked tall, in purest white, and very glorious. You could see that it is The LORD. HE was welcoming every individual person, and I noticed that the great soul winners were coming at last. I saw the LORD looking for them as if HE longed to see them. When they finally arrived, I and the LORD went to them. I saw men mostly amongst that group and they were in pure, bright garments with smiles and joy radiating from their faces. I saw JESUS smile and we began to talk and laugh with them. I was just wandering why they came at last and then JESUS began to tell them some other things.

 The great multitude was complete now. We had to go into the inner Heaven, as they began to walk to where we were suppose to go, I began talking with my friends. I told them I wanted to show them something that I saw in my previous visits to Heaven. We took another route so that I could show them a special pond, then as we did, the vision fled away. The LORD also showed me some other things (visions) and spoke with me. Maranatha!



My Visit to Heaven [Friday, June 07, 2013]


As I looked up, I saw a giant glittering star in the Heavens. I saw it move as if it is making a Uturn then disappeared. I began to ask the LORD and I told HIM to speak to me audibly from Heaven, and I said, “LORD, what are you saying to us?”

Then I felt my spirit began to lift off my body, and I just yielded to The SPIRIT of GOD as I went through the ceiling of the house, my spirit got distracted and came back. After some moments, I felt my spirit float above my body again. I was now moving rapidly into the sky, faster than any rocket of the earth. The next thing, I was deep in space with millions of stars and it was so fast. I could see pictures pass me by like the pictures in space captured by scientists. I could see many galaxies and just an uncountable number of stars…

Then, I saw the crystals of Heaven all around, so many of them. Pure, bright, and clean: just floating everywhere. I knew I was now entering the celestial air around Heaven. I then saw three shaped leaves, just extremely green and beautiful and many of them all around. I could see the rays of a massive, white light behind them. Then a Great Voice from within Heaven said, “Ask, and it shall be given unto you.” The leaves cleared up and I flew right into the light, the huge gate of Heaven opened up and I Flew into Heaven, and then went into the City. I first arrived into a section where the saints were resting. These are people who were in purest white: both masculine and feminine beings and some were sitting in chairs, some talking, some doing light work, but I could feel they have entered into rest.

I saw few angels in this section, and then I saw The HOLY SPIRIT in the form of a person, and I could hear HIS Voice clearly and see HIS Form vividly. HE was explaining some things to me, then I saw a feminine being, and her face was golden, lit with light. I saw she was robed in a golden, beautiful robe and her hair long, flowing, and appeared to be blowing a bit by the Heavenly breeze. There is just beauty that is out of this world and as I was there, a Voice said to me, “The City wall is of jasper, the gates of a pearl.” I went and climbed onto of a tall table, so that I could see the distant parts of the City, and I could hear a great amount of activity and noise in many parts of the City.

As I was there, the LORD gave a rebuke to the women in the church. The LORD said, “Any woman who dresses in an immoral way will not enter MY Kingdom.” This includes clothes/dressing which exposes your body or shape as a woman, showing of breasts, cleavages, revealing sensitive body parts, men are not excluded, any worldly dressing is not permitted. Dress to glorify JESUS and HIS Name, wear in a modest way. 


Matthew 5:28: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.


If a woman wears in such a way that causes men to lust at her, she falls into double condemnation, for causing another soul to sin. As I stood there with The HOLY SPIRIT and the Heavenly beings, I asked them, “This visit to Heaven, is it for me only: personal or to document it?” They gave me a startling answer: the golden woman said to me, “It’s never about you!” I understood they meant these experiences were given for the benefit of many people. I also was shown some things in the City, as I was about to leave Heaven. I knew I had one request to make, I thought, “I should I ask them to show me Gabriel or Michael?” Then, I changed my mind, “Let me see JESUS please!” That was my request. When I looked behind me, I saw one Sister from the earth, who has been requesting to go to Heaven with me.

I saw another lady, coming towards us, she was holding a child in her hand and the child was so eager to see JESUS. I was

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