» Religion » Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Othusitse Mmusi [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗

Book online «Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Othusitse Mmusi [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗». Author Othusitse Mmusi

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soft white light.

I saw that he had words written around across his shoulder. It was written: ‘BOTSWANA’ in bold. Amongst other things, I noticed that his ministry is associated with me and my work in Botswana. I felt a cry, an inner confirmation inside my spirit. I heard The HOLY SPIRIT say, “He is your angel.” I began to cry at this realization! The LORD has shown me many angels that work and serve in my life. This one serves in my ministry on a national scale.

As I was on my bed, I saw white beings; many of them were coming towards me. I was trying to look clearly to see who they were and I heard a Voice Speaking to me, telling me who they were. The next ‘minute,’ I found myself flying out of a big apartment in Heaven. I don’t know how I got there so fast, as I flew to the outside towards the west.

I saw huge forests of trees, vegetation, nature, plants, and grass, etc. I saw big trees, like I have ne er seen before. It’s as if they go up as high as a kilometer on the skyline, also with big trunks. The scene was so beautiful: I was flying like a bird in between them. It was animal paradise, vast endless jungles where thousands of animal species live and where vegetation is real and alive. There is so much green and you know its Heaven.

Then as I looked, a distance from me towards the Southern region, I saw white color, all over, the moment I thought about it. I was there, the topography was covered with extreme white snow, but it was not cold. I saw that the snow covered the hills, mountains, and such a beautiful landscape of Heaven, and then The LORD took me to an exquisite place. I could see tiny little crystals, floating in the air! They were flying about from one part of Heaven to the other. Then In the west, at the direction of the Capital City, the New Jerusalem where GOD’s Throne is located (when you are on the eastern regions of Paradise), I could see an intense beautiful light. The concentration of it gave an incredible and tremendous glory that was shining all about. The golden light of GOD’s Presence was just e erywhere and it then changes and brings many beautiful colors. The trees have many colors, such as yellow, reds, and bright colors. It looked like autumn colors, except that it is not autumn colors. It is their real color and the trees of Heaven never shed their leaves.

The scene and themes of Heaven are always changing. One part is snowy, extremely white all over, the other part it’s extremely green, the other part pure tiny crystals are flying e erywhere making it look like a pure glassy environment, the other part it looks like water falling from the sky, and then the other part is like sunrise, with reddish, golden color. The Throne of GOD spreads its light all over Heaven, and the next minute the colors change! It’s like the colors automatically adjust and all this is in harmony and perfect blending of combination of colors with not even a single mistake or error. I was just amazed and I spent a long time there, flying and observing. It was alive, real and I could see it more real than the physical world. Heaven is the most clean, pure, gorgeous place I have ever seen in my life. At times, I was moving at the ‘speed of thought’ to different parts of the Heavenly Kingdom. I was communicating with The LORD by projecting my thoughts to HIM and HE was responding instantly. Things were moving at the speed of thought, and when I thought about a particular place, I was there immediately. When I thought about something it appeared instantly. There is no difference between your thought and action! When you think something, it becomes an action! That’s how real and fast it was. The joy, peace, and love I felt was too much. I did not want to come back and the moment I thought that. I came right into my room, and then into my body.

There are something I saw that I cannot describe them. This is just the summary: there is no word sufficiently to describe that place. I was then bathed in pure waves of HIS Presence, and still on me now, a thick blanket of HIS Glory. I feel we will be leaving soon, so GOD just took me there, to remind you that Heaven is ready and waiting… Maranatha!!



My Visit to Heaven [Sunday, April 21, 2013]


I was going through a situation that GOD had permitted me to go through. I felt it was just too much. What can be done to ease out the pain? First, I got a Word of Wisdom that ‘something was going to happen later,’ and as I was praying, I heard the LORD say to me, “I want to show you something later.” HE said it twice, and then I said, “Okay.” Then around 11pm, I was still busy sharing the Word in Facebook and the LORD said, “I want to show you something,” and then I got ready.

Then in the morning, I was looking at the sky and I saw a big bright star moving in the sky. Then it made a U-turn and it disappeared! I was just on my bed, and all of a sudden I was caught up by The SPIRIT of GOD. When I looked, I saw a tunnel of reddish light and when I saw it immediately I was traveling in it!

I said to myself, “Oh boy, it has started again.” I was mo ing in it at an amazing speed. I knew I was en route to Heaven. Just like my two recent trips there, I was switching into a realm where there is no time. I passed different components of the Spirit-world and I then came right into Heaven and I flew so rapidly over Paradise. I did not have time to observe. I went straight towards the Capital City of Heaven, the New Jerusalem and I saw a big and high wall of the magnificent city. Immediately, I was coming towards a certain gate and I saw a scripture: Revelation 21:27: And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in The LAMB's Book of Life. It was written before my eyes before I got in, The LORD was telling me about what manner of person will enter Heaven!!

Then, when I entered through that pearly gate, I was so shocked and stunned. I saw that it was huge from within and I could see this because I was flying over, but now in slow motion. I saw houses, mansions and other exquisite buildings, some looked like tall skyscrapers of all kinds. Just going on the skyline of Heaven, some like broad and huge transparent buildings, you can see through them, most buildings were mixed with light.

I don’t know how to explain it, but I could see light emanating from window frames and the glass part of the buildings. It was getting more amazing and I saw lights everywhere. Then, I saw other sets of big mansions. They looked like ancient castle mansions for kings and they looked different from the transparent ‘skyscrapers.’ They were three stories and they had a foyer, a well-manicured grass around it and it was so huge. I said to myself, “Look at that!”

I was so thrilled, I then saw other things, after some time I left Heaven and was dropped in a forest next to an African city. I knew where I was, I was not afraid, I was in The Spirit. I saw cows all around, where I was and to my shock it looked like they could see me, I could see by their reactions.

Then on a road I saw a pregnant lady and a young man. I came to them as they were heavily engaged in a discussion and I wanted to tell them my opinion. I put my hands on them and was speaking, but they continued talking as if they could not see me. I tried so hard to grab their attention, I even stood in front of them, it’s like they were ignoring me, after some time I made a quick return to my body.

Then the LORD began to show me, many people who have different opinions to my experiences, encounters, and my Ministry in Face book. I was amazed by their true motives, then I am thinking to myself, ‘If only they knew, my GOD truly Lives and Exists. They will not think what they are thinking now.” And the more people talk, the MORE GOD keeps on doing it. If you serve JESUS of NAZARETH then somebody will have to talk and see you as controversial. It’s a sign that you are making a huge impact and the devil is extremely mad about it! Then I felt in my body as if it basked before the Great Presence of GOD and I felt that Tangible Fire of GOD on my body, the Thick Blanket of HIS Glory! Maranatha!!



The LAMB’s Book of Life [Thursday, April 25, 2013]


I was just on my bed and suddenly, I saw The LAMB’s Book of Life opening before my eyes. I could see many numerous names written there, but I could not make up who they belonged to or who the owners were. It is like the pages were being flipped page by page! I was made to understand that, “There are twelve gates in the New Jerusalem. Then there is an angel at each gate.” When HE mentioned the angels, I could see them. To me they looked so kind and I felt the same way I always feel when I see angels visiting me. It’s hard to explain the feeling!

Anyway I was also made to understand: “There is a Book of Life at every gate, so whichever gate you use, you will find the Book at the entrance of the city, whether you use the Judean gate, Benjamite gate, or Manassean Gate, etc!” In other words, “There are twelve gates, twelve angels, and twelve books within the city wall.” The other part The LORD made me know, “New names are written on the Book everyday as people get saved and also other names are getting removed daily as people backslide or go back to living in sin! So there are always changes made to the Book, so someone will get raptured or make it into Heaven when his name is found in the Book at that time. This is the LAMB’s Book of Life.”

Then The LORD gave me another vision: HE was showing me what happens in The Spirit, when one goes through a challenge, a situation, or a temptation! I saw an open space, some sort of a valley, I then saw myself walking from the north and then I saw a challenge. It looked like a ‘human’ figure, and it was walking surrounded by black cows. They looked like many but then they could be counted. GOD made me know that these are demonic beings, and also that in every temptation or challenge demons are always involved whether directly or indirectly. As they were approaching me, I heard the Vision Voice Speak to my right ear saying, "The angels want you to know, there are many more with you than those against you."

Then from behind me I saw a white beautiful wind and it looked like a great whirlwind or storm. I could notice beings that were transparent, just incredible and beautiful within the wind, and it was becoming bigger and beginning to occupy more space and the force field around me. The LORD made me know these are angels in the

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