» Religion » The Works of John Bunyan, vol 3, John Bunyan [ebook reader color screen TXT] 📗

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formerly printed, where the printer hath not failed to make it so, and also in the manuscripts, forepart, a guide-word to the same word under which I have drawn a black line, in as many folios as opportunity and time would permit me to do, because I had not time and convenience before this folio was printed to mark the manuscripts for to be a black-lettered word, as I had time for the formerly printed books.[11] Also note, the book, though marked, doth not always refer to the table, but the table to the book, is the intent; and because the word in the book doth not always, though very often, fall in alphabetical order, therefore some other like word is put in its place in the table.

Also note, sometimes many principal words are in one paragraph, and then, though the matter be not to be found in the table by the word, that some perhaps may expect, yet it may be found by another word, because several words are so united that one cannot well part them; and it would be too large a table to put them all in severally in alphabetical order—as soul, sinner, saved, salvation, justification, Christ, God, &c.

Also note. When to the table-phrase more than one number is placed, then expect not that the same black-letter word is always to be found in the book to the last number, as is to the first number, but it may be some other black or marked word of like meaning; as for antichrist the black-lettered word in some places is harlot, and for apostles the black-letter word sometimes is twelve, because the word apostle is not in that part of the folio, though intended by twelve.

Also note. The phrase in the table is not always the very same, word for word, in the book, because the design of the table is to give matter in short saying, as well as most commonly a complete sentence; and, therefore, they that would have Mr. Bunyan’s entire, complete, and full sense of the matter, let them look out of the table into the book, and there take all its connection together.

Also, I have to keep the table as short as I well could; and yet, to direct well to the matter in the book, placed one part of the matter under one word, in alphabetical order, and another part of the same matter in another following paragraph, under another word in the table; so that, by finding one word in the table, you may often find in the same paragraph, in the book, before or after that word, other matter thereto relating.[12]

I had but about two years’ acquaintance with our author, and, therefore, have said but little of him, because of hastening this to the press; yet if any more comes to my memory, I intend to put it at the end of the index.

Your Christian brother,

C. D.


1. Difficulties as to copyright prevented this second volume from being published.—See EDITOR’S PREFACE.

2. A good copy of this rare volume with the wood-cuts, having the reverse blank, in the editor’s possession, and a fine copy, without the cuts, at Mr. Pickering’s, agree as to the date of 1680. It is misplaced in this chronological table; but the date shows that it was not intended as a third part of the Pilgrim’s Progress; the second part of which was not published for four years after the life of Badman.—Ed.

3. These MSS., although diligently sought, cannot be found.

4. This was published in a separate pocket volume by C. Doe, 1698.

5. Published from Mr. Bunyan’s MS, 1765.

6. As doth appear by his book of his conversion, intitled, Grace Abounding, &c.

7. As in his book intitled, Grace Abounding, s. 319.

8. As he says in his Epistle to his Confession of Faith.

9. Alluding to the portrait published as a frontispiece to the folio volume, 1692.—Ed.

10. The Index accompanying the first folio.—Ed.

11. This is as originally printed. Mr. Doe means, he had not time to mark in the manuscript such words as the printer should put in black-letter.—Ed.

12. The table to which Charles Doe here refers is only to twenty of Mr. Bunyan’s books. It is diffuse, and badly arranged. The Index given with this first complete edition of all the admirable works of our great pilgrim forefather, is entirely new. It is the result of a careful reading of every treatise, extracting a notice of such tings as the editor conceived to be most deeply interesting.

These extracts were then arranged, in order to furnish a useful index to all the works of Bunyan. It has been attended with very great labour, and some delay to the publication; but no sacrifice is too great, in order to render Bunyan’s works as complete as possible.



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