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begging for mercy and asking for forgiveness. We arrived at a place where a woman was acting like she was reading the Word of God, and preaching about John 3:16. She said: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” I asked the Lord, “Why is this woman here if she can remember what she preached about and she gave the gospel message? Why is she in this place?” He answered and said, “Because she could never forgive her husband; she never managed to forgive her husband.”

(Matthew 6:14-15 For if you forgive men when they sin against you,your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.) I asked: “Lord is it so easy is to lose salvation?” That woman had been shepherding an evangelical church for 35 years. In that moment, her life was passing before her eyes, and she saw that she could never forgive her husband. Now she is begging for one more chance to forgive her husband. But I want to tell you, if you have
problems with your husband or your wife, forgiveness is for today! Today is when you have to call him or her and say: “Forgive me or I forgive you for what you have done to me. Come to an agreement! 

(Matthew 5:25 Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still with him on the way, or he may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison).

If Jesus calls you to His presence today, where would you go? The Word of God says: Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. If you are one of those who cries in the presence of the Lord, who cries in the presence of the Holy Ghost, you are still under the grace and mercy of the Lord. But if you feel that you can not cry any more in the presence of the Lord, if you feel that you can not pray anymore, if you have left behind your prayer life, let me tell you that you are under great danger. You know, forgiveness is something special, and that woman never forgave. After 35 years, she had been shepherding a church and just in one second of her life she lost everything! Meditate today! React today!

How are you living your life? How do you want to spend eternity? I have a biological brother that says: “The day that I die, I will go to Hell and let the demons poke me with the coals, and I will help the demons to poke the coals in the fire.” But let me tell you that the judgment of the Lord has come upon him. While I am recording this message he is lying down with AIDS in his body, and is now begging God for a chance. He turned his heart to the Lord and converted because he does not think the same way anymore. Now he does not want to go that place of torment. 

Now, he doesn’t find it easy to open his mouth and say that he will let the demons poke him with the coals. It is not the same to say I want to go there and be tormented, than to really be in that place of torment. Because of the mercy of God, my brother has accepted Jesus as the savior of his life. But I want to tell you something and
listen to me carefully. My brother had the chance because that illness was progressing in his life. But how or when are you going to die? Will you have another opportunity besides this moment to ask the Lord to forgive you or will you die instantly without time to ask the Lord for forgiveness? Please meditate in this moment! How long your life will last?

We continued walking and arrived at a summit, where there were a group of men that called themselves “Evangelical Christians.” In the neighborhood where they lived, there was a man who had been an alcoholic, but had converted to Jesus Christ, and one day his wife got severely ill. He began to knock door by door, until he arrived at those “brothers” and said to one of them, “My wife is very sick. I need you to lend me some money to take her to the hospital.” And that man told him, “That is what you say! No! We do not have money here!” And he went to the house of the other and also told him, “I do not have money! I need money!” And so on he went from door to door of those brothers asking for money for transportation to take his wife to the hospital. But none of them gave him anything, and the man’s wife died.

Then, they called themselves “brothers” and they said: “Did you see brother? That lesson we taught that alcoholic? He wanted the money to go to the bars and drink liquor, but he wouldn’t get me with that! I know what he really wanted was to drink alcohol, but I didn’t give him a single penny! Then the other “brother” also started to tell the story of how the man came to him and so on until all of them told the story. But the saddest part is when one of them begins to burn in fire and flames and begins to give big and horrifying shouts of pain, and he begins to regret and moan all the bad things that he did on the earth, and he continually says, “Lord! Why couldn’t my unrepentant heart see the evil I was doing in my life?”

But the Bible says clearly that the sons of God are those who are guided by the Spirit of God (Romans 8:14 because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.) When this happened, all the rest of them began to burn in fire and flames, and they began to cry and regret and remember that day in which that man came and knocked their doors, they began to remember that moment when this man came and asked them a favor.

I don’t know if one day you will arrive at Hell and remember that you once read this testimony or that one day you were told that you would give account to the Lord for your life. Maybe you were told not to pay evil for evil, and you listened to the gospel of Jesus, and did not want to repent! That day would be the saddest day of your life! Those bodies were burning in flames, but were tied with a rope. The bodies were a dark gray color. They couldn’t do anything but regret, moan and shout in pain and terror because the pain was unbearable. Their flesh almost melted and fell from their bodies; their skin fell from the bodies until they were just darkish-grey colored bones. I want to tell you that this pain and torment is permanent; there is a torment that has no end, it never ends. All these people remember how much evil they had in their hearts. Listen to this! This is not a movie! This is not an invention or a fairy tale. This is something that really happened! This is something that
happened in my life!

Please listen to me carefully. I was an Evangelical Christian. I converted to Jesus; I prayed for the sick and God healed them, I prayed for the lame and God raised them up. I cast out demons and spoke in new tongues, but in my life had entered a spirit of pride that made me see my pastor spiritually inferior to me. In some occasions, people went to church for my pastor to pray for healing. When nothing happened, they came the next day for me to pray for them. I came to them and just gave the word, and God honored the words that I said. But I began to think that it was me, that I was the one that was causing the work of God. In my pride, I thought that I was someone. In my own understanding, I was a super-gifted man or someone special. I could not understand that it was the mercy of God that was in my life, until I arrived at the place and God told me, “I am not the God of people with pride in their hearts.” Then, I could understand that many of us stand in an altar full of pride and vainglory. Many, who the Lord allows to sing praises to Him with beautiful voices, begin to be full of pride.

How many people who preach the word of God, and are used by Him begin to think that they are overly important? How many of those that God has given the gift of deliverance get full of pride, and begin to think that they are someone important? I want to tell you that God is looking at every single step that you give, every single move that you make. God is listening to you and knows your heart. I want to tell those of you who are reading this testimony, if you have vainglory, pride, or arrogance in your heart, if you see your brother or pastor with disdain, please repent of your sins in this hour! It is much better to be humiliated before the men, than be humiliated in the presence of the Lord.

You know I wish that one day for a moment, just for a moment, you that read this testimony could see this place. I wish, that for a moment, you could hear those moans, groans, and cries that were so horrifying, that fill the soul with terror. Those cries that can reach the deepest parts of anyone’s heart. Those shouts that cry, “Lord! Have mercy on me! Lord! Take me out of this place! Lord! Stretch out your hand and take me out of this place of torment!” That is the moment in the life of a person when they begin to remembereverything. If you knew how sad it is to be in that place forever! Do you realize how much pain will be in your life in that moment or how sad it will be for you to arrive to that place?

We continued walking, and arrived at a place, a kind of foyer we could call it. A being came and shouted. When he shouted, all the demons presented themselves before him. Two very beautiful women were presented also. They had the task on earth of destroying ministries and to rise against pastors and ministries. In some occasions you may see that a young, very attractive woman tries to get close to a minister of God to make him fall into sin. That is the goal. The devil has entrusted those demons. That is the goal!

You who serve in the altar of God, who take part in church meetings, who minister to God in praises and worship, singing to the Lord. You guitar players, piano players, and drummers understand my words. Satan wants to destroy your life. If he has to use your father, your mother, your brother, your pastor, your brother in the congregation he will use them. All those who do not have a repentant heart before the Lord or walk close to Him, can be an instrument in the hands of the devil at any moment.

These women go out over the whole earth, but they do not go to the bars or to the canteens. They go exactly and directly to the churches. In the same way there are demons playing men, dressed like men, that go directly to the churches to confuse the young ladies and even to the married women. By doing this, they destroy
many lives, but they are sent by satan with a spirit of demons to destroy the work of the Lord.

In that place there is also a man that blasphemed against the Spirit of the Lord; that man is standing there asking for forgiveness and for mercy. I want to tell you that every moment, worms of fire come out of his mouth, eyes and ears. He tries to take them out with his hands, but the more he takes them out the more come out. More and more worms of fire run around his body. Like it is written in Mark 9:44, “If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than to go into Hell with two hands, where
the fire never goes out.” This man shouted in

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