» Religion » I AM COMING! Volume 4, Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck [classic books to read .TXT] 📗

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nothing more to it.

I will not stress over people who crave sin. I will not force MY children to love ME. I am GOD. I do not need to run after you. I never have to run after you; you should be running to ME! Am I not the GOD WHO created heaven and earth? Am I not the one that cast satan to hell for trying to overpower ME? Did I not cast the world in motion? How dare you, world think that it is alright to follow other gods. I am the ALMIGHTY! I am ALL IN ALL. I am all MIGHT, I am ALL POWER, I am A CONSUMING FIRE, and if you do not run to ME now, while you still have MY Grace period then I will make you pay for it. I do not approve of disobedience.

No, I do not take disobedience lightly. No! If you want to live apart from ME, then do it. However that will mean that you are following your master the devil and I will cast you down to hell. You will not even smell MY Holy Kingdom created for those who love ME, MY SON, and MY HOLY SPIRIT. I am GOD, THREE in ONE and I demand your full attention. I demand your full obedience. Die to this world. There is nothing worthwhile here. Everything in the world will kill you.

It is time for you to wake up! Wake up before it’s too late! Wake up before MY SON comes to take HIS holy bride. If you are left behind and not taken up for the rapture then prepare yourself for MY wrath. I will destroy everything. I created all for MY Glory. I did not call you to love the world but to be fishers of men, to spread MY gospel of peace, to tell people about ME, to tell people about MY Kingdom.

Who do you think you are, going astray from MY Word? I AM THE WORD, ONLY I AM GOD, HOLY AND MAGNIFICENT. You rebellious, filthy, and sin-filled nation! Do you really think I do not exist? Do you really think that I do not see what you are doing? Do you really think you will inherit MY Kingdom? NO! YOU WON'T. I WILL THROW YOU INTO HELL WHERE YOU BELONG.

I am calling for the last time, soon there will be no more time left. Soon your small-minded decisions will lead you into hell. You think that I am joking? You think that just because I am mercy, I am grace that I will not punish the sin-filled children? You are willingly choosing to defy, it is your desire to live apart from ME. You really think that I will continue to wait while you disrespect ME with your minds, souls, and bodies?

You think that just because in some stage in your life you said the sinner’s prayer that you are saved? That you have the key to your eternal salvation in heaven with ME? WOW, you are very deceived. Deception is a pill the devil offered that you willingly took. Now, if you do not cleanse your system with MY Blood: YOU WILL PERISH.

Harsh words but those that I love, I rebuke. I am rebuking you out of love. Come back to ME now O’ rebellious nation. There is nothing of value here but ME and MY Sacrifice.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that it is 'okay' to be evil and love ME. This means nothing to ME. Your vain attempt at finding your true purpose in life is nothing but a mosquito waiting to be killed on sight. It means nothing to ME. If you refuse ME now, I will refuse you and cast you down into hell where you will burn forever. Yes, I GOD am well and able to do this. Reject ME now and take up your other stupid ideas. I will send you to hell. I am telling you that if you want to live, the only way is through JESUS. Believe in HIM. Believe in HIS Mighty Power. Believe in HIM, HE will save you. I will give you life. I will treat you good. O’ what a nation.

I, JESUS, GOD of all have spoken. Every knee will bow and tongue confess that I am LORD!


August 24-28, 2011: During the midnight prayers with Brother Augusto and many other Christian brothers and sisters the Lord has shown me many visions of the imminent rapture and the bride of Christ. In intense spiritual warfare prayer and intersession for the bride of Christ I saw Jesus and His mighty warring angels coming to our aide and as we were in intense prayer the mighty angels started to surround the demons and was pouring “liquid fire” over the demons and in another vision I see Jesus sitting on His throne with multitudes of His raptured saints and all of the saints were wearing white robes and had golden crowns on their heads and I saw a beautiful white crystal carpet coming from Jesus’ throne going towards the saints. In another vision, I see many people reaching upwards towards the Lord and as the prayer continued and got more intense I saw many angels standing along side Jesus and they started to pull many people up and they were running towards the Lord and in another vision I see many people being raptured and they were going straight towards Jesus and as they were going up to the Lord they would meet the Lord and started to surround Him.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ we are in the last hours just before the trumpet sounds and the bride of Christ is being attacked like never before and we must stand strong and pray continually with out ceasing! Praise you Jesus!


August 31, 2011: During the midnight prayers, Brother Buddy baker saw several visions as described below:

I saw a tall mighty angel in a white robe and the angels is holding a long golden trumpet and is lifting the trumpet and is about to blow it and Jesus is standing to the angels right and Jesus is looking at the earth. I saw the Heavenly Fathers Throne and I heard the Father saying "MY SON IS COMING" And then I saw Jesus walking around the banquet table looking and smiling as the angels are standing ready for the Bride of Christ.

Dr. Pedro saw a vision of many people gathering together with invitation cards on their hands and several others were coming to join others with the same invitation cards of the same color. This is the invitation to the wedding of the Lamb of God – The Messiah Jesus Christ.


September 3, 2011: [9:14:53 PM] Buddy Baker During Midnight Prayers Session: I see the rapture and I see people going up to meet Jesus and Jesus is waiting and receiving the people being raptured and I see the earth shaking violently as the rapture is taking place and I hear many trumpets blowing and the sound is very, very loud!

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PART 91: Part 91 asks the reader not to be caught up in the many diversions of the world and how the reader spends the time the LORD has given them—on HIS Kingdom work or other diversions.

SEPT 6-8, 2011: URGENT MESSAGE FROM THE LORD JESUS, Dictated To Susan Davis and Sabrina. This Message has two letters from the LORD JESUS below about the urgency of the coming hour and to be vigilant about being ready!

Someone wrote me recently that she received condemnation from others when she tried to warn her friends about hell and that her friends thought her warnings were too harsh. I suggested that she go back to her friends and tell them instead of hearing about hell from her, she would just let JESUS speak for HIMSELF and then for her to quote some of CHRIST’s OWN Words on the topic of hell from the Bible. (There are over 162 references in the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) which warn of Hell. Over 70 of these references are attributed to JESUS.) What is more loving: to avoid condemnation from our friends by telling them only words they want to hear OR to warn our friends of pending disaster?

Total separation from GOD: Matthew 25:41; 2 Thessalonians 1:9.

Great furnace: Matthew 13:41, 42, 49, 50; Revelation 9:1, 2.

Bottomless pit: Isaiah 14:15; Revelation 9:1, 2; 20:1-3.

Fire: Isaiah 33:14; 66:24; Matthew 5:21, 22; 13:41, 42, 49, 50; 18:8; 25:41; Mark 9:43-49; 10:43-49.

Luke 16:24; Jude 7; Revelation 14:10; 19:20; 20:10, 14, 15; 21:8.

Torments: Luke 16:23-25, 28; Revelation 14:10, 11.

Wailing and gnashing of teeth: Matthew 13:41, 42; Luke 13:28.

Decaying worm: Isaiah 66:24; Mark 9:44, 46, 48.

Eternal: Exodus 34:7; Isaiah 33:14; 66:24; Daniel 12:2; Matthew 18:8; 25:41, 46.  

Mark 3:29; 9:43-46, 48; 10:43-49; 2 Thessalonians 1:9; 2 Peter 2:17; Jude 6, 7, 13.

Revelation 14:11; 19:20; 20:10; 21:8.

Outer darkness: Matthew 8:12; 22:13.

Mist of blackness (or, darkness): 2 Peter 2:17; Jude 13.


Matthew 10:27: What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.

Your friends in Christ, Susan and Sabrina.

Sabrina’s email has changed - it is now:


September 8, 2011: Letter from the LORD JESUS given to Sabrina:

MY children, I have words for you today. Listen to MY Words. This is your GOD and LORD, the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

I poured out MY HEART for you on the cross, MY HEART, MY Soul, MY Body. MY Body is broken for you on the cross, so that all MY children would have free access to MY Heavenly Kingdom - access to THE FATHER.

MY FATHER and your FATHER. Also HE, MY FATHER has poured out HIS Life for you. MY children, do you understand the depth of MY Love for you? Do you truly understand the depth of MY Love for you?

All this I have done, have WE, the DIVINE UNION, done for you. There has never been a greater Sacrifice of Love and Surrender than MY Sacrifice on the cross, that cruel cross, that was only bitter suffering for ME, but joy and freedom for you.

MY children, abuse and misinterpret not this freedom. MY freedom does not mean that you, MY children, can throw overboard MY WORD. Deepen yourselves in MY WORD. Everything is good to instruct and to use and to build.

Deepen yourselves in MY WORD. How can you know your GOD, if you never read MY WORD? Some volatile verses a day will not do it. I want total surrender and devotion in MY WORD.

I see many searching the internet for hours day and night, e-mailing with others, sharing their own interpretations, appropriating themselves lies. This they do with each other, while MY Truth is found only in MY WORD.

Stop with letting yourselves being hustled by others and come to ME, the Only True Living GOD! I am YAHWEH, the I AM, the ALMIGHTY GOD, MAKER of heaven and earth, and everything under the earth. I Am

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