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PART 92: Part 92 has two warning letters from the LORD and a beautiful letter to the bride from her BRIDEGROOM!

Dear Friends of Christ:

This message has three letters from the LORD: two warning letters and one letter from the BRIDEGROOM to the bride.

Now! More than ever: Keep your eyes fixed on JESUS!

Hebrews 12:1-2. 1Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, 2Looking unto JESUS the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of GOD.

Matthew 10:27: What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.

Your friends in Christ, Susan and Sabrina.


Letter 158. Dictated by the LORD JESUS to Susan, September 11, 2011:

Daughter, write down these Words:

My children, who I love: I love you all without exception. I love you. I created you. I assembled your being. You were not a product of chance. You are not a random creation of nature as so many want you to believe.

You were made by MY Loving Hands with much great thought and by the Will of MY Divine Inspiration. You came from the core of MY Heart. I knew you before you were in your mother’s womb. I knew you would be formed in your mother’s womb. I knew you as you grew and matured. MY Loving Eye watches you day by day. It is by MY Loving Hand that you were formed and by MY HOLY SPIRIT that you have breath, daily breath.  

Children do you not think that I, GOD, created you with so much care and forethought to only have you turn your back to ME and to pursue the things of the world along with MY enemy? He is your enemy too, yet you follow hard after his ways and the philosophies of wickedness.

I did not create you to turn from ME, to follow after MY enemy, and to ultimately be destroyed and to be separated from ME for eternity. This was not what I desired for you. Please know that MY Desire is for you to be saved and to turn away from your wickedness.

The hour for this generation and its relentless pursuit of the world and evil is soon to close. Evil man left to run apart from ME, its CREATOR GOD, will only continue to deteriorate into gross evil.

MY Patience has already been so great toward such an outrageous movement from GOD to evil. This is the demise of mankind. This is the end of truth, faithfulness, purity, kindness, and the foundations of love laid by a GOD WHO seeks all these things from HIS children.

MY children, the world is cursed and you are living in that cursed world. The enemy has brought mankind to the brink of utter destruction allowing men to wallow in their sin to openly mock and reject GOD. Fear of GOD is no more. Understanding is no more. Men flaunt their behavior before ME in shows of anger and bitterness, wagging their tongues endlessly of their hatred of ME, their HOLY GOD and MAKER.

This is the end, MY children. I am lifting MY Hand of protection from the world that so openly rejects ME. No matter what men embrace and choose to believe, it all speaks of rejection of GOD of MY sacrifice for men on a cruel cross.

Soon I will pluck MY bride out of this evil-laden world to safekeeping and I will carry out MY wrath toward those who choose to reject and deny their GOD exists.

MY children you had a beginning. I initiated that beginning. I was there when you first gasped for breath. I am the ONE WHO brought you into being. Do you not care to know ME? Do you not care to spend time with your own MAKER? What on earth could be more important than to establish a relationship with the ONE WHO breaths life into you day after day? How could you be so disregardful?

Soon I am coming and so many will be left. So many do not know ME, so many choose to spend no time with ME, looking at the world as a better choice for their time. So many have no idea I exist. They have never even pursued ME.

I am sad over the things that are coming on the earth even now, but these things were told to you - that they would be coming. You deny that MY Book is real or that what you see happening is related to MY Book at all.

Children come to your senses. What does your life mean to you? Where will you spend eternity, unending eternity? Will it be in MY Presence in MY Kingdom with the GIVER of LIFE OR will you go the way of MY enemy into eternal outer darkness and destruction? What do you choose? If you want the latter, then continue to disregard ME, spend no time in MY Book, and focus on the world that offers you no real security or future. If you want to be part of MY Coming Kingdom then repent of your sin, surrender your life over to MY Care and Leadership, and spend time getting to know your GOD! Read MY Book and spend time in MY Presence now.

If WE do not get to know each other now, waiting will be too late. I will say to you when you stand before MY FATHER, “I never knew you!” The truth will sting as reality sets in that We will be forever apart. This is a great day of loss as you will then turn into never ending eternity apart from MY Life-giving Presence.

Soon I return. Be sober. TIME IS SHORT. Make ready. I am coming soon, sooner than you think.

I, JESUS, Have Spoken.

Isaiah 44:24. Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;

Proverbs 1:7. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Romans 1:28-32. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Luke 10:27. And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.

Matthew 7:22-23. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.


September 13, 2011: A Love Letter from THE BRIDEGROOM for the bride – Given to Sabrina.

MY dear children, I want to address MYSELF to the bride of Christ.

I want to call MY children to a deep intimacy with their GOD. For a long time I call MY children to deep intimacy, to quality time with their GOD. Still, many miss this call.

Therefore I call again now: I want a deep passionate intimate relationship with MY bride. This will help her to get to know ME better, to meet ME.

O’ many long for a personal encounter with ME, well, I tell you, I am ready to receive MY children, I am ready to meet MY children.

I love your hearts MY bride, but I still miss many in their encounter with ME. I miss you. I invite you to come now into MY Presence. Spend your time in MY Presence, search MY Presence, search MY Intimacy, seek, knock, and I will open.

I will enter in the rooms of your house, in the chambers of your heart. Come MY beloved come! I, GOD, I, JESUS long for you. O’ who will come and learn what it is to have deep intimacy with his or her GOD? Who? Who dares to come?

Many of you think that you are not worthy, that this is only reserved for others. MY children, MY beloved, I speak from the bottom of MY HEART to you, I want to meet everyone of MY bride in the Intimate Room. Do you not know this place?

Then I invite you today to come, to search and to taste of MY Presence, like you have never tasted before. Come MY beloved bride!

Come! I, GOD, I, JESUS want to embrace you! I, GOD, I, JESUS wants to let you taste and enjoy higher spheres in MY Heavenly Spheres. So come and discover the impossible! Come MY beloved, I so long for you, let me into your rooms, and let US enjoy together!

Give ME the chance to let you already taste of what is coming! I, GOD, I, JESUS, wants to let you taste already of MY Glory here on earth. This is only possible in the higher Spheres of MY Presence. Come MY children, do not be afraid, come, your GOD is calling you! Do not be shy or afraid, I want to overwhelm you completely, I want to engross you completely, I want to surprise you with MY Presence.

I love you, MY bride, I have waited so long for the fulfillment of MY bride, now she is complete, MY bride is formed, the time is expired, and I want to enjoy her! O’ MY bride, come in your rooms and let ME in! Let ME in!

I want to enter into the depths of your heart, in the depths of your life, in the depths of your soul. Let ME in! Let ME in! O’ who will let ME in and celebrate supper with ME?

Who will give MY SPIRIT total control over soul, spirit, and body? For WE come together, WE are here! WE are here, MY bride! This is a call from the bottom of MY HEART, those who are willing, I Am here. I Am here.

Let ME in and let ME touch you like you have never been touched by your GOD. This is not strange, this is deep intimacy, deep intimacy MY children, a dimension you do not know, that many of you do not know yet.

Let ME take you to higher dimensions IN ME. Higher Spheres with ME. Come MY beloved, come in a pure, deep worship, in complete surrender to your GOD alone and let ME in and touch you. This is MY Call in this late hour for MY bride.

Fix your eyes only on ME, your BRIDEGROOM! O’ your BRIDEGROOM, I am your BRIDEGROOM, do you know that? So let ME in, now is the hour, now is the time to let your BRIDEGROOM in. Everything else

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