» Religion » Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Othusitse Mmusi [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗

Book online «Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Othusitse Mmusi [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗». Author Othusitse Mmusi

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him, but I saw him in Heaven in this visit). He begins to explain to me that prophets operate in different levels, not all prophets will move into visions and visits to Heaven. Even with this new “seer” anointing, some are called to teach the Word, operate with other revelation gifts such as the gift of the word of knowledge, wisdom, plus the gift of prophecy. He mentioned the names of some people I personally know. We are talking and walking… This is how the anointing I was told will operate: it was some kind of demonstration. It seemed that I and Brother Kb were walking on a path on the earth. Then as we did, slowly the atmosphere, the weather, and coloring changed. The theme adjusts into that of Heaven. We continued walking, when we looked ahead of us, we saw lovely trees, extreme green grass, and behind it we saw sunrise colors. Behold: we are in Heaven. The environment just shifted like that, one moment on earth, the next minute in Heaven.

There was no traveling through the sky. We just walked in and out of the Heavenly places. The beautiful trees, green grass, the beautiful sunrise colors were very peaceful. Then from afar, I began to see the Glory of GOD. It was in the form of three lights: all of them circular, bright, and tremendous like gigantic suns. The centre ‘sun’ (which represented the Presence of The FATHER) was extremely bright and pure white hovering over the atmosphere/skyline of Heaven. There is no way to describe that. It was representation of The FATHER, SON, and SPIRIT: The GODHEAD. It was a marvelous sight to behold. Then as I was walking and talking with Brother Kb toward the Glory of GOD, when I looked down at our feet, it looked like we were walking on a transparent surface. But it is like we are on the air, for below us is the different sections of Paradise with diverse kinds of trees, grass, and amazing landscapes. It is just ery hard to explain it. It’s like we were walking on a transparent glass, far abo e Paradise…in the air but it is solid, like a “sea of glass.” We can see through it and I am just stunned at this design. After sometime, I open my eyes in my bed. Thank YOU FATHER for choosing me for this amazing ministry! To your name be PRAISE AND HONOR, Now and forever more.



My Visit to Heaven: [Thursday, September 26, 2013]


The LORD had revealed to me that I would have a major visit to Heaven soon. I started preparing for it. That night, the HOLY SPIRIT told me, “You will have a visit to Heaven soon.” Also HE told me, “I will show you something on this date.” While I was busy on Facebook, I logged out quickly at the prompting of The SPIRIT...then I prayed, but nothing happened until morning…

Then in the morning, The LORD took me into a vision. I first saw female satanists, and then I saw a big red fire. Satanists were burning from it and trying to get away from it. As I was still on earth, I looked up and I saw stars and clouds as I was observing the face of the sky. I knew I was in the spirit-realm at that time; I started to cry to FATHER GOD, “Please send more angels and send Michael please FATHER. Help us with your angels.”

I knew that while in the spirit, my faith would be high and I could receive whatever I wanted from GOD. Also, truthfully I wanted to see angels also. It has been awhile since I saw them and I then saw myself in my bed. I started feeling a sensation of my spirit racing in the atmosphere and then I felt light, very light in weight. My soul and spirit were disconnecting from my body. I was yielding more and more to the HOLY SPIRIT. Then, I started traveling at an amazing speed towards Heaven, and I felt I was moving so fast that I shut my eyes tight this time. The speed was increasing too much. I knew I was moving, really moving, at an unbelievable speed: faster than the speed of light. I was going to Heaven, very far from the earth, and I did not want it to stop before I reached Heaven.

As I was on the way, I began to try to think like when I am on the earth, to see if the spirit realm permits some thoughts that we think on earth. Immediately, I saw a powerful wave of glory coming from Heaven: red as fire and aglow. I just saw a measure of glory flying towards me. It hit me and immediately those thoughts fled before they could take form. I felt I was about to lose my mind at the love, peace, and joy, that I felt so indescribably. Then waves upon waves of pure bliss: again and again. Then I saw some lights and I felt the Power of GOD, like I have never felt it in my life: a life-changing experience indeed.

Then we entered into the amazing beautiful Planet of Heaven. We flew over a gorgeous paradise, and then here we arrived in a majestic City of Heaven. The City of GOD is gigantic—bigger than I thought it was.

We were just by the wall, on a transparent pavement before the city. The wall looked endless, like it would touch the sky of Heaven. I was just a few meters from touching it. It is a very high wall: transparent (or translucent) like glass. It is made up of jasper. I remember I looked up to see where it could possibly end, and I was amazed at how big, how huge, how high it is really. I was really awed by the enormity of this city. There was this huge activity and movements, sounds of billions of beings, angels, and saints…talking, laughing, working, etc…

Then we just walked into the pearly gate and we went through that gate. Then we walked through a hallway. Then I heard a narrator’s voice, saying, “Every gate is made of a pearl and the wall made of jasper.” It was like he was narrating what was in the Book of Revelation. Then we saw beautiful smooth round stones just by the edge of the entrance after walking on the walkway. There were large (the height of an average person), decorations. As I was looking at the decorations, I was wondering what they were made of. It’s hard to try to explain their color.

When I looked at my right side, I saw probably thousands of angels standing up, beautifully arrayed in white. They were in the purest white robes and some had two white wings. They were looking at us and they were so real. I could see that they are spirit-beings. I was just awed by their beauty, their reality, and their number. I remember saying, “angels” and a “narrator voice” said: “Here are the angels, you have wanted to see.”

Then we made a way to a dome-like building after the entrance. The door was opened already and I remember as we entered we met a man. He was smiling as he left that place, then I found a few angels inside, and I saw a large Book: “The Book of Life.” The page opened to the section where my name is and I looked up my own name. And lo, it was there, It was translated into a Heavenly name, I knew it was my name and then my spirit jumped up and down with joy and excitement! I could see great smiles and approval from the angels. The tour guide angel asked me, “Where do you want us to go to?”… I had caught a glimpse of many people as we entered the dome. He already knew my thoughts.

I said to him, “Let’s go out and see the millions shouting outside.” Then we saw millions of saints and angels, in purest white, shouting, screaming, and the place was full of people and angels. There were even children; there were white robes everywhere, as far as your eye could see. It looked like a great celebration in Heaven, and I heard amazing music coming out of the ground, coming into my ears, but I don’t remember the exact words they sang. Then I saw JESUS: The KING of Kings and LORD of Lords, in the middle of the crowds. When I saw JESUS, I fell down on my face, very overwhelmed. And then I tried to start confessing my sins. I felt I was unworthy to be there, but JESUS said to me, “You are forgiven already.” Then I noticed the Apostle Paul in the crowd, and he was just there. [The LORD removed from my memory what happened here, there is only a limited portion of details I can remember from this event.]

The weather of Heaven is amazing. It looks like a glowing reddish, goldish sunrise, and then quickly it changes. It becomes translucent white, and then it changes to shine like the core of the sun. It just adjusts like that and also I saw beautiful clouds. The atmosphere is exhilarating and full of light. It is peaceful and full of joy.

The escort angel was walking in front of me, leading me. He had a multi-colored cloak. I remember I was observing his robe: very magnificent! He kept talking to me and asking me some questions. The next thing, we were traveling in this chariot. It was large and it is made up of a transparent glass on top, some beautiful ‘grayish’ material at the bottom, then some circular seats (two seats) facing each other, comfortable to sit on, in an enclosure like a machine. Inside, it was spacious and luxurious. We could see through it. I don’t know how we got inside. I just knew we were inside.

The things in Heaven move fast and sometimes even at the speed of thought. While traveling on the road, I looked outside, and I saw lovely trees, flowers, and nature: very beautiful and perfect. I did not know where we were going. I kept hearing this incredibly great music coming into my ears, when I shouted, “ allelujah!” I could hear people outside, shouting like a chain reaction. What you shout, they shout, it as though, the praises of GOD were all over Heaven. I kept saying, “Wowwwww!” as I saw different and amazing things.

There were many amazing, blending colors. I saw magnificent lights all over the city and buildings. We switched from one level of Heaven to another, faster than I can say. Like we were on a path, and then the next minute we were in front of a building. Then the tour guide said, “Let us visit the Throne of GOD,” and then the chariot lifted off the ground. I looked in the skyline, toward the middle of the city, and I saw the great THRONE, HIGH. It looked like it was in the atmosphere, high above the lower levels or bases of Heaven. I first noticed white light and the structure looked transparent, like the floor and the wall around it. Then, I saw a beautiful sunrise and a brilliant rainbow over it. Rolls of Light, Power, and Glory emanates from it. We were flying towards it above the city. Great expectation and excitement arose in my spirit. Then we were out of Heaven. [To be continued…]

Then as we were coming back, in the Second Heaven we saw satan like a lion, with some demons. Then I said, “Satan you know, I just came from the Third Heaven” and I began to call, “Fire” in The Name of JESUS. I saw them fall down towards space and they were nowhere to be seen. My spirit entered my body and then I opened my eyes. I felt the Presence of GOD so thick and heavy on

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