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to learn.

I understood by revelation that HE wants me to focus and eliminate anything that will keep me from entering into the glories of Heaven. That is the most important thing. JESUS showed me that making it in the Rapture and to Heaven is the most important thing on HIS list for us. Other things are just secondary. HE looked at me and asked another personal question, when I am still pondering about it, my eyes are looking into eyes. I saw the scene of Heaven disappear slowly, HE vanishes out of sight.

I see my physical eyes opening; I feel HIS Presence and Fire all over my body. Then I plan to go into prayer, to repent, and put my focus on HIM completely. If you did not understand, just bare with my inadequacy to express and explain the spirit world with my limited human vocabulary/words. The Grace of Our LORD JESUS be with us all.



Vision of Heaven, Monday, December 16, 2013


I found myself in a chariot of GOD, and this one looked like it can only hold a few people: two to four people. I don’t know how or when I got in there but as it stopped. I came out of the right side, and I was in Heaven. I just knew where I was, and I said, “Wow!” The atmosphere and the environment was perfect, with so much activity going all round. It was a busy day in Heaven. I noticed so many saints and angels in purest white all about. They were walking, and passing each other. Everyone seemed to be busy with their own tasks; however some were in groups or pairs. The moment I came out of it, I said to my escort, “I want to see Abraham.” As if they knew already, turning to look at the south; there came a large man with a smile, a well-built chest, and he walked towards me. I began to notice some of people from the Old Testament, the rest of the ision, I don’t know what happened. The memory of it left me for some reason.



My Visit to Heaven [Tuesday, December 24, 2013]


In the afternoon of this date, I fell into a trance vision. I saw a Great Throne set. The Judicial Throne of GOD, a very bright magnificent white light seated on it. High and lifted up, and I saw many people being presented before HIM. Judgment was given to the people. I saw that GOD judged every work of man, and many Christians could not escape the judgment. Angels would cast people outside the gates of the Kingdom. Many people will be cast out to the Lake of Fire. Some Christians might escape the Lake of Fire, but many of them cannot escape the Outer Perimeter. They will be cast outside of the Kingdom, and only the true saints will inherit the Kingdom. I saw some of the people I know, some of my close friends. As I stood there, The LORD made me know by revelation, that every work was judged, even things people consider very small. I was trembling. I saw that no lukewarm Christian was allowed inside of Heaven. It is like GOD granted me to experience HIS Mind for a moment. A great voice was speaking, there was no way to deceive or deny because everything was carefully recorded, and GOD knew everything, I wondered how GOD knew EVERYTHING, I saw a scripture written:


Isaiah 40:28: Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard, that The Everlasting GOD, The LORD, The CREATOR of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? There is no searching of HIS understanding.


Romans 2:16: In the day when GOD shall judge the secrets of men by JESUS CHRIST according to MY Gospel.


1 Corinthians 3:13: Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.


2 Corinthians 5:10: For we must all appear before the judgment seat of CHRIST; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.


The LORD said to me, “Many of your Facebook friends are lukewarm, they will not escape the Judgment, warn them to repent while there is still time.” With that I came out of the vision, I was shaking and trembling. Let us prepare, the Day of Judgment is coming. Now it is time to fear GOD, to honor HIM, to repent and forsake our sins. In that Day of Judgment, GOD will judge the unrepentant. You will not escape if your sins are not washed in the blood of JESUS CHRIST. Only the pure-hearted, the faithful, and obedient will enter Heaven.

JESUS told me that I should tell you that HE is the same JESUS of the New Testament Gospels. HE has not changed or lowered his standard of holiness. HE has not changed at all. HE still rebukes sin and worldliness. HE requires absolute holiness and obedience from us, and any man who thinks HE has changed has simply allowed the devil to deceive him. And any man who wants to draw closer to HIM must renounce the world. That is a true disciple.



My Visit to Heaven, [Friday, December 27, 2013]


In a vision this morning, I went into the Spirit realm and I saw my spirit descend down towards hell fire. I knew the LORD wanted to show me something, but I felt terrible fear. I resisted then and my spirit was pulled out quickly. After sometime the Heavens opened, and I saw a man appear before the angel who keeps the Book of Life in Heaven. The angel looked like a youth; his voice was tender and purely Heavenly. The Book of Life was opened, and the man's name was found. There was great celebration, and the man was full of joy and so glad. Me also, I was celebrating—I was so happy for the man. After some moments the angel said to him, “Did you see your name in the Book of Life?” There are other few people on the earth, who have their names written here: soon after they will come here also. You (the redeemed) shall be presented before GOD THE FATHER, and sing a song for HIM." The LORD let me hear this conversation for the sake of us, the bride so we know rapture is coming soon and we must have our names written in the Book of Life to enter.



My Visit to Heaven [Sunday, December 29, 2013]


In the morning, The LORD took me into a vision. It first started with me walking, and I met a couple of people I know. We were praying for some Sisters, and the anointing came down. They start to vibrate and fall to the ground, and then I found myself in a room. I shut down the windows, and then the door, but found out it could not and I asked one of the men who stood on the entrance of one room, “Why is it that this door, does not close?” I said. But no one gave me an answer, as I went in, an angel spoke to me in the right ear and said, “Othusitse, your prayer has been heard, GOD says HE will save you.” I started to praise GOD, and I said, “Thank you LORD.”

Immediately, I saw as if a vision within a vision. I saw some criminals pouring kerosene on the buildings we were in, burning them. Some shooting people with guns, a terrible scene, and I knew what to do. I picked up a case that looked like a book and left the room quickly. In no time, I joined a couple of runaways and as I did, a guard asked me where I was going. I ignored his question and continued walking. A few people were talking, and I was listening to their conversation. I began to feel strange about how we were traveling. I then quickly knew I was in the spirit-realm. I began to slow down, and I looked up.

I saw the moon and the stars: the moon was shining brighter than usual. I then said, “Look at this, this is real, I am in the spirit-realm.” It was a peaceful night indeed, and I began to request of GOD, “FATHER, please LORD take me to Heaven now, I want to be with you.” I began to say that to HIM again and again. GOD accepted my plight, and then I lifted up. I felt I was holding a book on my left hand, tight to my side. The SPIRIT of GOD carried me into the realms of Heaven and I noticed I flew at a phenomenal rate of speed. It felt like it was faster than even lightning. I could hear this sound, “Whoooooosh.” I knew that I was really moving, and my spirit eyes were shut but after some moments, I opened them and what happened is this: I quickly left our earth. I went rapidly into the skies, passed into space, passed the stars and the moon. I felt a bit of fright as I was drowning into endless vast space. Then I thought about people who have had “Out of Body Experiences,” who flew into space, and how terrified there were, but I decided to stop at nothing until I reached Heaven. That is the mentality you need to have in order to reach Heaven when GOD calls you to visit Him. If you yield to fear you will go nowhere.

Anyway I left the material universe, and I came unto the celestial realm. I first noticed millions of glorious stars in that realm, and in my first visit, I talked about the same stars. Only that at that time they looked crystal clear, transparent, with beautiful aura of light around. This time the stars were of all shapes and colors: so real and beautiful. What I learned is this: you can visit the same place in Heaven, but next time it may appear different because things in Heaven change from time to time. There was a tremendous display of stars. I looked upwards and saw reddish stars. I saw that the stars will move in, converge and then explode: part in a spiral mode and make beautiful shades of colors. Then from underneath came up other stars. They will part, and make different shapes and colors. The stars were alive and moving. WE past the first set of stars, and I said to myself, “I am going to ea en where The LORD JESUS dwells.”

Some of the stars would move in vertical lines, circles, and in groups. I tried to consume all of it in and look carefully so that I can tell it in detail, then I saw a beautiful tunnel of light with stars, just millions of them. I was flying in it, and then I seemed to slow down. On my left in the midst of them, appeared the beautiful Planet of Heaven, perfectly round. I noticed that it was similar to the earth, only far gigantic and more glorious. I noticed that earth is made in the image of Heaven. It is a copy of the real thing. This Planet of Heaven hangs on nothing, surrounded by beautiful celestial clouds and living stars. I felt so much peace that surpassed my understanding. There is no word to adequately express the emotions, excitement I felt, and the beauty I saw. GOD’s Planet of Heaven looked golden at the top, beautifully arrayed with pure gold.

In Heaven, when you look towards the east there is always a

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