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the right side of a large Heavenly building. There were so many saints inside it. We walked and I was very careful. I just couldn’t belie e I walked on top of water. I thought about Peter who had walked with JESUS on water. It was just an incredible scene, after that river, we came unto a large place, that area was full of many saints as well. It was the Crystal Sea or commonly known as the Sea of Glass. The place was very vast, and it occupied many miles. The Crystal Sea is a place made up of large glass: it is clear, pure, and transparent. It is more stationery and solid, and it is like you are walking on a glass floor. You can see your mirror reflection of yourself on it: full image. You see glass as far as your eyes can see, and you can slide on it. There is no way I can describe it, it was very beautiful.

I was just walking on it, running, sliding on it, just having an adventure. I noticed that I couldn’t see JESUS anymore. But The LORD showed me a vision of my purpose on earth. HE began to show me how I will stand before many people to preach and minister to them, as the vision was playing, and I ended up on my bed, then opened my eyes.

This is a summary version of my encounter with JESUS CHRIST today.



My Visions of Heaven [Monday, February 17, 2014]


As I lay on my bed, as I looked towards the eastern skies, I saw a very Bright Light, it had three shades of white, and the core was the whitest light, in the middle of the core stood JESUS CHRIST in flowing robes, a MAN of Extreme Whiteness. The Light was round, large and covered most of the eastern skies. As I was looking at it, I began to see different colors of the outer light, reddish, goldish, yellowish, so bright and massive the sky was illuminated by it. I began to see the light growing bigger, drawing closer to the earth, many shades of white and beautiful colors. JESUS would draw closer to the earth, on either sides of HIM, there were rain clouds, there was thundering and lightning, like a terrible storm or rain will fall on the earth. The LORD said, “I am Coming RIGHT AWAY.” As JESUS grew closer to the earth, HE disappeared.

I saw myself walking, then started to harbor off the ground, and my speed began to increase. I saw in front of me a light, then it turned into ball of fire and living light, the fiery light ball began to fly before my eyes guiding me. I flew behind it as if in pursuit and we began to fly over mountains, hills, we came to open plains. We were moving over geography in Botswana as we did, the ball of light will turn into many shapes and forms, and then make beautiful colors. At times, it looked like something sewed out of strings of light.

We were moving at great speed around Botswana. I saw the fields, forests, trees, grass, nature, different towns, and places in “split seconds.” We passed different districts, towns, villages, and we were moving in the spirit realm. In a short time, we had cycled the entire Botswana. I saw us approaching the Sir Seretse Khama International Airport, and then we came right in Gaborone.

Then I heard a Voice. It began to talk about how children and youth in Botswana are not honest, obedient, faithful, etc… many things that were displeasing GOD. Every virtue it mentioned, I saw a light and color associated with it. Like for honesty, I would see yellow light. For obedience, a blue light, and so forth. It would be written in a vision screen, and it was spontaneous. I could feel sorrow in GOD’s Voice. As we passed the middle of Gaborone towards the east, I saw glorious light flashing in all directions. Then I came into my body.

As I lay on my bed, my spiritual eyes opened, and I began to see stars shining brightly in the skies. Immediately, my spirit separated from my body, and I started to travel in the midst of the stars. I began to pick up speed, ascend up the heights of the Heavens. I heard a Voice, “Let us go up to Heaven.” I traveled so fast, that I was passing into the outer space in what seemed like mille-seconds, and when I looked I saw a wonderful place. There was a large soft rock, a pond of clear, sparkling water, beautiful extremely green grass as far as the eye could see, and the place was full of bright light: a bit of golden light, it was well lit. I was sent back to my body.

After some moments, I left my body, started to move towards the sky at a constant speed, and then moved horizontally, perpendicular to the ground. I saw stars shining brightly. I was flying in the air and my back faced the ground. My eyes looking at the skies, I saw the clouds moving, bright stars at the end of the horizon. Then I looked downwards, I flew next to an evil tree, it was very black. It had stems and leaves, but made out dark thing, like a shadow. I was just wondering about it, and then I was back in our yard. I saw pieces of light all over our yard, it glittered like diamonds. It had some transparency, light, embers of fire, and beautiful colors. The most beautiful and precious thing you can see. There were so many of them all over our yard, I believe it to be The Presence of The HOLY SPIRIT. Then my spirit came unto my body.

I saw a bright, lovely rainbow and I heard a Voice say, “A person can die before he wakes up, you are living, but JESUS is The LIFE. You can sleep and never wake up, so it is very important that you be in right standing with GOD at all times. A man who sleeps with his unconfessed sins, if he dies, he will not see the LORD’s face.”

As I was walking, I saw five large gemstones; there was an open space between me, like a large pentagon. The first gemstone was like a diamond, the next yellow, another clear blue sapphire stone, etc. In the midst of them was The Presence of GOD, as I walked in the midst of them, on my right was a large Throne, a large platform that extended to either directions, with a large Chair/Seat with ONE WHO sat upon it. When I looked at the ground, I saw a pool of pure water in the middle of the gemstones, I heard The Voice of The GOD from the Throne, saying, “Go and immerse yourself into the pool of water.” I looked at my hands and I was holding a container also: it had clear, pure water. I said, “Thank YOU FATHER for giving me such a privilege, to bathe in YOUR Presence.” The surprising part was this: it felt like I had been there for a long time, right with The FATHER in Heaven. I felt like I had a long time with HIM there, though I could not remember when or how exactly. Anyway, I came next to the pool, and then went into the water, a Heavenly being, an angel stood on my right helping me. Then the scene disappeared, the next thing I remember was I was on earth. I saw some people, some I know. I was holding that container of pure Heavenly water, and then began to sprinkle it on the people, into their faces, mouths, all over their bodies.

During the night, as I lay on the bed, I saw a beautiful goblet made up of pure, solid gold, and it was sparkling in the light and beautifully constructed. I said, “Wow!”

As I was just on my bed, I felt a sensation I always feel when The LORD takes me into visions. I felt my spirit begin to pull out of my body, and I felt a Strong Wind and Power. I just yielded to The HOLY SPIRIT, and then my spirit separated from my body, pulling me up from my head. Then I went into the spirit realm, and I started moving perpendicular to the ground. I could see outside the house, the skies, and the bright and beautiful stars shining. A peaceful night it was. I went outside the house into the atmosphere at a tremendous speed. My spirit was moving at a speed faster than light into the Heavenlies, I began to see the vast endless space, stars, the planets, it was so real. I said, “Wow, I am really outside my body!” It was so real as if I am in the natural. Then I was back on the earth, and I found myself traveling through white clouds. I started to think of visiting people I know in the spirit but GOD did not permit it.

After that The LORD showed me upcoming services where I will be preaching. The Glory of GOD came down. I saw people with beautiful faces, it looked like angels. It was awesome. May GOD give you the grace, may the spiritual become natural to you in JESUS’s Name.


Coordinating Scriptures:


Revelation 22:17: And The SPIRIT and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the Water of Life freely. 20: HE which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, Come, LORD JESUS.


Ephesians 5:25: Husbands, love your wives, even as CHRIST also loved the church, and gave HIMSELF for it; That HE might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the Word, That HE might present it to HIMSELF a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be Holy and without blemish.


Ezekiel 36:25: Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.


Hebrews 10:22: Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water.


John 7:38: He that believeth on ME, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow RIVERS of LIVING WATER.


John 4:14: But whosoever drinketh of the WATER that I shall give him shall never thirst; but The WATER that I shall give him shall be in him a WELL of water springing up into Everlasting Life.


John 3:5: JESUS answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of WATER and of The SPIRIT he cannot enter into the Kingdom of GOD.


1 John 5:6: This is he that came by water and blood, even JESUS CHRIST; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is The SPIRIT that beareth witness, because The SPIRIT is TRUTH. And there are THREE that bear witness in earth, The SPIRIT, and The WATER, and The BLOOD: and these THREE agree in ONE.


Revelation 22:1: And he shewed me a pure RIVER of WATER of LIFE, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the Throne of GOD and of The LAMB.


Revelation 21:6: And HE said unto me, It is done. I AM ALPHA and OMEGA, The BEGINNING and The END. I will give unto him that is athirst of the FOUNTAIN of The WATER of LIFE freely.


In the afternoon, while in meditation, I closed my eyes, almost instantly I saw a creature in a crystal clear vision, it looked like a beautiful snake, it was translucent green, with an aura of green light around it, it was on a branch of some trees of

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