» Religion » Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Othusitse Mmusi [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗

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her right ear, “JESUS Loves you.” I did it twice, from her I saw that she heard me, as she began to praise and worship GOD, she was full of joy, she thought she heard and felt the presence of an angel.

Then I went out, as I looked towards the city, I saw street lights shining, lights in many houses, The HOLY SPIRIT pointed towards a certain area. HE said, “There is where you need to go to.” I began to say to The LORD, “But other human spirits or demons will see me as I cross the streets.” Nevertheless I agreed and obeyed. I went to many places to give people messages, like a spirit world tour just like how angels are sent to people I remember, I passed a place where demons gather, and it was in the atmosphere. There were stairways to go there, but I did not even attempt to see what it was all about. One of the last places I visited, I saw group of saints: ladies and young men. They were preparing for a service: a Brother and Sister were preparing a sermon for the Sister to share. She kept asking the brother, what she should say. I came and gently laid both hands on their shoulders. I whispered to the girl in her ear, “Read 1 Thessalonians 4:15- 17.” She heard my message, she was surprised, so I went over the Bible that was next to her study notes book, I opened the pages to 1 Thessalonians 4:15, they were amazed to see the Bible opening by itself. Someone was passing by, he felt my presence, he stopped, looked towards my direction as if seeing me. I whispered to the Sister, “Preach on the ‘rapture of the church.’ This is what GOD is saying to church at this hour!” The Sister began to tell the Brother on what she heard, she started to tell her about a man of GOD she used to watch, a certain prophet, his messages, the “Repentance and Holiness Ministry.” She said, “I believe this is the message of the hour.” I left them while they were discussing.


1 Thessalonians 4:15-17: For this we say unto you by the Word of the LORD, that we which are alive and remain unto the Coming of the LORD shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16 For The LORD HIMSELF shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of GOD: and the dead in CHRIST shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet The LORD in the air: and so shall we ever be with The LORD.


After completing my mission, I went to my house, went through the walls. When I was by the door, I saw two small demons, holding what looked like a large sharp metals, next to my body, I saw that they were attempting to cut and injure my physical body. I saw that my body was glowing red and white, some Flames of Fire of GOD’s Presence, but the demons have been attempting to get to it, until I came. My body was turning on the bed by itself, I said, “You demons, I command you to perish, I release fire on you now in the name of JESUS CHRIST.” I saw the Fire of GOD coming out of my body and going to the demons. I saw them squirm in agony, looking for a place to hide. The Fire kept burning them until they melted out, then they disappeared. My spirit went into my body. I felt thick blanket of GOD’s oly Presence around me even until now. This reminds me of yesterday attempt again, when three witches came after me with 12 demons that looked like pit-bulls. I saw my spirit harbor off the ground, and I called GOD’s Fire on them and their demons. The witches collapsed and fell down, as if they were dying. I kept calling, “Fire,” until GOD took me out from the scene.

Around 9 am, as I lay on my bed, instantly I was standing with JESUS CHRIST in Heaven. HE was very tall, wearing HIS Garment that looked like a diamond sparkling. HE was very handsome. I was on HIS Right Hand side, and we were facing a large building of crystal. It was pure and transparent, the environment and atmosphere where we were was clean, pure, and the flour was transparent as if made up glass, very clear. That is what got my attention, It was so beautiful, I said to the LORD, “Me and my team: BFM, we can’t wait to be with you in Heaven for eternity, also to see our rewards for the souls we won and how we served you on earth.” The LORD turned to look at me, and then HE pulled up a Book of Records. HE began to tell me, “Some people are not taking ‘soul winning’ serious.” HE said, “There are no rewards for them in Heaven.” At that point I thought, “The LORD is OMNISCIENT: HE knows everything!” The LORD said to me, “There is one person in BFM who has not really done anything much for ME, that person has won only two souls but the person has been born again for a long time, How can people be expecting ME to give them much reward in Heaven, while they are just winning only two souls?” That was from the records that HE read from, plus other things. The LORD made it clear that once we arrive in heaven, everyone will receive his just reward. There is no partiality. After JESUS CHRIST told me that, I was back on earth.

So let us strive for intimacy with JESUS CHRIST, let us strive to enter through the narrow door. Let us win souls, let us pray for them, use any means possible, Facebook, Radio, street evangelism, TV, magazines, etc… Preach to your friends, family, relatives, loved ones, and neighbors. Let the rapture find you living in holiness and working on the LORD’s field.



My Visit to Heaven [Wednesday, March 12, 2014]


Before the LORD took me to Heaven, in a vision I saw a big wedding celebration, when I looked in the sky, I saw a big rainbow spread over the skies. I knew it was a warning from the LORD about the Imminent Rapture.

I and one Brother, we were walking from outside the house, and we entered the room. As I was facing the door, I began to see colors and scrolls of GOD. These writings were of different colors. I was trying to decipher them as they flew rapidly. I saw blue ones, red ones, pink ones: all of them different shades of colors, they also emitted light…then I saw The and of GOD, the Words were written in a Heavenly language.

After that vision, The LORD carried me to Heaven. I saw myself flying in the atmosphere, and then I started to descend into gorgeous Paradise of Heaven at a constant speed. The place was vast and huge—endless creation. I saw lively nature: vegetation of all kinds. I saw large trees: that were so tall the branches were high covering the area with extreme green grass, shrubs, and living flowers. I saw a clear river passing in the middle, and the place was full of LIGHT everywhere. There is no shadow or shade, and there was this Radiant LIGHT coming from the east, the location of the City of GOD. The water was flowing slowly, birds flying, animals moving in that glorious nature. I felt so much love, peace, and joy. There was so much stillness…calmness…nothing disturbing. I saw extremely green nature, then beautiful light, reds, golds, yellows, splendid sunrise colors just blended together. It was beautiful scenery. When I saw it, I was overwhelmed by it beauty and splendor. It was full of life, glory, and vigor. This is where I want to spend eternity.

As I was descending, I saw a lovely angel walking, he was pure white. A handsome young man, cloaked about with purest white robe, shimmering white light around him. White like I have not seen white before on earth, in his right hand he was holding a flaming sword, and it was a supernatural sword with fire and light. I was looking at him as he was walking through Paradise, admiring him and I said, “Wow, look at this angel, wow!” I was intrigued by his pureness and beauty.

About these visions, I saw writing, “Revelation of Heaven and the Rapture.” The LORD is saying, “Heaven is real and rapture will come suddenly.”



My Visit to Heaven [Sunday, March 16, 2014]


The HOLY SPIRIT told me before hand that HE will take me to Heaven then later as I lay on my bed, The HOLY SPIRIT carried me away to the Heavens. I found myself in the Third Heaven. The place where The LORD took me to had many rooms: a complex structure with rooms going towards the west, east, etc… The rooms were full of the Glory of GOD, like golden smoke billowing out and everything was radiant and beautiful. We began to go into many rooms as the LORD was showing me something’s.

I remember when I entered a particular room, it had sacred objects. I met an angel who walked out, and he did not even talk with me. When he saw us, he stood up and left. This room had the Glory Cloud of GOD: full of Tremendous Glory. There was a window on the southern side of it. I came near it, and outside I could see the landscape of Heaven. Just near the outside part of another room, I saw three angels sitting down. They looked like perfect men with glorious golden robes reaching their feet, they had two wings each, and it looked golden and white around them was the ‘Pure Glory of GOD’ emitting from their glorious bodies and robes. I was intrigued by their beauty. The HOLY SPIRIT took me through many rooms, and we met many angels…some in groups…some just doing some chores of eaven. This structure had high levels and lower, like underground. All of them were glorious. I was overwhelmed by the glory, beauty and splendor I saw. These are the Chambers of GOD.

In a vision, The LORD took me back in time. HE took me into Heaven before the fall of Lucifer. I was taken to a beautiful part of Heaven, and it looked like open area with a beautiful path. I saw the archangel Lucifer, one of the most beautiful angels in Heaven. He had massive glorious robe, I could see the Glory of GOD about him: different colors, golden, yellow, and white. The air around him was charged with GOD’s Glory. His face was very handsome: his stature was ideal, very lovely, and adorable. He was perfect in beauty. I saw him as he worshipped GOD, as he knelt down, lay prostrate, and sang with a loud voice, pure worship. There were things that looked like splendid ‘grass,’ but it was not grass, they were like stacks of beautiful light: ‘fire grass.’ He walked in midst of it. He gathered all these things, lifted them and sprinkled the air with glitter. When it touched, then you see these fiery colors and you could see beautiful light with fire touching each other and making beautiful shades of colors, and sounds like crickets, like ‘tah, tah, tah.’ I saw other angels gather and they will say, “Wow.” The LORD showed me that Lucifer used to make Glory for GOD. Number one, he was not like any other angel, but a high ranking angel for that reason he was exceedingly glorious, adorable, and other angels were awed by such beauty. Number two, he used to offer pure and fervent worship to GOD. Number three; he used to make this glory that made other

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