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Book online «Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Othusitse Mmusi [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗». Author Othusitse Mmusi

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of his stature, because I have rejected him. For The LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but The LORD looks on the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7


False Testimonies:

Nowadays, there are testimonies coming forth from those who claim to have visited hell or heaven, emphasizing a holiness that is seen as an outward appearance. These people claim that JESUS told them wearing pants, jewelry, lipsticks, woven articles, make ups, braiding hair, painting nails etc… take people to hell. The LORD has taught us on this issue and HE has warned us: Deception can worm its way into the Truth!

WARNING! Deception can worm its way into the Truth!

SOLUTION: Exercise your discernment!

Look closely! What they are claiming have one thing in common: Outward Appearance! GOD’s Words say, "Man looks on the outward appearance, but The LORD looks on the heart." Does the perishable inherit the imperishable? Does the material save a soul or make anyone holier? We do not gain the approval of The Lord by the physical nor does HE judge anyone of us by outward appearance but by the intention of the heart. When someone says they saw JESUS and HE told them “such and such” strange new things that even your own spirit start getting uneasy as you read them. Please know that GOD wants you to EXERCISE YOUR DISCERNMENT [without unbelief however] and use the understanding of the Holy Scripture that The HOLY SPIRIT will give you before you believe everything they say. You read, you see some truth but you see some errors and red flags: Watch out! Don’t swallow everything they say. Exercise your discernment.


A Hot Topic that is DIVIDING the Body of CHRIST:

Outward appearance is a hot topic that is dividing the Body of Christ especially in countries from Africa. This might not be a big issue in the West but in Africa, this is a very sensitive issue within the Church. In doing this, part of the de il’s plan is:

1. To DIVIDE the Body of CHRIST: That those women who cover the head may not worship with those who are uncovered; that those women wearing pants, braiding hair, wearing jewelry, make up and much more may not be welcome where they don’t do so and vice versa…

2. To Promote a ‘False Holiness’ / ‘Self-Righteousness’ So As to Deceive: Redemption is not the work of man but The LORD’s. False holiness emphasizes the Outward / Physical Appearance, despising the Cross and the Redemption by the Blood of JESUS. What we put on, be it hair, make ups, cloths… is not what makes someone holy or beautiful to JESUS. Over and over again, JESUS told us in our FACE-to-face encounters that beauty to HIM is not physical. HE also told us that a beautiful bride to HIM is not the one who is so physically. HE told us that what makes a beautiful bride to HIM is LOVE, SACRIFICIAL LOVE. A beautiful bride to HIM is a person who loves and has greater love – "Greater love has none than this, That one lays down his life for his friends." John 15:13. A beautiful bride is one who is willing to give up anything for HIM and follow HIM wherever HE takes them. HE told us wearing pants doesn’t cause anyone go to hell, what takes people to hell is sin in their hearts. If someone thinks they are holy because of what they wear or how they look, then what role does the Blood of JESUS play? When someone is saved, is it JESUS who saves that person or is it the way they are dressed that save them? We all know the answer – JESUS – Only JESUS is our SAVIOR. If clothing has no power to save someone, why will someone believe that clothing alone has power to condemn people to hell?

JESUS told us that HE created man naked. He also created the woman naked. Clothing is physical, manmade and as such, will it please HIM? Will what is man-made, invented by man be used to determine who is holy and who is not, or who enter Heaven or not? No! The material cannot buy the SPIRITUAL, it cannot be used as a scale to determine who is pleasing to GOD or not. GOD looks at the heart. So what is the motive of the heart that's what matters to HIM? If someone is dressing to cause people to fall then that's sin. If someone dresses certain ways because of pride and vanity, then that is sin. If a woman habitually goes into men’s section and buys her cloths there, then they definitely need to be set free.

1. To Take Captive Those Who Believe these Lies: Satan is the one behind the promotion of this false holiness. His plan is not just to divide, not just to sow small false doctrines here and there but to release demons into those who believe this deception. The moment people believe this deception and do not repent, they have opened a door by which Religious spirits will enter! This is what the Pharisees had!

Luke 18:9-14: "And HE also told this parable to some people who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and viewed others with contempt." One door open leads to another and to another and to another. One by one, spirits of judging others, pride, religious spirits etc… will enter those who open this door. When we see people, we are supposed to see The CHRIST in them but once that spirit enters, people are blinded and they stop seeing that beautiful JESUS in their brethren, instead they start judging them. The Pharisees emphasized on cleaning the outside while the inside was full of wickedness (Luke 11:38- 40; Matthew 23:25-28). On November 3, 2013 at Blazing Holy Fire Church, JESUS WHO had spoken on this issue many times before once more answered the question of wearing pants, jewelry, make up, hair extension …

For many nights The LORD has been teaching us on deception and I will be releasing series of articles on this. Satan is the father of lies and his most powerful weapon right now against those who read revelation of hell and heaven is DECEPTION. Because the devil knows many lives are being changed through books of heaven and hell and many serious believers are reading them - he is using that! The LORD reminded us that before HE called us into this ministry, for 10 years HE first gave us the gift of discernment. Visions and discernment must go together hand in hand. Our little group here, we all walk with GOD holy, no sin… also the place where we meet to gather every night it is heavily guarded by angels that not a single demon has a chance to get inside the building at the moment to deceive. The LORD told us a few nights ago “demons ha e no chance to get in”. The LORD led us through a process of cleansing this area, that every article in the house – including the wires, power cords everything from roof to floor HE cleansed by HIS Own Power, one by one. The LORD has explained to us that the testimony of people whose spiritual eyes open like that with no holiness or without going through the proper process of paying the price and going to hell and be tormented have potential to be corrupted and can end up in deception. When he opens their eyes without paying the price first, they are supposed to go through a process of paying a price later on. But oftentimes, before they get to that process they are already deceived. A person who receives revelation must be holy, walking with GOD and bearing the fruit of The SPIRIT. If they have sin, especially the sin of pride – it is a door through which deception will run straight. This is not easy for me to explain in email but I can over the phone sometimes. We have paid unimaginable price to have our eyes open, even when we get a word for you or translate vows back, someone must go to hell and be tormented for that... This keeps us humble and very close to The LORD however and it is our walk with HIM.


1 Samuel 16:7: “For GOD sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but The LORD looks at the heart."


Pants, earrings, chains, woven articles, make ups and clothing have one thing in common. They are all material stuff, OUTWARD APPEARANCE. Does the perishable inherit the imperishable? Does the material save a soul, or make anyone holier? We do not gain the approval of The LORD by the physical nor does HE judge anyone by outward appearance but by the intention of the heart. We have asked HIM this question several times. One night, this is what The LORD said when we asked HIM about wearing paints and make up – Lies take/keep people in bondage but the Truth sets the people free. Here is what The LORD said:


November 3, 2013: JESUS answered the question of wearing paints, jewelry, make up, hair extension etc…

JESUS: What state did I create Adam and Eve in?

Without cloth


When did they make themselves cloths?

After they sinned.

Who made them cover themselves first?

They covered themselves first not I.

What did I give them?

Did I give them cloths? No,

I gave them fur, I gave them things to cover (Genesis 3)

But I did not design it as in paints with belt, pockets…

The jewelry, lipsticks, hair extension, make –up…

Mankind does all these things,

Not I!

You are not going to be condemned to hell because of wearing paints

I repeat: You are not going to be condemned to hell because of wearing paints


Someone who is tattooed before they are saved

Does that mean that because they have tattoos they are not going to be forgiven?

All have sinned and come short of the Glory of GOD (Romans 3:23)

All have sinned

And the wage of sin is death

That death I paid for

That is the answer -

I paid for sin

And I look at the condition of heart


I am a GOD WHO created colors

I am the one who crafted each and every person

I am the one who painted the skin

When girls wear makeup, they are just adding painting to it


JESUS Okays Pastor’s Hair Braided:

During the month of September 2013, we were having a group fellowship with The LORD. One of the 12 asked The LORD if pastor could have her hair braided. I thought The LORD would say, “No.” so I tried to stop her from asking but it was too late, The LORD had already said, “Yes.” Soon, The LORD HIMSELF became highly involved in bringing the person to braid my hair. The braids were not finished on the first day and twice The LORD kept reminding me that I must go back and have them finished. HE was like a husband making sure that HIS wife’s hair is taken care of.

After my hair was all braided, The LORD came to me so happy; it was the first thing HE talked about. "See that look on your face! You are so happy my child!" It brings HIM joy to see us smiling and joyful. HE explained, “The reason why I let you have the braids, it was not for ME but for you my bride!” HE added that it has made me more confident. I am in a position right now where The LORD sends me to meet Christian and secular leaders. Wherever HE sends me, whether it is to kings, presidents, or commoners, HE wants me to go with confidence. Naturally, I and the women from the church like long hairs but we sisters from Africa have generally short hair. It is hard for us to

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