» Religion » I AM COMING! Volume 1, Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

Book online «I AM COMING! Volume 1, Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck [autobiographies to read txt] 📗». Author Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck

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if you can deny what you see then perhaps this will all go away. You watch all the people around you who are also not watching or not caring and you follow suit. You are looking in the wrong direction for your salvation. Your family, friends, neighbors cannot save you. I am your only SAVIOR. Keep your eyes fixed on ME.

How can you keep your eyes fixed on ME when you are caught up in all your worldly planning and programs? I am not in your thoughts. You are going to miss it. I am your safe passage. If you do not find ME in your daily activities. if I do not come up in your mind, you will not know what is coming and the future will blindside you as the unexpected is about to happen.

MY people will know and not be surprised because I am close and they are watching. They are ready and so their escape is assured. I am that narrow escape. I am the WAY, I am the TRUTH, I am the LIFE. I am pulling MY people out of the line of fire very soon and taking them to safe keeping while the world sinks to an all-time low and the enemy takes over the planet. Avoid disaster MY people. I am your SAVIOR, RESCUER. I will keep you safe.

You do not have to go this alone. I will bring you into MY safe secure arms, cover you with MY loving wings and we will fly away to everlasting safety. I am the RESCUER. I am the One who will bring the salvation. I will bring you to MY home and put you in a secure eternal place.

Choose for ME and avoid pain and suffering. I long to rescue and keep you safe. I have a beautiful life planned for you. You cannot comprehend it. It is great spectacular beauty. This vocabulary lacks the words to describe your home. MY FATHER waits to greet the bride and the banquet is prepared, a large banquet set and ready for your presence. I have brought together a magnificent offering of food and place settings for MY children and to share together at this lovely table. We will celebrate our marriage and our everlasting life together. It will be the greatest celebration ever held.


Susan, yes I have words.

Tomorrow is coming fast.

MY world is one of everlasting untold beauty. Marvelous and lovely is the world I have prepared for those who truly love and seek ME in this world. MY sheep, this is not your world. You are made for another life, a better eternal life. I am coming soon to put you in safe keeping apart from the evil of this world. You must wash yourself clean in MY Blood and through MY Word in MY Book. Surrender and turn your life over to ME. Repent of your sins. I am waiting MY people, MY sheep, the hour is closing in.

Very soon, I am coming to get the people. I will bring them out. I have planned this for a very long time and the hour is approaching. I am coming to that point and I will snatch the people out of the grasp of MY enemy. I know who is coming.

You must choose. The choice is yours. I cannot do this choosing for you. I am clear about the choices. I have made it very clear. The masses will refuse MY offer of escape. They will remain to face an evil that is beyond anything man has witnessed or encountered before. I want MY people to avoid the terror coming, but they cannot imagine how bad it will be. The suffering will be immense for the ones who choose against MY enemy. He will punish those who choose against him and the choosing for ME will be a difficult one. Now is the time to choose for ME. Come to ME now and be part of MY bride and I will make you ready to be received into MY beautiful Kingdom. If you choose for ME after I remove MY bride your choices will be most difficult. The world will go on, but if you want to choose for ME you won’t be able to join back into the world. The alternative will be suffering and death. It will be hard to face. If you join in the world system, you will see eternal suffering. Many will lose their lives after I come for MY bride.

I am coming for a pure bride. One who loves ME before anything else, above all others, above all things. I am sorry, but these are MY stipulations. I have made this clear in MY Word, MY Holy Word. I do not deviate from MY Word. MY Word is clear and uncomplicated. Love ME above all else. I did not create you to put ME in second or third position in your heart. If you believe this, you are mistaken. You have heard this from someone other than ME. I am a jealous GOD. I do not create MY people to follow after other gods, other lowly, worthless gods.

If you want to be with ME in MY Holy Home in Heaven, you must count the cost in this life. You must evaluate your position and decide for yourself what direction you want to move in. You either come with ME and understand that I, GOD want nothing but first place in your heart or choose to put ME in an inferior place in your heart and I will allow you to live out the consequences of your choice for eternity and without a loving, divine GOD. It will be a bleak eternity. You decide.

You put all your life interests before ME your GOD. You spend no time communing with your GOD. I long for relationship with you. I long to share conversations with you, to hear your heartfelt words toward ME, your GOD. I am remote to you. You seek ME when you are in dire circumstances. Suddenly you remember MY Name and call out to ME. After your crisis is over, I go to the bottom shelf of your heart. You remember ME not, as if I don’t exist. Why do you suppose I will want you in MY eternal home when you have no regard for ME at all? I will spit you out. What, this shocks you? Read MY Word. Your love for ME is lukewarm and when you come to ME in the next hour, if you do not embrace ME now, I will not know you or acknowledge you to MY FATHER and HIS Holy Angels.

What has MY sacrifice at Calvary meant to you? Do you not care what I, GOD did to save you from eternal hell? I, GOD, I, JESUS was humbled in a violent way to bring you life eternal and you reject MY work on the cross to save you. I do not take this rejection lightly. This is a serious matter. Your lack of regard for MY sacrifice is belittling of MY Holy Name and MY Work on the cross. I endured evil men to save all men, but I will not force this salvation. I only make it available to all who want it. If you do not care for MY sacrifice, MY ransom than you can reject ME, but know this. MY FATHER will reject you. You will stand before MY FATHER and HE will not accept your explanation for this sinful way you have led your life and you will receive eternal punishment. You will have nothing to say apart from MY sacrifice. There is no atonement for your evil works. You will be sent to hell for the evil you have done against a HOLY GOD.

Accept MY free gift of salvation. Surrender all and repent to your GOD and live.

Your time is running out. You have moments left on the clock. Choose salvation through ME or lose your life to the enemy who is ruthless.


“I am the Son of the Living God, and no man comes to the Father but through me, and all those who reject me, Jesus Christ, they are condemned! There is no way out for them! Their sin is that they reject me, they reject me, the Son of God, they deny me, and those who deny me I shall deny to the Father.

They deny MY crucifixion. They deny that I died for their sins and that they can live with me in paradise as long as they come to me and believe in me. They deny that I can give them everlasting life; they deny me, this is their sin, that they deny the Living God, the Son of the Living God, and that they are wicked, they choose evil, and they choose wickedness.

This is their sin, they deny the Living God. They deny the Son of the Living God. They deny Jesus Christ, for I am all truth, I am all righteousness, and without me there is no way, they shall perish, this is the truth, that if they come to me, the Son of the Living God, I shall give them everlasting life.

It is me that shall save them, I am the Savior of the world, I am the Redeemer, I am Everlasting Life, I am green pastures, I am everlasting, and I shall give them everlasting waters so that they will never thirst and they shall never hunger.

For MY Father so loved the world that He sent me on earth to walk the earth and to set sinners free, to set the down trodden free, to give sight to the blind, to heal the wounded, to heal the sick, to set free the captive.

I came to save sinners; I came to save sinners from the fires of everlasting hell; I came to set them free; I came to give them everlasting life; that they might have life abundantly, that they may live with me and MY Father in MY Father’s mansion. I came for all. And for those who accept me and for those who serve me, they shall be given abundantly; they shall be treated as sons of God and kings of heaven!

But for those who reject me, for those who reject the Son who the Father has sent, there is only fire left. For I came, for I came to save them out of the pit, for I came to save them, for I came for them that they may live with me.

But if they reject me, if they reject me, woe! For I only can send them to hell. For that is all that is left for them, for that is all that MY Father has left for them. He has done all that He can. He has sent them His only Son, to serve, to serve them, to save them, to bring them to the truth, to bring them to the life, but they would rather choose darkness.

I am the light, I am the way, I am the truth! No man comes to the Father but through me. I am the Son of God and only through me can they see the Father; I am the Son of god, I lay down MY life for them, and if they reject me there is no other way; I am the way, I am the truth, I am the light; MY Father sent me to save the world, and those who receive me I will receive, I will accept, I will tell of them to MY Father, and they shall be in heaven with me and they shall be in paradise, their name shall be written in the Book of Life and they shall have everlasting life.

But those who reject me there is no way but hell, there is no other way, for I am the way, I am the truth, I am the light; I was sent to save sinners, I was sent to

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