» Religion » I AM COMING! Volume 1, Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck [autobiographies to read txt] 📗

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life every second of the day. I preserve your life while you reject ME. I bring the rain down for all. I bring the sunlight down for all. MY Love is toward all peoples. But very soon I must leave those who choose against ME to face the outcome of their choosing.

This has happened before and has been described in MY Book to happen again. I am a GOD of light. I am completely honest to MY people and true to MY Word. What do you need to see truth? I am taking the remnant home who are clean and prepared for MY retrieval.

The hour is closing in. The warnings are clear. The path is narrow.

MY Hand is extended. Grasp it and I will lead you out to safety. I want to do this for you, I long to do this. MY sadness is great that you will not come with ME, MY people.

Your BRIDEGROOM waiteth. Only seconds to go. Seek MY beautiful Face. MY Love is pure and perfect. You will never know anything more satisfying than ME, JESUS.

Turn to ME quickly, JESUS.

Charles Spurgeon writes about “The Form of Godliness Without the Power.”

“Having a form of godliness but denying its power.” A mere form of godliness joined to an unholy heart is of no value to God. The swan, although its feathers are as white as snow, yet its skin is black. God will not accept that ‘external morality’ which conceals ‘internal impurity’. There must be a pure heart as well as a clean life.

The power of godliness must work within, or else God will not accept our offering. There is no value to man or to God in a religion which is a dead form. Sad is that man’s plight who wears the name of Christian but has never been quickened by the Holy Spirit.

There is no use in a mere formal religion. If your religion is without spiritual life, what is the use of it? Could you ride home on a dead horse? Would you hunt with dead dogs? Is false religion any better? In the depth of winter, can you warm yourself before a ‘painted fire’? Could you dine off the ‘picture of a feast’ when you are hungry?

There must be vitality and substantiality, or else the form is utterly worthless; and worse than worthless, for it may flatter you into deadly self conceit.

How shameful will such a fruitless, lifeless professor be in eternity, when the secrets of all hearts shall be revealed! What shame and everlasting contempt will await him when his falsehood shall be detected, and his baseness shall fill all holy minds with horror!

What will be the hell of the false professor! “Having a form of godliness but denying its power.”


PART 30: This has one letter given by JESUS to Susan for all who will receive it. This letter speaks of lukewarm commitment and doing good works apart from GOD's consent.

The world looks so normal, but it is not. No middle ground, only 100 percent commitment. There is only one path to GOD - not many.


December 26th, 2010.

This Part 30 has one letter given by JESUS to Susan for all who will receive it. This letter stands alone. The message is very serious. Please take time to read this message and even to get it out to others.

Please Note: with this message below are two links put together by our friend Jude of the Philippines of the LORD’s letters in brochure format for public distribution and also some of our linking partners and the LORD’s letters translated into other languages.


Letter 57. December 24, 2010. Words given by JESUS to Susan.

Susan, this is your LORD speaking. Yes, Susan, I have words for you.

The hour is closing in. The people think not. Even those who are MY own do not believe ME. They have no faith. They read MY Word. They see the times. They do not believe that the hour approaches for ME to retrieve MY bride. I do not know what they will need to see the truth. I have laid this out carefully for all to see and yet the majority, refuse to see and they refuse to look. They are so preoccupied with the world before them. They do not want to look, see, believe for themselves.

There are a few who are watching. There are a few who have noticed the times are lining up with MY Word, MY Words given so many years in advance by MY prophets. Yet they look the other way. This does not coordinate with their earthly desires. They run toward the unclean. They are captivated by the things of the world. I know you MY people. I know how you lust after the things that all the heathens lust after.

You have drummed up every excuse in MY Book to make yourself justified to pursue the world and the unclean things thereof. You use MY Book to give yourself license to pursue the world. You know what I speak of. You pursue wealth and possessions and you say, GOD doesn’t want us poor. When did I even speak to you? You are so busy proving that it is in MY will that you have everything the heathens’ possess, that you don’t even talk to ME anymore. You don’t know ME. You know the world. You know wealth. You know the lusts of the world, but you do not know ME. You are an enmity to ME along with the world. I cannot take you to MY Kingdom. Your lukewarmness will put you outside MY Kingdom and I cannot take you with ME when I come to remove MY bride.

I am a GOD of TRUTH and LOVE. Do you find these words to hurt? Well sometimes the TRUTH must hurt. I want to save you. Pull away from your lusting, clinging to the world around you. You accept MY offer of salvation and then turn back and blend perfectly with those in the world. I cannot have you in MY World as long as you continue to pursue your own agenda. If you surrender and repent of your sins to ME and give ME your life, your will, your all, then I can establish MY Will in your life and I can work MY perfect plans in your life. Your justification of your plans in your life using MY precious Word, yet never actually surrendering your all to ME is putrid to ME.

Your working of good without consulting ME disgusts ME. If you don’t surrender to ME completely and make ME the undisputable MASTER over your life, then someday when you stand before ME, all your so-called good works will burn up because these were your plans and not MINE. You did not take time to become intimate with ME, to truly know MY Will for your life. You proceeded in the direction you chose.

If you continue to pursue your own path and spend little or no time with ME, getting to know ME, establishing intimacy with your GOD, then your chosen path will lead you straight to hell. This is harsh you say. WAKE UP, MY people. This is TRUTH. I AM GOD. I created you. Quit working in the framework of your own thinking and justifying your love affair and adultery with the world by using MY Words. I want to spit you out.

Come to ME in these closing moments. Turn from your unrepentant lusting after the things of the world. If you put down your lusts for the world and actually spent time with ME and MY Word, you would see that these are roads that all lead to hell.

The world says there many paths that lead to GOD. This is an outrageous lie of the enemy. The TRUTH in MY Word is that there is only one narrow path, one narrow way to the FATHER and it is I, JESUS CHRIST, the MESSIAH. You must make ME your LORD and MASTER, and if you do not give ME everything, including all your future planning, you serve another master. This master you serve tries to pose as light. His light is blinding you MY children, MY little ones. You are following him to hell.

The things of the world that you see others, who do not know ME engaging in look so right. They look so normal. This is the way the enemy deceives you. Step away. Separate yourself unto ME. MY Way leads you to freedom, peace, love, and satisfaction through ME, your ONE TRUE LOVE. The enemy wants to trip you up and he is succeeding. The path is thin and few find it. *MY Word is plain. The road to hell is wide. This TRUTH should be sobering for you. If you knew something was rare, unique, than you would know you must look carefully for it. The wide road by contrast is easy to find. MY people, lay down your life before ME now, the narrow path doorway is about to close and when I come to get MY beloved, it will close.

This is the moment of decision. The world around you seems normal, right. But you are falling into the enemy’s hands and you are resisting MY TRUTH. I have made it clear in MY Word that it will be as the days of Noah and Lot. Few will be found worthy to be saved when I come for MY bride. MY people this should be sobering for you, but you fear ME not and cling to the world as if it holds your answers.

The world is crumbling. It groans and creaks under the pressure of consuming evil that is taking over. Can you not see this? What do you not see about this TRUTH? The world is growing cold toward its GOD, even indifferent. It seeks after every explanation to disbelieve ME. Why can you not see this? Soon MY TRUTH will win out and what side will you be standing on? Will you be with ME in the end or will you be on the side of eternal regret, sorrow, loss, torment, and fire, cast into the final destination, the Lake of Fire.

You are either MINE, fully-surrendered or you are not MINE. There is no middle ground. Those who ride the fence and have a little love for ME and indulge themselves, they believe justifiably using MY Word, with the world are already dead and lifeless to ME. You belong fully-surrendered to your master, satan. He does not mind that you say you are MINE, as long as you are not fully-surrendered to ME. You can call yourself anything you want, you can visit MY House as often as you like, you can wear MY Name on your sleeve, but if you are not fully-surrendered to ME and engaging fully in the ways of the world then you belong to MY enemy and you are his slave. And when you stand before ME, I will know you are not MINE and you will join your master for eternity.

Choose quickly. I must leave soon with MY beloved. Join us. But choose now. No decision is also a choice against ME. I love you, but I am also always and eternally TRUTHFUL. Turn to ME.

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