The Word of God about the glory of the God, Lord Jesus [thriller book recommendations .txt] 📗

- Author: Lord Jesus
Book online «The Word of God about the glory of the God, Lord Jesus [thriller book recommendations .txt] 📗». Author Lord Jesus
Oh, the priests do not know what a Holy Mass means, for if they knew, they would understand what I mean when I say: blessed is the kingdom of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The priests do not have Me in their living; the priests have no mind; they do not have Me, but this does not lie in the power of man. This is a gift from God not through man; not taken by man, but by My grace which is let into those that do My holy will in their body, that is, God witnessed in man’s body, in man’s living. This is not taught from man or by man. Who taught Abraham the faith in God, the love for God? For faith is love. Who taught Melchizedek the faith in God? I gave him the gift of faith, My gift believing in man, for the Lord hardens and has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and it does not lie in man’s power, as the gift of faith in man is from God.
I am the Lord. I am this word. However lying this word is before you, oh, you, people of the church should know that I am this word. I am and you shall see the Son of man in the glory of this word, for Romania is the kingdom of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. And it shall be the Orthodoxy lived by the faithful sons and it shall be My church, as it is, for I am the body and word for My remembrance. I am not only the body in it, but I am also the word, for I am always today.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother, from 04-12-1996
Jerusalem, I am coming to you and I am coming with the saints. Amen. Open the books, sons of the manger of My word, for I am becoming word into the book. Stay with the book open before Me, you, and those who open to the Lord to come in. Amen.
It is a time of heavenly weeding on earth with Me and with you, bride Jerusalem. Peace to you! The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit lay a table of word in you, and at the table with you are the saints coming with Me, Jerusalem son. The saints are coming to the wedding, son, for the days of the wedding are chained and go beyond time and age, and the wedding of God’s Son on earth and in heaven comes into the endless age; on earth with the saints as in heaven and in heaven with you as on earth, bride people. (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb[8]”, r.n.) However, this is what I am telling you: you should not get enchanted with human joy, in the man’s joy. You should not mix your joy with My joy, for it is written in the Scriptures: «I will not give My glory to another». (Is: 42/8) And this is how you are to fulfill this word too, and do not give My glory to another, but let it be in you, for it is yours. I have given it to you together with Me and man does not receive Me in him as You have received Me. My glory is My word that catches life in the man’s body, for the body is of no use if it is not the temple of the glory of God’s Spirit. Do not get lost in the man’s joy, son of My glory. Do not give your glory to man; do not let him step over My glory in you and you should be the word before people, and not people to be the word before you, for you have the glory of My word that teaches you, which breathes into you. Do not become careless in your stature before Me. Do not let yourself be stolen by visible pleasures, by men’s joy who bow at My passing with you through the midst of the world, for this is what I told My apostles: «Do not rejoice that the demons are subject to you; nevertheless, rejoice that your names are written in heaven, in the Book of Life». (Luke: 10/20)
Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of Saint John, the Baptist, from 20-01-1997.
Oh, Israel, son who stay under My teaching, open your mind to come to know with it, that I may fill it with the wisdom of My word, son. Before I went back to My Father, no one could ask anything from My Father into My name. First, I came from the Father to people and then I worked miracles as the Son of Man, then I was crucified, and this was a miracle; and then, I was raised again to life and this was also a miracle, dear son; then I went back to the Father and this was the greatest of miracles. However, I said that I would work even greater miracles after I would go to be in the Father, and everything I said is true, that the Comforter, My Word from the Father is the greatest miracle from ages.
You are the one who performs miracles greater than any time, My people. You make the Son come down from the Father, the Comforter I promised even when I was in the flesh, and while I was in the flesh, I was speaking through the Spirit that those who were going to be faithful to Me after My going to the Father, would work out greater miracles. I have power from the Father, for the faithful one asks in My name, in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father; the Son in the Holy Trinity Who have come down on earth to appear as God coming from God among people, and the faith of the faithful one has grown and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, Whom I sent from the Father, grows the faithful one and thus the one who is faithful works even greater miracles than those at that time, because I come down from the Father and I am called the Comforter. Jerusalem, your faith makes this great miracle, which has never been since ages. The Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the One I promised, comes down into your midst at your faith, people working of miracles.
This is what I said at that time: «In that day you will ask Me no questions, because My spirit, the Counselor will teach you all things, and there will be nothing to clarify or to ask». (See John 14: 26; 16:23) The Holy Spirit, the Counselor, is God’s Glory on earth. The Holy Spirit becomes word and the word is God’s glory. However, did I not say that if you believed, you would see God’s glory? God’s glory is the word that speaks and the glory of the word is fulfilled. Any word that is fulfilled is called God in His glory. Amen. The unfaithful cannot see God’s glory; they cannot see because they do not look to see, and they look to see what to do so that they may not see or believe. What would they do if they believed? This might distract them from their things and they do not want to separate themselves from the will of those who do not look at God’s glory.
Oh the greatest miracle from ages is My word that is becoming book in this time on earth. (See The Book of the Lamb (The Book of Life) - The Word of God (1955-2005)[9], r.n.) This miracle is called the second coming of God’s Son on earth. Let this feast may include you, Jerusalem, and you should stay in My coming, for I am the day of feasting without evening and I am coming with it on earth and I am giving it to the faithful ones. Blessed will be the one who will be found faithful to My coming. Blessed is the one who will be found near Me when I appear in the visible glory.
Peace to you, Jerusalem that believe My coming! Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the holy forty martyrs of Sebeste[10], from 22-03-1997.
I come from the Father, and I come with the Father. I am from the Father Sabaoth, and I am with Him, and He is with Me and in Me. I come in Israel with a feast of celebration, into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I become a word of new age over you, My people of Israel. I cannot be without a people, for I am the Shepherd of Israel. Because Israel, to which came two thousand years ago, did not want Me to reign over it and to be its Shepherd, then I went to the Gentiles with My heart, and I said to My apostles: «Go to all the nations, to the ends of the earth, and dedicate the multitudes which will believe in My name; dedicate them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and make the people believe that Christ is the Son of God, born of the Father and of the Virgin, by the Holy Spirit, the One from the Father». And the Romanian people was loved then among the nations of the earth, and My Father gave it to Me to be the people of My returning from the Father. And behold, little and tiny Israel, Father have chosen you out of the Romanians to make Me word upon you, and the word of God to be heard from you to all the margins of the heavens, and then to come visibly, as it is written in the Scriptures.
Israel, Israel, those that are not seen will soon come into view. My invisible glory is coming near, dear son. You are My glory on the earth, and I want everybody to know and the world to see that you are My glory, son, and let this visible news go to all the margins of the heavens, and let all the nations know that you are My son and that you are ready for celebration before My glory which is coming near over the earth. I come to clothe you with glory in My name, and you should learn well the humility of joy and the joy of humility, lest you forget because of your joy that you should do and be My will before Me. You should teach yourself, Israel, to have a humble thought, holy and well pleased to Me. You should teach yourself to think beautifully and to always have a house in your thought for Me, to be able to rest in you, son from Israel. You should be gentle in your heart, My people, for behold, I do not forget
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