The Word of God about the glory of the God, Lord Jesus [thriller book recommendations .txt] 📗

- Author: Lord Jesus
Book online «The Word of God about the glory of the God, Lord Jesus [thriller book recommendations .txt] 📗». Author Lord Jesus
Behold, Israel, who love Me, believe in Me and stay clothed within Me and within My glory, son. Become worthy to appear near My glory as I make you My glory before people. I will come down in you with a word of love, peace and forgiveness and I will set you before the people, and the people will hear God’s Word, Who comes to you as word. As with My entrance into Jerusalem, we will celebrate on earth and God’s Word will come in riding on a white horse (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic white horse”, r.n.) and will refresh the hearts of the multitudes, and I will give them the gift of the faith and of the holy joy, and I will tell the people: «Rejoice over the glory of God’s Word!».
… I give you good news about Me, as the Bridegroom from heaven in you, My wedding country, and this way the nations of the earth will know you; and they will call you My wedding country, for you are My loved one, and I come into your midst to teach you My love, and to give you the gift of My love; however, I will be over you with My comfort and I will heal you of wounds, blots, breaches and shame, oh, My wedding country! (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb[11]”, r.n.) And all who have been oppressing you and turning you down will come and take stone from you for their comfort and they will worship Me in you, My country of love and of wedding. There is no other day more beautiful than the wedding day, and I prepare beautiful days for you, My country, for you shelter in you My bride people. Come close to My bride, My country, and prepare My way to the wedding in you and rejoice, My wedding day! Any word of Mine will come into being over you, for I am your God and I have the spring of My word in you. I come to unloose your fetters and to be able to walk. Amen. I am the One Who is coming with power and much glory into you, and many people will receive from My glory, and My glory from you will be seen to all the margins, country of the Lord’s glory. I come to you to clothe you in glory and the people to see you. You should also come into My glory. Come, for I am coming with glory over you and I will give you My peace. Amen.
Excerpt from God’s Word at the feast of the Annunciation, from 07-04-1997.
Oh, My saints in heaven, your mourning for My little garden in Romania is great, as according to My promises, you wait for a new heaven and a new earth, a dwelling of righteousness, but the people in the church on earth stand against Us, as they have got used to the old things because for them the bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, and they do not want to give the spirit of the world for the Holy Spirit. However, I am the Lord, and I will do justice for those who wait for a new heaven and a new earth. Amen.
Behold, I am coming to you, My people, so that the people may hear My word of mourning and the mourning word of the saints.
The saints are crying to Me for you, My little garden, because you are the hope of the heaven so that I may come down on earth, for there is no one on earth to wait for Me to come. No one says anymore: “Lord, come!”, because no one has got a bridal garment in order to say, “Lord, come!” Only you, My people, stay dressed as a bride before Me. Stay, watch, and do not be afraid of those who are unfaithful, for I will make them blind as I also gave blindness to the enemy people that were seeking to take Elisha’s life, My prophet and Elijah’s disciple. And the unfaithful ones will strike one another and My word will shepherd over the earth and you will be My glory, My people, for you are small, but My glory upon you is great and it becomes word, it becomes deed and it becomes joy for you and for many who take of the river of My word and wait for My kingdom, which is coming with Me. The angels seal you with My living seal and you are protected, for you are in My plan for the fulfilling of the Scriptures of My second coming. You are salvation for many, but for those who blaspheme you and give you a bad name, I release My wrath and I will give them signs spoken by My word. Amen.
Excerpt from God’s Word at the feast of the holy martyr and healer Panteleimon, from 09-08-1997.
Get ready for the glory of the Holy Spirit, Jerusalem, for Jerusalem means the glory of the Holy Spirit, and that is why I have given you the name of Jerusalem, My loved people. All of you be one love and one word of Holy Spirit. Be working children, be all, rejoicing the Holy Spirit in you, that the heaven and the earth may see this work waited for ages by all those in heaven and on earth and by all the heavenly armies, well, children of My hope, of My coming. Amen.
I will send you a little angel, as I sent to the shepherds from the fold when the time for Me to be born of the Virgin had come, and I will surround you with My glory brought by My little angel, and he will bring you joy as he also brought joy to the little shepherds at that time, and he will announce the coming of My glory, and crowds of heavenly armies will appear, will praise Me and announce My glory in heaven and on earth, and they will also announce My peace upon people and good will among them. And many little angels will come down and go up visibly and invisibly, from heaven to earth and from earth to heaven, and they will comfort you, for it is written in the prophets that you, sons of Jerusalem, will be comforted in Jerusalem. Amen.
I want, My beloved people, to embrace you within the mystery of comfort, for this mystery means the Holy Spirit. For a long time, I have been waiting in you for this fruit. I have been waiting, son, for the revelation of the Holy Spirit, the Counselor, in you, for the whole creature waits for the revelation of God’s sons and My glory with them. Amen. Give good news about the Holy Spirit, sing the Holy Spirit, announce the joy of holiness, for you are the sons of My word. Comfort each other with the comfort of the Holy Spirit, and many will come to you to take of the mystery of comfort, from the Holy Spirit, the Counselor, dear sons.
Excerpt from the Word of God to the Christian people, from 14-09-1997.
Oh, how is the man who does not work out love to know about it? Oh, how is the man to know God if he does not work out God? One knows about God with His great work in man. If the man does not want, how is he supposed to know God? Behold, the man works something else; he works out his love not God’s, for the man came out of the man and does not want to come up to God and to be from God. And for this, the devil goes up to God and comes up against the man in heaven, and he wants to come up and then to come down upon the people, for he thinks that he will be a visible king and that he will reign forever over the man. But behold, My book is open, and I announce those that are to be in the days to come.
Amen, amen, I say to you, to those who preach My good news from heaven on the earth; take My news over to all the wise people of the earth who danced as the antichrist played, the man of falsehood. The antichrist will come up to heaven, as he says, and then to come down from heaven into My place and to tell every man that he is the Christ who comes. The antichrist totally lost his mind. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast[12]”, r.n.) He looked into the Scriptures and says that he looked well and that he saw; he read in the prophets about My glory and about My coming and set himself to work. What did he do if he set himself to work? He did his own things and of his own mind; he made a glory like that of Mine, out of iron and lying, as he says, and this is how he created an immoral man out of the spirit of the man and out of the flesh of the man, and he clothed himself with the power of his lying and made the creature to create a glory like that of Mine, a body like that of Mine, as he says, a body which ascended into heaven and which comes down from heaven. He took the word of the angels of the heaven who said: «This Jesus, Who was received up from you into the sky will come back in the same way as you saw Him going into the sky». He took over this word and spun around it to fulfill it through a newborn man, an immoral man. Oh, poor of him! He lost his mind and forgot that he was a sinner and that cannot be God into My place. He took over the word of My prophets, but those were prophets, not sinners. He should have taken over Mine too, for I spoke over those that I put to preach My word with great power. He should have also taken over My word, which said that «the false christ will come before Me and will do sings in heaven and on earth and will deceive many, and then the Lord will destroy him by the power of His coming with glory and with thousands of angels on His coming». But I come before him and I let him know, him and his angels who serve him, that I will destroy him by the breath of My mouth, by My word, which blows over My garden, and from it over to him, and then I will come down as I ascended, and I will appear as the true God, and I will come coming from heaven as I ascended into heaven, served by angels, the bodiless angels in a visible glory, as My angel came visibly and covered Me when I ascended into heaven, taking Me away from the eyes of those who saw Me in the body, the incarnated God.
I had covered My glory as long as I stayed on the earth. I was true God of true God, but I had stayed among the people as a man and I had stayed without glory. From time to time I had appeared in power, as a God, doing the unnatural works of My invisible Father. From time to time I had appeared as the Son of the heavenly Father by the testimony of My Father, the One above Me and the One
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