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describe to his own satisfaction what he heard and saw because the spiritual realm is so different than the material realm, and there is nothing to use as a comparison to provide an explanation. I get that same sense when I read any of the prophets or John's Revelation.

I also had the sense that he himself could not understand everything he experienced while he was out of his body, and he was still contemplating them and trying to figure them out. He would tell me his speculations about certain things he did not understand. For example, Daniel said that the angel who escorted him always used the word “we,” speaking of himself and at least one other person whom Daniel didn't see. Daniel thinks that perhaps there were other angels around him of which he was not aware. I suggested that perhaps that angel was speaking on behalf of God, as we read in Scripture that angels often do, and God was using the word “we” just as He used the word 'us” in the first chapters of Genesis. Daniel wasn't sure.

Daniel again told me that his whole experience out of his body seemed like only fifteen minutes to him, and that when he was resurrected, he thought his experience had just been a powerful dream. However, his wife eventually convinced him that he had been lying in a mortuary the previous two nights between two other corpses. If Daniel's experience was just a dream, it was a dream of amazing detail and revelation.

I also learned that Nneka had begged Daniel to forgive her for slapping him prior to his departure from their home on the morning of November 30, 2001. But he had refused. He said such a thing (a wife slapping a husband) is never done in his country. It is an “abomination.” His intention was to wait until after church on Sunday to ban her for one year's separation from him to his father's compound in the village of Amaimo. Women's liberation has not reached rural Nigeria yet. After his resurrection, however, Daniel told his wife that his forgiveness is like bread in the refrigerator -- if she wants it, she can come and get it anytime she wants!

Daniel also gave me some information about the difference between Paradise and Heaven, and Hell and the lake of fire. For example, he said that many people think that Hell and the lake of the fire are the same, but they are not. Hell is just a temporary holding place, and eventually everyone in Hell will be judged at the Great White
Throne of Judgment, and then will be cast into the lake of fire. I  already knew that, as it is contained in Scripture. We read in Revelation 20:14 that death and Hell, or as the N.A.S.B. more accurately says “Hades”, will be cast into the lake of fire.

 Daniel said that prior to Jesus' death and resurrection, the saints who died went to a place in Hell. I would prefer to say “Hades,” as more accurately translated by the N.A.S.B. Hades is the Greek word that is equivalent to the Old Testament Hebrew word “Sheol”. compare Acts 2:27 with Psalm 16:10. Sheol or Hades was the Old Testament abode of the wicked and righteous after death, apparently consisting of a place of torment and a place of comfort. see Luke 16:19-31. Daniel said that after His death, Jesus took the righteous with Him to Paradise. I have heard the same doctrine taught many times in America by conservative Evangelicals.

I asked Daniel about the sign he saw over the gate of Hell that he saw which said, “Welcome to the Gate of Hell.” I told him I had a hard time believing that God would put such a sign there, as it would seem to be sarcastic, out-of-character, mockery. Daniel told me something that I had never considered, and still would like to
consider in light of Scripture. He said that Satan still has authority over the un-righteous in Hell, just as he did on earth, and that Hell is actually Satan's domain. There the devil tortures and torments his own, keeping them captive to the very sins they were enslaved to while they served him on earth. Having nothing to lose, Satan no longer deceives them about his true nature, and so he fully reveals it to them, hating his own spiritual children who have served him.

God doesn't deal with the unrighteous until they are brought before the Great White Throne of judgment, after which they are cast into the lake of fire. That lake is a manifestation of God's judgment against them, and that is why both Hell and Satan himself are ultimately cast there. One could wonder: If Hell is God's domain of punishment, why would He not cast people into Hell after their judgment at His Great White Throne, rather than into the lake of fire? Why wouldn't He cast Satan there as well, rather than into the lake of fire as we are told He will do? And why would God cast Hell itself into the lake of fire if it is something of His design? Finally,
why did Jesus promise that "the Gates of Hades" , or "Hell" as the King James Version says, would not overpower His church. see Matthew 16:18, if "the Gates of Hades" speak of or represent a place of God's domain? Those are a few questions to think about. 

Daniel also indicated that Paradise and the place of the great mansion, the “Father's house” that Jesus has prepared for His people, are different places. Presently, believers who die go to Paradise, not to the great mansion. He said it is only at the return of Christ when Jesus will take believers from Paradise and the earth and bring them into the mansion, His “Father's house”, as He perhaps implied in John 14:2-3. Daniel said that the great mansion he saw is the New Jerusalem, or at least part of it, that will one day come down from Heaven to earth. See Revelation 21:2,10. 

In any case, I completed my investigation even more convinced that Daniel Ekechukwu did die on the night of November 30, 2001, and came back to life on the afternoon of December 2, 2001, in response to the persistent faith of his wife, Nneka. The evidence is very compelling. I am also more persuaded that Daniel's out-of-the body experience was genuine, and that he did have a divinelygranted opportunity to see parts of Heaven and Hell. And I have once again made certain that I am harboring no unforgiveness in my heart!


 by Pastor Yong-Doo Kim
(Free website download.
Used by permission.)


Excerpts from the book “Baptize by Blazing Fire” by Pastor Yong-Doo Kim.

The 4th Commandment.

Keeping the Lord's Day Holy.

10 Commandments. Early in my Christian walk, I realized that a lot of what was being taught by Christians, was just the latest religious theories, the current trend, the latest fad, the latest catch phrases or Pop-Christianity. And it was necessary to separate what was coming from man, and what was coming from God. This was also true in biblical times, there have always been many different religious teachings that did not come from God.

One current theory says, "We no longer need to obey the 4th commandment anymore; it's now just a good idea to have a day's rest!" This religious teaching came from man, not God. In truth, the 4th commandments is still a commandment, like the others, Don't Murder, Don't Steal, etc.

As I studied many divine revelations from God regarding Heaven and Hell, there was one thing that was very consistent. The things God warned His people about, would come true, if they ignored His warning. So it's useless to hope that God might break His Word, just because someone is a Christian. For example, when Jesus warned  us, 'unless you forgive your brother when he sins against you, your Heavenly Father will NOT forgive your sins.' This is true, even if you're the pastor of a 10,000 member church. So His warnings must be taken seriously, by everyone.

This is why, in several revelations of Hell, there are many Christians that wound up in Hell, because they falsely assumed that God would NOT carry out His Word. We know that by the shed blood of Jesus we are able to get forgiveness for our sins, but it doesn't allow us to flippantly and continually violate God's commandments. And Christians that do continually break God's commandments, without repentance, their salvation IS in jeopardy. This is consistent with all scripture.

We need to be reminded that the 10 Commandments, are NOT 10 suggestions. The commandments bring blessings to those who obey. This doesn't mean that someone is righteous because they obey commandments, but it does mean that there is judgment for those who break them.

Which of the 10 commandments were abolished with the coming of Jesus Christ? NONE! We are still to follow all of them. Just because the Pharisees, over applied the commandment of the Sabbath, adding 100's of man made rules, doesn't justify the fact that we now pretty much neglect the 4th commandment, seldom even mentioning it in Sermons. The 4th commandment was not some little Levitical law, buried in scripture. No, it was written on stone, along with the other Major commandments, and consistently held important throughout scripture. 

Foolishly, I always assumed that it was no longer required to keep the Sabbath Day Holy, or Sundays. Just go to Church, and that's enough. In fact, after Church, I would spend the rest of the Lord's Day pretty much the same as any other week day. We know how passionate Jesus was against those who desecrated the Lord Temple, aggressively driving them out, but I never guessed that He would also be passionate against those who violate the Lord's Day.

The popular Christian catch phrase, for someone who follows the 4th Commandment regarding Sabbath, is that they are being too "Legalistic." But in comparison, if someone obeys the 6th commandment, and does not kill, we never say they are being "Legalistic."

We must remember that every blessing of God is in jeopardy, for someone who does not fear the Lord, or obey His Word. And now, it has been shown by revelation and scripture, that violating the 4th commandment is very serious, and can even bring eternal condemnation.

Exodus 20 8-12. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your animals, nor the alien within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

The text of the 4th commandment, basically says:

1. Dedicate the day to the Lord,

2. Don't do your business,

3. Don't have others do your business

When you are spending money on the Lord's Day, somebody is doing business.

There are some decisions every Christian needs to make.

1. Either God's day is to be kept Holy, or Not. It's either a commandment or Not.

2. And if you believe it is to be kept Holy, are you going to follow how the bible tells us to keep it Holy, or the current Christian culture tells us how to keep it Holy?

The following excerpts were taken from the revelation Baptize by Blazing Fire. by Pastor Yong-Doo Kim. His congregation was given many face to face visitations with Jesus Christ and were shown the magnitude of how serious it is to keep the Lord's Day Holy.

Pastor Kim Speaking. I decided to ask the Lord about Sundays, how we should keep them Holy. As soon as I asked Jesus, His expression changed to anger. The Lord wanted me to reference certain scriptures.

"But if you do not obey me to keep the Sabbath day holy by not carrying any load

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