» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014, Susan Davis [the beach read TXT] 📗

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CHRIST by Susan

Write MY Words down: 

This is MY Voice. Listen Carefully. The hour is approaching for MY Return. Daughter this is a fact. Many do not believe it. It is true, I am coming!

The hour has become very evil and dark. The people know not their GOD. They see ME not. I am not recognized by MY children. I am your GOD and yet other things captivate you more. You are succumbing to other voices. These voices tell you all is well, put your faith in your own might and reasoning.

You are splintered. You are divided. MY House is not divided. You either will have all of ME or none of ME. Don’t you know a house divided can’t stand? This is the lukewarm church: MY children who are half-heartedly for ME but actually are whole-heartedly against ME. A little relationship with ME is not a full fellowship that will save you. You must abide in ME and not partially or fully with the world. I desire surrender, intimacy, closeness to MY children, without other distractions that pull them away.

The hour is close for MY Return. If you do not keep your eyes fixed on ME you will not see ME when I come. How can you expect to be saved in MY coming for MY church, if you are not even watching?

To watch, you must be interested in watching and waiting. Waiting goes with watching. Too many want no part in waiting and the world distracts them away as they wait. Waiting can be difficult, too difficult for many. Am I not worth it? Did I not pay a large price for your salvation?

I paid it children. The price was great. Your LORD GOD, HIMSELF came down and became lower than angels and became as a worm to mankind to save all mankind. I gave of MYSELF so that men could be redeemed. What a TRIUMPH! Men can now approach MY FATHER’s throne with MY Blood Covering and enjoy sweet companionship with their MAKER.

Children the hour of MY Return is close. Don’t let anyone tell you different. Don’t let the enemy steal your crowns, your place with ME in eternity. O’ he wants to steal, kill, and destroy. He will distract, kill, and destroy many of MY children.

Surrender your life to ME fully. Lay down your life, seek MY Face. Give ME all. Then through MY SPIRIT you will receive discernment to know the right words. In your heart, your spirit will tell you the Words coming from MY SPIRIT to your spirit.

Pray for discernment. I will give it to you if you come to ME, seeking full surrender, clean hearts, feet that walk to do MY Will. This is MY Heart. This is MY Will that We be as One, that you come into MY Perfect Will: the narrow path. The path is narrow because so few want to be in MY Will. They fight ME to be in their fleshly will.

Only by MY PERFECT Will will you recognize the way to everlasting life, salvation. It is MY Perfect Will for your life. Without MY Will for your life, which I give from receiving your fully surrendered heart, you cannot enter MY Kingdom when I call up MY bride to come out of the earth to return to her place in the heavenlies at MY Side, her Royal BRIDEGROOM.

Children, I know your hearts: every heart, whether turned to ME or not. The hour is coming when I will remove MY beloved church and if you remain behind it will be a devastating blow.

I am giving out numerous Words to warn you, to show you the path of Light to lead you out: MY Light. You have three ways to know the truth: Surrender your life to ME, JESUS, your everlasting LORD; Repent to ME, a Flawless Holy GOD for your life of sin before ME; and receive MY HOLY SPIRIT fully over your life. Ask for filling; ask for HIS complete habitation into your spirit; ask for MY SPIRIT in all HIS fullness. Crucify and remove all flesh to make room for the dwelling of MY SPIRIT in yours so that We will be as One!

I long for your intimate companionship. Bring ME into your life in full ownership. I will fill you completely and give you MY SPIRIT. We will walk as One. MY SPRIT will guide your steps. Let us walk together. Let ME carry your burden, MY Yoke is easy. Now is the hour of decision. Wait no longer in indecision. Choose for ME.

Saving you is what I long to do. You are surely seeing the signs. Come to ME in full surrender. Don’t delay. MY Kingdom is coming. MY bride is being made ready. Come and be purified in MY Blood. The hour is now to seek MY Face, MY Glorious Comely Face.




Matthew 12:25 (KJV: And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:

John 10:10 (KJV: The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

2 Timothy 4:8 (KJV: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

Hebrews 2:9 (KJV: But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.

Revelation 3:16 (KJV: So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Matthew 7:14 (KJV: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.



September 11, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Daughter, write down these Words:

My children, who I love: I love you all without exception. I love you. I created you. I assembled your being. You were not a product of chance. You are not a random creation of nature as so many want you to believe.

You were made by MY Loving Hands with much great thought and by the Will of MY Divine Inspiration. You came from the core of MY Heart. I knew you before you were in your mother’s womb. I knew you would be formed in your mother’s womb. I knew you as you grew and matured. MY Loving Eye watches you day by day. It is by MY Loving Hand that you were formed and by MY HOLY SPIRIT that you have breath, daily breath.

Children do you not think that I, GOD, created you with so much care and forethought to only have you turn your back to ME and to pursue the things of the world along with MY enemy? He is your enemy too, yet you follow hard after his ways and the philosophies of wickedness.

I did not create you to turn from ME, to follow after MY enemy, and to ultimately be destroyed and to be separated from ME for eternity. This was not what I desired for you. Please know that MY Desire is for you to be saved and to turn away from your wickedness.

The hour for this generation and its relentless pursuit of the world and evil is soon to close. Evil man left to run apart from ME, its CREATOR GOD, will only continue to deteriorate into gross evil.

MY Patience has already been so great toward such an outrageous movement from GOD to evil. This is the demise of mankind. This is the end of truth, faithfulness, purity, kindness, and the foundations of love laid by a GOD WHO seeks all these things from HIS children.

MY children, the world is cursed and you are living in that cursed world. The enemy has brought mankind to the brink of utter destruction allowing men to wallow in their sin to openly mock and reject GOD. Fear of GOD is no more. Understanding is no more. Men flaunt their behavior before ME in shows of anger and bitterness, wagging their tongues endlessly of their hatred of ME, their HOLY GOD and MAKER.

This is the end, MY children. I am lifting MY Hand of protection from the world that so openly rejects ME. No matter what men embrace and choose to believe, it all speaks of rejection of GOD of MY sacrifice for men on a cruel cross.

Soon I will pluck MY bride out of this evil-laden world to safekeeping and I will carry out MY wrath toward those who choose to reject and deny their GOD exists.

MY children you had a beginning. I initiated that beginning. I was there when you first gasped for breath. I am the ONE WHO brought you into being. Do you not care to know ME? Do you not care to spend time with your own MAKER? What on earth could be more important than to establish a relationship with the ONE WHO breathes life into you day after day? How could you be so disregardful?

Soon I am coming and so many will be left. So many do not know ME, so many choose to spend no time with ME, looking at the world as a better choice for their time. So many have no idea I exist. They have never even pursued ME.

I am sad over the things that are coming on the earth even now, but these things were told to you they would be coming. You deny that MY Book is real or that what you see happening is related to MY Book at all.

Children come to your senses. What does your life mean to you? Where will you spend eternity, unending eternity? Will it be in MY Presence in MY Kingdom with the GIVER of LIFE OR will you go the way of MY enemy into eternal outer darkness and destruction? What do you choose? If you want the latter, then continue to disregard ME, spend no time in MY Book, and focus on the world that offers you no real security or future. If you want to be part of MY Coming Kingdom then repent of your sin, surrender your life over to MY Care and Leadership, and spend time getting to know your GOD! Read MY Book and spend time in MY Presence now.

If WE do not get to know each other now, waiting will be too late. I will say to you when you stand before MY FATHER, “I never knew you!” The truth will sting as reality sets in that We will be forever apart. This is a great day of loss as you will then turn into never ending eternity apart from MY Life-giving Presence.

Soon I return. Be sober. TIME IS SHORT. Make ready. I am coming soon, sooner than you think.

I, JESUS, Have Spoken



Isaiah 44:24 (KJV: Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;

Proverbs 1:7(KJV: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Romans 1:28-32 (KJV: 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31  Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: 32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure

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