» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014, Susan Davis [the beach read TXT] 📗

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see it fully now, because you refuse to look. You refuse to see what is happening around you. Everywhere you look, there is evil infiltrating even the things that were once untouched by the vile. All that is changing: the pure and untouched in the world even now partakes of evil so that there is very little remaining in this world that has not been contaminated by MY enemy. He has come in and infiltrated even the few sacred remaining things in this evil, oppressed world.

All seems well and good to you, but you have lost sight of MY Holy Standards. I am a GOD WHO requires righteousness. I require purity. Yes children, you are under grace, but I never told you that MY Grace excluded you from behaving in an upright, pure manner. MY Grace does not give you permission to handle the things of the world and to openly pursue evil.

Children, you engage in evil actions and talk and then believe GOD is full of Grace, “I can do what I want, with those still in the world.” This cannot be. You are deluded into thinking you can be one with the world and one with ME. This is not correct. You are mistaken. I have not called you out of this world to be set apart, to be separate, only to have you looking like the rest of the world. Who told you this thinking is right? It was not ME, your GOD.

The world is an enmity and an abomination in MY Eyes. I cannot tolerate the sin anymore. It has reached MY Holy Sanctuary in the heavenlies and I am furious at the stench under MY Nose of mankind’s handling of evil. Day in and day out, I see the vile activities on earth. Everyone is experiencing the touch of evil that has taken over mankind.

MY Kingdom is pure and perfect. I cannot bring into it an imperfect, spoiled bride, spoiled by the handling of the world. She cannot have dirty hands, dirty mouth, dirty thoughts. Her thoughts must be toward ME always pure, restrained, lovely, and clean.

Children, MY bride walks before MY Face in love and purity. Without this purity, she will not enter MY Kingdom. Soon I will return MY children. Who will I find ready? Who is wiling to step away from the world and to lay down their lives before ME in complete submission? What do you see about the world that pulls you away from your CREATOR, the ONE WHO created you?

Soon, MY children, I will take with ME from the earth, those who seek ME at all costs, those who will not deny ME in front of others. This is MY bride and MY True church. All others reject ME for the things of the world.

Children, the hour approaches for MY Return and for the removal of MY betrothed. There will be few who stand before ME ready with clean hands and clean hearts. Too many wish to walk in the ways of the world and to run with the enemy.

I have spent many Words trying to warn the world of MY Approach and what I require from those who will enter MY Kingdom. Very few actually care to heed MY Words. Very few really and truly want to release their grasp of this dying world. You believe MY Book and MY Truth to be a thing of the past and I am a non-existent GOD, WHO never existed.

This world seeks to write ME out of its pages, even MY own people want to fold into these beliefs. Every aspect of this world that I so carefully created has been explained outside of ME, its GOD. There is an explanation by mankind of how and why this world exists, without ME, its CREATOR. Even the warnings I am sending to the earth have been explained and accounted for apart from MY Great Hand of involvement.

How sad for you, all MY children, that you want so little to do with your CREATOR and that you believe that I am so removed from MY creation that I am far away or even completely non-existent, when the truth is, I am very involved in the details of MY creation and mankind.

Everything you see has MY Touch and MY Hand Print on it. Even the evil in the world, I allow. I am a GOD of complete control. If I choose, I lift MY Hand of protection from those who reject ME, and then I allow MY enemy to have his way with those who so readily reject ME. So now the evil is taking over the earth. This is the result of a world that has blatantly chosen to reject ME—now the world must suffer the consequences.

It is only MY bride who keeps the world functioning even now so that you have difficulty seeing the Truth. Once she is removed to safety, your blinders will be ripped off and you will see clearly what you refused to see before because then the only remaining protection I provided to preserve MY bride on earth will have been removed. Then you will see MY Wrath poured out and MY enemy working without MY Hand of protection in force.

Children rise up. Come to your senses! Don’t be deceived. See the Truth. I cannot bless this world that is full of hatred for ME and MY Ways. It cannot be. Why can you not grasp this?

Read MY Book. Get into the pages of MY Book, than you will discover why the world is now walking in so much opposition to ME, a HOLY GOD.

Your hour is almost up. Clean yourself in MY Word. Get under MY Blood Covering. Hurry, make changes fast. There is very little time left. MY Words are running down and soon MY Actions will overtake MY Words as I will come and retrieve MY bride, those who have made themselves ready by the washing of their robes in MY Blood.

These are final notices. MY Grace will soon be lifted and only tribulation will remain. Prepare yourselves. Make final preparations.

“I Am Coming!”




James 4:4 (KJV: Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

Ephesians 5:25-27 (KJV: 25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

Romans 6:1-2 (KJV: 1 What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? 2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?

Romans 6:14-15 (KJV: 14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. 15 What then? Shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.



October 10, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

These are MY Words, write them down:

I, JESUS, will be coming to earth soon. I come with millions of angels, more angels than you can imagine. The heart cannot conceive of the beauty I have prepared for those who love ME.

Children, I am your LORD. I died a humbling death so that I might deliver many. I want to deliver you! This is a critical hour. Accept the Gift by the ransom that I paid of life everlasting, a Gift that was worth MY heavy burden, the Cross of Golgotha. You cannot imagine the price that I paid—it was large, MY children.

Come to ME. Do not deny this Gift. Those who refuse it, will suffer greatly as I do not relish those who would reject MY Great and Awesome Gift. It will be sad for those who reject MY Great Gift of life. Turn your life over to ME and I will make beauty of your ashes and prepare you for MY Wedding Banquet where WE will dine together forever on each other’s company.

You must turn to ME now as waiting too long may cause you to miss MY Supper. These truly are important Words to embrace…so few have their garments ready. So few have their lamps filled. Now is the time. Don’t be caught empty-handed and empty-hearted. I wait, but not for ever. Patience is only for a moment, than I must step aside with MY bride.





October 14, 2011

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Daughter, I will give you a letter:

Children, this is your LORD, GREAT and MIGHTY! The time is short! Look up, because your redemption draweth nigh. I come on the clouds. I am bursting on the scene.

MY Coming is near. You think not. Stand ready and watch as MY Coming is so close. I am not a man that I should lie. MY Truth is absolute. Children, you must ready yourselves. I am coming on the clouds. The trumpet is ready to sound. The doves are ready to fly, to take flight—as I come on the wings of a DOVE. Prepare to meet your MAKER in the skies.

I will call you out—out of the earth with a great shout. MY Voice will ring loud and clear as I call out for MY beloved to come into MY Waiting Arms. It will be a victorious moment, as I collect MY Just Rewards. The price I paid for this victory was great—it was enormous. And the time has come for ME to collect MY Prize, the Prize I earned at Calvary. She is MINE. I am hers. WE are ONE SPIRIT. MY Arms enfold her with love, love everlasting.

Make ready, MY bride. Your GROOM is coming on the wings of a white DOVE. I will fly with her into the heavenlies, to the home prepared for her: a beautiful home that only I, GOD, can fully appreciate as it was prepared for the bride to assume her role as MY everlasting mate and wife.

She is beautiful: set apart, separated from the world. The world no longer pulls her. She no longer longs for the things of this world—only the things the GROOM desires for her. This is her focus.

Stay in MY Presence dear bride. Keep your gaze on ME. I am coming quickly, so you must stay close to ME. I want a clean bride. She must satisfy the desires of MY Heart. I am coming and if her robes are tarnished and stained, it will only be by MY Blood that she will be made complete. She must be made ready by the glow of the Light of her oilfilled lamp.

Please make time for the reading of MY Word, as MY Word is the only sure way you will know the way to follow MY Will. MY Scriptures are complete and offer all the answers to living a full and whole life, pleasing to your LORD GOD.

Children, I desire full surrender, nothing less will do. Don’t play with MY Affections by giving ME a partial surrender. You are setting yourself up to fail, if you think I will receive you unto MYSELF with a half-way commitment. If you must accommodate your desires for the world, WE cannot enjoy each other’s company for eternity. MY bride, who comes with ME, only has eyes for ME. If you believe otherwise and entertain other thoughts, you are not reading MY Book fully, you are not seeking for MY SPIRIT into your “Heart and Spirit” fully and you are not seeking a total surrender to ME, your GOD.

I know who seeks ME in such ways and who does not. I know MY children’s hearts. Nothing slips by ME. I know WHO really wants ME without reservation, at all cost. I know who makes sacrifices with the world to

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