» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014, Susan Davis [the beach read TXT] 📗

Book online «PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014, Susan Davis [the beach read TXT] 📗». Author Susan Davis

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if you are not waiting expectantly for MY Return then you are mistaken if you believe that you are prepared for MY Return. MY true bride is waiting expectantly watching, longingly for MY Return for her. If your eyes are focused elsewhere then you will miss MY Coming and your loss will be great.

Many believe they can attend to the affairs of the world without one thought of the hour they live in, without examining the times, and how they line up with MY Word. They think their focus should be on earthly gains, earthly pursuits. Now children, this cannot be. I am a Jealous GOD. You are either set on looking for ME or you have your sights set on other things. There is no middle ground. MY true bride pursues ME with intensity of purpose, longing desire, hunger and thirst for her BRIDEGROOM!

Children, the hour is closing in. The world is heading for disaster. I am nearer then you can imagine. You think you have many years to go, your thinking is incorrect. There is only a brief time left. Many of you will not be prepared and will face the worst. Many will be lost in sudden destruction. Only a remnant is coming out with ME. Only a remnant is watching closely for ME. Is this not what MY Book has said—very few would be ready when the SON of Man returns.

MY children, I do not change. MY Word does not change. Many believe they are ready for MY Return but they are not watching, they are loving the world and the evil associated with it. They have no time for ME, for MY Words. They mock MY Warnings. They mock the signs I am giving.

They belittle the Words I give through MY messengers. They believe they know better. These people are far from ME. They are not seeking ME or MY Ways. If they were, they would read MY Book, they would see that MY Word expressly says to watch, to be guarded, and to stay fixed on ME.

Why then children, do you wander off? Why do you dirty your hands so with the things of the world? Why do you value MY Words so little, MY Warnings, MY Truth? You say you are MINE. You say WE are ONE, but you are far from ME and you are not one of MY sheep if you are not seeking MY Voice and watching for MY Return with intentional purpose, seeing what hour it is by the signs around you. You are sleeping. You are lukewarm and WE do not know each other.

You are MINE in name only, but WE are not ONE in SPIRIT and in Truth. You can call yourself by whatever you please, but if you are caught up in the world, you are not really MINE and when I come to claim MY own, I will pass over you. You will have serious regrets then when the world you cling so fervently to will crumble between your hands when you face the same world without a loving, protecting GOD. The ruler of the world, MY enemy, will come into power and the people will know oppression and terror like never before. The antichrist will then rule over the people, those left to experience it, in the worst time in the history of mankind. Everyone will come under MY enemy’s reign of terror and horror. This will be the price to pay for ignoring MY Warnings and neglecting MY Truth.

You think you know “GOD” but if you are not watching for ME now, you will soon find out you did not know ME at all. I will not be mocked!

MY Words are not to be disregarded and disobeyed. Oh you may do these things, but a place in MY Kingdom you will not have. You will not join with ME in the skies. When I greet MY bride in the air for her homecoming, devastation will be your homecoming. Destruction will be your destination.

Children, I say these things to wake you, to alert you, to warn you. Do not fall into the hands of MY enemy. He is ruthless and he longs to destroy you. This is his greatest desire. His appetite is insatiable.

Gather yourselves under MY Wings. Now is the time. No delays. There is little time left for you to prepare. Choose for ME.

I am the LORD WHO Saves.

I am the LORD WHO Delivers.

Watch intently with purpose and longing.

Keep your eyes fixed on ME.

I am coming! MY Coming is soon!




James 4:4 (KJV: Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

2 Timothy 4:8 (KJV: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

Luke 17:26-30 (KJV: 26 And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. 27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; 29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. 30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.



November 5, 2011

A Letter from the LORD JESUS and the FATHER, GOD ALMIGHTY spoken to Susan:

Daughter, take down these Words:

MY children, this is your LORD JESUS. I have serious Words to give you. Thank you children, those who come to ME in humble repentance, I know who you are. I am aware of who puts their face to the ground in humble repentance. I know who comes before ME in deep remorse over their past sins. Repentance is key, MY children. If you believe otherwise, I am sorry for you, you will suffer greatly when you realize how HOLY, I, GOD am and how far below MY Standard of Holiness the flesh is.

Words from GOD the FATHER: This difference can only be covered by the Blood of MY Son. HE is the only ONE WHO can purify you so that you may enter MY Presence. Children, this is your LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. I have Words of importance to speak:

MY SON is coming soon, very soon. HE will come to collect HIS bride that HE has paid a high ransom for by the Blood from HIS OWN Veins and the Flesh from HIS OWN Back, MY Precious SON, WHO I, GOD, gave up to save sinful mankind. MY SON is worthy of your praise and adoration. HE is the Great “I AM,” MY SON, WHO lowered HIMSELF to the status of a worm, to become sin, to become of no account, and to be humbled beyond recognition so that you might be saved.

This is Extraordinary Love. It is enormous beyond any standard. No one can touch HIS GLORY. No one comes close on earth or in heaven. HE is Beauty magnified greatly. There is no definition known to humans that would sufficiently describe such DEITY.

MY SON, your GOD, is about to celebrate HIS Great Wedding Supper with HIS bride. You are invited by ME, HIS FATHER, your GOD.

MY SON will be flanked by glorious angels singing; ready to come for HIS waiting bride. Do not tarry in your decision for or against MY SON; whether to be among the bride who will be moved to safety. I want you to be part of the Wedding Party but your choice against MY SON will be honored.

Now, I, GOD know the enormous sacrifice of MY SON that day. HE paid your price. HE did not flinch. HE moved forward and took the punishment that was yours.

I want you to be with us for this Great Celebration, a Celebration like no other. But if you refuse this Invitation or disregard MY Invitation then your loss will be great. I am offering a gift of large eternal benefits to stand with MY SON as an eternal partner.

Let this letter serve as a warning to those who reject MY SON’s Offer of Salvation and a place at HIS Wedding Banquet.

MY children, it is hard for ME to think of losing you. I do not want to lose any souls. However, many are unprepared, not watching, uncaring. These are the ones I will leave behind to face the worst. You must decide soon. What is your pleasure? To come and be with Magnificent Eternal Beauty with MY SON of Glory Unspeakable or to choose against HIM and be cast down away from all that is pure and holy.

You act as if you have much time into the future. Just who told you this is so? It was not I, your LORD GOD. You are listening to your own reasoning or to MY enemy who is misleading you greatly.

Children, listen to ME carefully. Your time is limited. You are living on borrowed time. The skies will soon open up and bring forth MY SON. HE will ride on a beautiful stallion of pure white showering grace and mercy; flowing on the clouds to retrieve HIS beautiful bride prepared for her wedding day.

Glorious bells will ring out, while trumpets herald the moment, stars shine brightly as they leave the ground and come upward toward their heavenly home, a sight that will not be seen again as the saints rising up to meet their Glorious MAKER and HUSBAND GROOM. Spectacular timing, all to music flooding the skies playing to the motions of angel’s midflight.

O’ children, Glory is coming, Glory unimaginable. The hour is at hand. Please children, Ready yourselves for your BRIDEGROOM. HE comes to rescue you on HIS Wedding Day. Doves flying in rhythm with angels, the sky filled with beauty. This is the dance of the GOD BRIDEGROOM with HIS beautiful bride ascending to their heavenly home to celebrate their glorious nuptials. O’ what an occasion, what an event!

Please make your reservation. Surrender your heart to JESUS, surrender your life. Now is the time. Dance…Love…Laugh on this, the most Glorious Day of the KING’s Wedding Flight.

Your invitation stands,




November 8, 2011:

Letter Received from CHRIST by Susan

Daughter, it is I, your LORD. Now write these Words out and listen carefully:

MY children, the hour has come and the time is coming for ME to swoop down and to receive MY bride unto MYSELF. She is beautiful. She has made herself ready. She knows her place, her place in MY Heart.

She has forsaken all others. She sings to ME her LORD only. Her eyes are only for ME. Her beauty comes from her composure. She is composed, calm, and full of the peace, that I, her LORD bring her. Not the peace of the world that is a false sense of security, but the peace that I bring through the power of MY Word and MY SPIRIT WHO resides within her spirit. She has the peace which passes all understanding. This is a peace only I bring her.

Although the world is crumbling around her, I bring boundless peace. This is not the peace the world speaks of—it is Divine Peace. MY Peace knows no end; it flows like a river that is never-ending, the river of MY SPIRIT everlasting.

Don’t be fooled by the ways of the world, thinking it offers you answers that will fill your longings for peace and fulfillment. It will never be. Stop seeking answers for your life through the things and ways of the world. It cannot be, MY children.

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