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My house, and prove Me now by it, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of Heaven for you and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. (Amplified Bible)

If you want God to greatly bless your life and your family then don’t ever steal from God. It’s time to bless God, so He can bless our lives. Malachi 3: 8-10 clearly says, "Will man rob God?"

As soon as we got out of there place, the Lord said, "I will now show you something different." After leaving that place, the Lord reminded me of something long ago, months before the second experience, around November, the Lord took my spirit from my body and said to me, "Look at this cell"

The word 'AVIERD' was shown to Angelica. Research shows it to old Italian, or Latin. There was found to be a 400 page ancient manuscript regarding this, that spoke of a real Hell, of which we must escape.

I didn't know the meaning of it, but understood it meant something of religiosity.

Jesus took me between the cells where He had shown me the vision months before. When we entered in, I saw thousands of people. There were two women dressed in black. I asked Jesus "Who are they?"

What I saw really shocked me. There in the nun’s hands were huge snakes that were forming something like a crucifix and a rosary. I said, "But what is this, why are they here?" One of them spoke in a sad voice saying, "I was a nun on Earth, but now I’m in this place." I witnessed how she began to pray and I saw how the snake squeezed her hands. From her hands there were thousands of worms. The Lord said, "Look and listen to these words." She began weeping, "Oh Lord! I can’t take it any longer, I want to get out of this place, I don’t want to be here, please Lord Help me, help me."

Then I saw the other woman. Portions of their lives were revealed to me on some type of screen. I saw who the nuns really were, and how these nuns have sexual relationships with priests, and how these nuns were also lesbians. I saw much more, and now they were so repentant. But unfortunately for them, there was no opportunity to repent; it was too late for them. Those nuns said, "Go and tell all those that are still alive, not to come to this place, please go and tell them not to come here."

I would like to share something. Nuns often pray, but many times nuns, priests & popes say they will pray to have God release souls from purgatory. But I tell you the truth today, whether you believe me or not. I am here to tell God’s truth, as it is written, "The Truth shall set you free"(John 8:32) and I want to tell you the truth so you don't go to Hell. Listen, they say that purgatory exists, but I’m telling you there is NO such place. Purgatory was invented by men, it was invented by the Popes. The Bible clearly says that there is a Heaven and a real Hell. I’m speaking God’s word, He took me to both Heaven and Hell, and never purgatory. He clearly told me, "Purgatory does not exist go and tell mankind to make their decision while on Earth because while there is life there is opportunity to repent."

I want to tell you something, many people say, "let's pray, so our relatives may leave purgatory." Stop it! Because they will NEVER get out if they died without Christ. It’s unfortunate but true, they are in Hell. But if they died and had received Christ in their heart, then I have great news for you, they are in the presence of our Heavenly Father. But my heart aches knowing how many souls are deceived by the devil. Many thousands say, "Let’s pray for my relatives, so they may come out from purgatory."

My friend it’s time for you to know the truth, purgatory does NOT exist, it just does NOT exist. I want to say a few words to you. You have to make a decision, where and with who do you want to spend eternity? You make your own decision, whether it’s the Kingdom of Heaven with Jesus Christ or Hell with satan. The Lord commanded me to be very direct when I tell you this, whether you believe it or not. I am obeying the Lord command because one day you and I will stand before God, and testify for all the good and bad we did on Earth. If you do not repent of your sinning and your worshiping idols, you will end up in Hell. Turn to Christ; He will give you eternal life.

I don't want to frighten you, but it’s the truth. The Lord’s Word is very clear and it says that NO thief will enter the Kingdom of the Father. Some time ago the Lord said that within each image/statue there is a demon. That is why there are people who come to the Virgin of Guadalupe, the Virgin of the Cinema, the Virgin Mary and so manyother virgins. Even statues with the ‘Divine Child’ which is what they call him in many places. Please believe me, all these statues have demons behind them. Many people claim that they went to the Virgin of Guadalupe or Divine Child and received a healing. As I said before, among each of these images is a demon. The devil listens and with his false power, he sometimes makes it look like a miracle happened, so you will keep believing and continue worshiping him. Listen to me, the devil is going to repay you badly and he will give you eternal death. So stop worshiping images and seek Christ, because He will give you eternal life and life in abundance.

The Lord showed me those nuns, and they were crying, "I want to get out of here, I regret worshipped idols, and sinning on Earth, now I cannot leave this place." I asked one of them, "But you knew the truth? You knew God’s Holy Word?" She replied, "Yes, I knew the Holy Word, but I never repented, I never searched for Christ. There are many nuns in convents for many reasons. I was in the convent because I suffered a loving disappointment. Actually there are many nuns in convents because they have suffered disappointments in love. In many cases, their fiancé’s have left them at the altar, or their boyfriends have betrayed them, many nuns also are
unfortunately there because their lives are full of problems and the convent is an excuse. The only truth is they are serving satan."

If you're listening to this, and you know the truth, I beg you to walk away from the sins of this world and seek for Jesus Christ. Besides Him, no one can give you eternal life. The only one who will save your soul is the King of Kings and Lord of lords.

The Lord’s Holy Word says in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 "Do you not know that the unrighteous and the wrongdoers will not inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived (misled): neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality, 10 Nor cheats (swindlers and thieves), nor greedy graspers, nor drunkards, nor foulmouthed revilers and slanderers, nor extortioners and robbers will inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God."

His Holy Word is clear, as it is written in Revelation 21:8 "But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars-- their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulphur. This is the second death."

All the people in Hell have no way to get out, it is too late for them. Unfortunately, they cannot leave Hell to search of Christ. But you who are on still alive on Earth, you can still be reconciled to God. Don't miss this chance, perhaps now you are watching this, and it might be your last opportunity that God is giving you to repent. Let me tell you, escape from Hell, because Christ is extending His hand of mercy towards you. He now is telling you, "I am He who wants to save your soul, I am He who wants to give you eternal life and life in abundance. Come unto Me, come unto Me." It’s time for you to make the decision and come to Him. Come to Me says the Holy Scriptures in Mathew 11:28, Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Come to Him and give the Lord your burdens. To Him give your life as He will take care of your burdens. He will break the chains of bondage; as He will set you free and will make you a new creature, as it is stated in His Holy Word. (2 Cor 5:17)

Then the Lord took me away from there. When we left the cell I began weeping and saying, "Lord take me out of this place, Lord, Lord do not want to be here, Oh please Lord I don’t want to be any longer in Hell, Oh Lord I beg of you to take me back to Earth I want to leave Lord I don't want to be here among these flames." He took me out and said, "I want to show you more than what I have decreed at this time." As we were walking away, I heard the voice of a young woman who was screaming "Help! Help!" "Who is it? Who is it?" I asked while I was approaching her. "Who are you? Why are you here?"

She responded, "I’m a teenager, I was 15 when I died, I was only 15 when I left Earth and came to this place," "but why are you in this place? What brought you here?" I asked. She said, "I thought I had a lifetime ahead of me, because I was very young. People always talked to me about Christ and salvation, but I always said that Evangelical Christians were crazy, and I always rejected the Holy Word. I did not want to accept the Lord. Every time they spoke to me I just laughed and mocked them. Now I see that I made the worst mistake of my life. Look at me, I’m here burning in flames. I died in a car accident and now I regret it so much. I’ve taken so
many paths through this place searching for a way out, and when I find it, I cannot leave because the demons that torment me approach me saying, ‘You cannot leave this place, you’re here for eternity.’ I don’t want to be here, oh please help me, help me!" I told her, "I can’t do anything for you, I can’t, I wish I could help all these people here."

The Lord again said, "There is no opportunity for those who are here but for who are on Earth." The girl said, "Oh please go and tell mankind, and even my family not to come to this place. Go and talk to the youth who still have an opportunity to seek for Christ, tell them to turn away from sin. Back on Earth I was living a dreadful life, a life full of sin, I was very proud, I enjoyed going to party after party, I never obeyed my parents, I had always been rebellious. Now I regret it so much, and want them to forgive me, I want to get out of here, tell everyone on Earth not to come here, not to come, please. Tell them to obey their parents, to accept Christ, because He truly saves, He truly saves, the devil deceived me, now I know I can’t ever leave this place, how I regret it."

She cried and extended out her hands, I wanted to help her but when I reached out my hand, she began to shout and was pulled back into the flames. I cried out, "Lord, how terrible is to be in this place" He responded, "Yes Daughter, remember this, go back to Earth and obey My order, so mankind can believe that Hell is real and eternal, because there are still many who do not believe in Hell yet, there are many who scoff and say that Hell is a fable."

Days before my first experience in Hell the Lord gave me a vision and said, "Look this person went to Hell." I am talking of the famous man known by his white glove or MJ. He was in Hell for the reason I stated on my previous video. While I was recording that video, the Lord told me, "Talk

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