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be manifest for correction. Hence scriptural revelations serve for the unity of the faith.

(v) they promote the true knowledge of the person of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

(vi) they help to mature believers.

(vii) they bring the believers to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.

(viii) they preserve the believers from the corrupting influence of false doctrines and false teachers that are so rampant in our day.

(ix) they promote scriptural truth, love, unity and spiritual growth of the body of Christ.


Unity of the Spirit, the Word, and the Blood

1 John 5:8. "There are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water (word), and the blood: and these three agree in one."

Hence the redemptive sacrifice of Christ, the written word of God and the revelations of the Holy Spirit work together for human salvation, establishment in holiness and entry into Heaven. Have the above nine facts in mind as you read this:


"O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been His counselor? Or who hath first given to Him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again? For of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things: to Whom be glory for ever. Amen." (Romans 11:33-36)



Brother Michael Thomas Sambo hails from Bika-Lupwe, Takum Local Government, Taraba State, Nigeria. He is a child of God, humble and zealous. He gave his life to Christ at the age of 13 and has since been walking consistently with Him. He received these divine visitations and revelations while undergoing his course on veterinary medicine in University of Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria. In 2003 when he was given these revelations he was 23 years old. God in His mercy chose to use him to convey this life-changing message to men.


Ch 1 - My First Transit to Heaven

(Romans 9:1, 1 Corinthians 1:3, Revelation 1:3)


Retreat Preparation and Expectation

The visit of the Lord Jesus Christ to me was during the Deeper Life National Easter Retreat 2003, held in Takum Region, Taraba State. The Retreat had the caption: EXPERIENCING THE HOLY SPIRIT. When we saw this caption, some brethren and I decided to seek the face of the Lord so that something definite would happen during the Retreat. We embarked on prayer and fasting and night vigils. At this time I was in the neighbouring Wukari Region, thinking to attend the Easter Retreat there. But the Region Overseer of Takum Region visited Wukari and asked me to come over to Takum to attend the Easter Retreat there in order to assist the Region youth coordinator in the youth camp. I obeyed him and went to Takum for the Retreat. 

There in Takum we still gave ourselves to prayer. Our expectation was high. We were expecting the visitation of the Holy Spirit. The Retreat began on Wednesday 23rd and ended on Sunday 27th April, 2003.


The Inner Voice of the Lord

There was rainfall the first night of the Retreat. The tempo in the camp was low. The revival we expected was not seen, even to the second day. I called the attention of the youth coordinator on the third day, being Friday, and expressed my feelings to him. I said, "This is now the third day of the Retreat and we seem not to have seen any special move of God." He assured me that from that Friday night we would see the special move of God. We both comforted ourselves. That Friday night after retiring from the camp I went to the hostel to rest. I decided to do my quiet time that night against the following morning because I feared I might become so busy that I might not find ample time for it. Besides I did not want to rush it the following morning. I read Isaiah 59. When I came to verse 20 where it says: "And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord."

The Lord spoke to me through a still small voice in my heart saying,

"I will be visiting your camp tomorrow."

The impression I received was so deep. I though that it was just a thought that dashed at my heart. I lay down and slept after my quiet time. I woke up as early as between 4.00 to 5.00 a.m. the following morning to prepare. I still had time to pray and to seek the face of the Lord. I got the impression of Christ's visit to our camp that day so fresh and deeper than that of the previous night. He told me once again through the inner voice that He would be visiting our Retreat Camp. I worshipped the Lord. Then I took my bath and went to the tent of meeting.


The Appearance of Jesus and Two Angels to me

When I arrived at the youth tent of meeting, I called the attention of the prayer warriors and told them that the Lord had told me He would be visiting "Zion and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob." I assured them that since the Lord had promised to visit our camp today, the revival we were expecting had come. We did not pray again. We went into singing and praising God. We sang this chorus: "He is alive. Amen." We took about an hour singing this song and worshipping the Lord. After that we entered into the tent of meeting.

The programme for that day went on. I was highly expecting a revival. The youth Bible study held in groups. After the Bible study the youths came together for the summary, which was being done by a brother. I sat with the youth coordinator at the veranda of the auditorium. We were discussing. We were preparing for the question and answer session that would follow.

The youth coordinator asked me to suggest the names of some brethren who would handle the question and answer session. I suggested the names of some three brethren. He asked me to include my name to make up the fourth person. I objected to this. He insisted and I yet objected to it and gave the reason: "It is necessary to give other people the chance to develop. As a student I am not always here. If others have the opportunity to develop there will be continuity in the work."

My jotter, biro and Bible were in my hand while this discussion was going on. Suddenly my eyes opened! I saw three personalities all dressed in white. They were supernatural personalities, looking bright and brilliant. The glory and splendour of God overshadowed them. The Person in the middle was distinct from the other two. The glory, splendour and brightness that surrounded Him were so much. 

I tried to look into His face but was unable by reason of the brightness. The brightness of His face was as that of the sun at midday. I was afraid in my heart and wondered what I should do. I heard a still small voice saying, "Remember, the Lord told you He was visiting your camp. This is He coming, be calm." I summoned courage and sat still. The three personalities came to me. The one in the middle held my right hand and said,
"I am Jesus Christ. I am He that was dead; but I am alive forever more. Brother Michael My son, I have come to take you home to show you the glory of my Kingdom in response to your prayer. Come over."

I dropped my Bible, jotter, biro and the paper in my hand and stood up. As we were going I saw one of my friends, one of the prayer warriors, standing by. I beckoned at him with the hand and he followed me. He did not know he was following these three personalities and me. We entered the youth prayer warriors' room. There I knelt down. The Lord repeated His statement,

"I am Jesus Christ. I am He that was dead; but I am alive forever more. I am taking you home to show you the glory of My kingdom, in response to your prayer. You may come back or may not come back. In case you do not come back, tell this your friend to tell the youth coordinator to continue to do what he is doing and to stand
fast on holiness and righteousness: because that is the only thing that can take a person to Heaven. Let him keep on operating according to the standard he has been operating on."

I told my friend, "I am going home. But this is what the Lord told me to tell the youth coordinator." I gave him the message to the youth coordinator. I said, "My friend, I am going home. Take good care of your Christian life. Bye, till we meet again." I was not sick. I was very healthy. Since he did not understand what was going on, he asked why I was speaking like that: "You are too young to speak of going home," he scolded. At this juncture, I did not understand what happened next.


The Journey to Heaven

I understood later by eyewitnesses that I fell down and died. But what I saw was that my spirit came out of my body. I put on a glorious body, shining brightly like theirs. I was also dressed in white. We took off to Heaven. As we were going up through the sky, I saw one brightly beautiful place ahead of us. I tapped the Lord Jesus Christ to call his attention. I asked, "My Lord, which is that very beautiful place I am seeing ahead of us?" He said,

"My son, that is the place I have prepared for them that love Me from the time I departed from the earth. Don't worry, My son, we will soon arrive there."

Suddenly, we arrived at the beautiful gate. The gate was exceedingly beautiful and magnificent. It was very high. It was built with precious stones of no earthly comparison, glittering and shining. I cannot here describe the splendour of that gate because of the unavailable descriptive words in human language.

All I can say about the beauty of Heaven will give you just a glimpse, a title of it. The words to use to describe the beauty of Heaven are not yet available to man. When we arrived at the gate I saw two mighty angels with books in their front. Immediately we arrived at the gate these angels left what they were doing and swiftly bowed down simultaneously and worshipped the Lord Jesus Christ.

These two angels called my name and said, "Brother Michael, you are welcome." They returned back to their work. I saw these angels writing things and cleaning some writings. The Lord told me that they were writing down the names of new converts and cleaning the names of backsliders from the book of life.

Exodus 32:33. "And the Lord said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against Me, him will I blot out of My book."

Revelation 3:5. "He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life,but I will confess his name before My Father, and before His angels."


The Kingly Welcome of Jesus Into the Heavenly City

At the beautiful gate with Jesus I was hearing goodly music of indescribable inspiration. The melody was excellently perfect. When we walked into the Heavenly city with Jesus Christ, this music momentarily ceased. This I understood was in honour of the King of the kingdom who had just come in, the Lord Jesus Christ. I saw the beauty of Heaven with my eyes. Heaven is a place of indescribable beauty. It is the perfection of beauty. Heaven is the city of the living God. It is glorious and majestic.

There are no tears or weeping in Heaven. Heaven does not know sorrow. It is filled with eternal life. When I entered into Heaven I had automatic joy flooding within my soul. My heart forgot everything in the world from where I was coming. I saw that there was an automatic forgetfulness of the past. I could not remember that I was from the Retreat Camp. I was not able to remember anything about the world by reason of the overwhelming joy of Heaven.

I saw also the holiness of Heaven. Heaven is too holy to accommodate sinners. Nothing impure and that is defiled can enter into Heaven.

Revelation 21:27. "And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life."

The books I saw with the angels at the gate were mightier than any books on earth. At the gate with Jesus,

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