FORGIVE OR HELL, Mike Peralta [ereader for textbooks .TXT] 📗

- Author: Mike Peralta
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Since then I have been preaching the sermon on Matthew 5:44 and it’s amazing how many are in the trap of un-forgiveness.
Thank you for all your love for me and the household of CHRIST, our soon-coming GROOM. Shalom, Evangelist Sommy Erekosima, Nigeria
In a second note from Evangelist Sommy Erekosima, he wrote me (Susan), after I inquired if I could share his powerful story: Beloved Susan, go ahead and share it. It’s our little effort to rescue millions from falling into hell fire. In fact, what I didn't add was that this Christian brother, who died and was refused entry into heaven had incredible gifts of prophesy and revelation. He used to follow me to crusades and then he could say many things GOD will do before time. One day, he commanded fire to come upon three robbers who attacked him on the road and they were slained.
Because of his gift he started to attract more prominence than myself - the crusade leader. But when he died, he said, I came face-to-face with the Mighty Book which was opened and the angel said, "You are not qualified to enter the gate of heaven." "But, because my servant (Sommy) is on his knees crying, you have been given a second chance."
"The angel told me to tell you (Sommy) to publish in your “EndTime Revelation Magazine” that the two common sins that affect Christians most are: 1.) Pride and 2.) Un-forgiveness. Tell the world that many great men of GOD that we suppose are in heaven, are not because of these two sins. I saw many of them crying when the Book was opened to show their record of un-forgiveness and pride," my brother in CHRIST said.
The truth is that I had a three days waiting alone with GOD on 15- 17 June, 2003 in Abuja, Nigeria. During such meetings my phones, TV, and all communications were off. I ended up in the dry fast and the first phone call the following morning, 18th June was from my wife in Port Harcourt telling me that my friend and colleague was dead.
Meanwhile, my Christian brother was number 11 on my prayer list. All I was pleading for him during those three days was: "Oh LORD, deliver my brother from the spirit of anger.” You can then understand why the news of his death troubled me, and I said to FATHER GOD, "How can you allow death to snatch my brother when I have been pleading on his behalf for the last three days?” GOD answered and raised my Christian brother up after four hours of having been confirmed dead.
So, I was not surprised when this friend and Christian brother said the LORD told him, "See my servant crying and pleading on your behalf and who was in Port Harcourt” and he didn't know I was waiting and could not have known that I was praying for him if not for the LORD having told him.
The LORD said to him: "For that reason you have a second chance, but let the world know of this!”
Susan, I believe it’s the HOLY SPIRIT WHO wanted this truth published through you, because the "End-Time Revelation Magazine” which used to have a wide circulation in Nigeria that could have also published this testimony stopped circulation since 2001 because of lack of funds arising from gross embezzlement from the retailers who were mainly church ushers.
But GOD, WHO CANNOT BE LIMITED, may have decided to use your platform to publish it.
Let the NAME of our Awesome GOD be glorified!
Evangelist Sommy Erekosima, Nigeria
Words of the LORD:
“I am your GOD and I am telling you, that you will not enter MY Kingdom if you have un-forgiveness for anyone.”
(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan, July 21, 2013)
I am ready to begin: Children, this is your GOD speaking. I am going to speak on the topic of forgiveness.
MY children, you are unforgiving. You hold onto un-forgiveness like it is a prize cow. I am your GOD and I am telling you, that you will not enter MY Kingdom if you have un-forgiveness for anyone. This cannot be. I will not tolerate an unforgiving heart. It is an abomination to ME. You must forgive and forget and let go of those past sadness’s.
I will release you from your hurt and pain, if you just turn to ME. I am the ONE WHO will bring you healing: the heart healing that you need so badly. I will mend your broken hearts. I will deliver you from heartache. I can do it, no one else. Other people will disappoint you. They do not have the heart of GOD. Their hearts are imperfect and human. They lack sensitivity and grace. I am the HEART that beats for eternity. MY Heart is strong and vibrant, resilient, and ever-beating.
Lay your sadness’s down at MY Feet: all the death blows that are dealt by MY enemy, who works through those around you. Forgive those around you for the way the enemy has worked through them to cause you pain. Although you suffer, it is at the hand of the enemy more than those around you. They are just weak, because they do not have the Power of MY HOLY SPIRIT to ward off sin and walk perfect in MY Will.
It is only by the Power of MY HOLY SPIRIT that anyone can do MY Will. You must surrender your ALL to ME to be in MY Will, to have the Power of MY HOLY SPIRIT to ward off evil. To be made ready to come into MY Kingdom you must be in MY Perfect Will.
Ask ME to be in MY Will. I will lead you down paths of righteousness. I will make you ready for MY Coming. There is no other way. I will give you the spotless garments that are required to stand in MY presence, just ask ME and do not delay. The hour of MY Return is swiftly moving in. I do not want to leave you behind to face the terror of MY enemy.
Your GOD has Spoken.
Do not delay in preparing for MY Coming.
Coordinating Scripture:
Matthew 6:15 : But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your FATHER forgive your trespasses.
Ephesians 6:12 : For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Psalm 23:3 : HE restoreth my soul: HE leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for HIS Name's sake.
Galatians 6:8 : For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the SPIRIT shall of the SPIRIT reap life everlasting.
Galatians 5:24 : And they that are CHRIST's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
--- End of Forgiveness-Davis Email ---
Chapter 5: Hell Testimony Section by Victoria Nehale
From the book: “Time Is Fast Running Out!” by Victoria Nehale
We entered through the gate. I cannot describe to you the horror of that place. I am convinced that there is no other place in the entire universe as bad as that place. The place was extremely large and I had the sense that it was expanding all the time. It was a place of utmost darkness and the heat of it could not be measured: it was hotter than the hottest of fires. I could not see any flames of fire or the source of the heat but it was HOT. The place was filled with flies of all sizes - green, black, and grey flies. Every conceivable kind of fly was there. In addition, there were also short, thick, black worms everywhere, climbing on everything. The worms started to climb on us and the flies were also all over us. The place was filled with the most disgusting stench; there are no words to describe the intensity of the stench in that place. The smell was almost like rotten meat but was a hundred times worse than the most decaying meat I have ever smelled in my entire life. The place was filled with the noise of wailing and gnashing of teeth, as well as of demonic, evil laughter.
The worst thing about this place is that it was filled with people. There were so many people that they could not be numbered. The people were in the form of skeletons. I can say with confidence that these skeletons were humans because I recognized some of my very close relatives and people from my village. Their bones were dark grey and extremely dry. They had long sharp teeth like wild animals. Their mouths were large and wide and their tongues were long and bright red. Their hands and feet had long, thin toes and fingers with long, sharp nails. Some of them had tails and horns. There were demons mingling with the people: the demons in appearance looked like alligators and they were walking on four legs. They were comfortable in that environment and were constantly teasing and tormenting the humans. The noise that the demons were making was more like a celebration, as they seemed happy and carefree; they were also dancing and jumping all the time. The humans, on the other hand, looked miserable and depressed; they were in a state of helplessness and hopelessness.
The noise from humans was caused by pain; they were weeping, screaming and gnashing their teeth, and were in a desperate situation of unimaginable pain and agony.
The people in this place, were innumerable but I could clearly see that the vast majority of them were women. They were divided into many different groups. Even if they were in the groups, it was not possible to estimate the number of people in any single group because the groups were extremely large.
The man led me to one of the groups on the eastern side of the place. He looked at me and said: “Victoria, this is a group of people who refused to forgive others. I told them many times in many different ways to forgive others but they rejected me; I have forgiven them all their sins but they refused to forgive others. Their time ran out and they found themselves here. They will be here for all eternity; they are eating the fruits of their labour for ever and ever. However, it is painful for me to see them in this horrible place and in this eternal situation - because I love them.”
…I was frightened by what I saw in that place and couldn’t stop crying. The stench of that horrible place continued to be as real as when I was there. The scenes from that place were flashing before me all the time. I was unable to sleep and my whole body was in great pain. I felt as though all my limbs had been taken apart, and reassembled. Oh, I felt awful. I had diarrhea and a pounding headache for an entire week….
On August 19, I woke up, feeling the signs of the anointing in my physical body. I was weak and trembling, while waves
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