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that dose not have "Hell" in it, but I could not confirm this. I am sure there are many others that I do not know about in English, and there are many in other languages for Gehenna, like all other proper nouns, is seldom translated or changed to another proper noun in the translations in other languages.
• "The sorrows of death compassed me, and the pains of HELL gat hold upon me: I found trouble and sorrow." King James Version.
• "The pains of death encompassed me, and the pangs of SHEOL laid hold of me" New King James Version.
• "The cord of death compassed me, and the pains of SHEOL gat hole upon me" American Standard Version.
• "The snares of death encompassed me; the pangs of SHEOL laid hold on me" Revised Standard Version.
• "The cords of death entangled me, the anguish of the GRAVE came upon me" New International Version.
• "Death had its hands around my throat; the terrors of the GRAVE overtook me" New Living Translation.
• "The cords of death bound me, SHEOL held me in its grip" Revised English Bible.
• "The cords and sorrows of death were around me, and the terrors of SHEOL [the place of the dead] had laid hold of me" Amplified Bible.
• "The ropes of death bound me, and the fear of the GRAVE took hold of me" New Century Bible.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU HEARD A SERMON OF HELL? There was a time when most every revival had one or more sermons on the horrors of the Hell that most were going to. Most every sermon ended with a warning that all that did not repent was going to Hell. Jonathan Edwards was well known for his “Hell-fire” sermons. These "Hellfire" preachers are not as poplar as they once were and their audience is much smaller. Today in most churches a sermon on Hell is never preached and no one is told he or she will go to Hell if they do not repent. Although there are many who do not believe in Hell and other that are no longer sure that there is a Hell why do many say nothing about it in their sermons and Bible lessons?
• A preacher may think he would not be allowed to preach and most would not. Many churches would brand him a heretic and he would not be able to preach in most churches.
• Elders and Deacons would not be allowed to continue as Elders and Deacons.
• Bible teachers would not be permitted to teach.
• Members would not be permitted to lead singing, lead prayer, or do anything in the worship service.
About all that anyone who does not believe in Hell is permitted to do in most churches is come and sit and give their money; you will be shut out and not be permitted to lead prayer or take part in the worship in any way but no matter what you believe you will be permitted and even expected to give your money. Along with many others I can tell you for a fact that this is sure to happen in most congregations of the church.
Why are there many conflicting Hells? In “Four Views of Hell” William Grocket gives four different and conflicting views of Hell that are now being taught in the Protestant churches by four top of the line orthodox Protestant scholars. In “Two Views Of Hell” Robert A. Peterson and William Fudge give two competing views. These two books show that there are very different competing views about Hell in the Protestant churches, but in true there are many more than four very different conflicting views in Protestant and Catholic churches, all with a large number of believers, and many more views in other churches. ANY VIEW A PERSON MAY HAVE, ALL THAT BELIEVE THE SAME VIEW IS IN A SMALL GROUP WHEN COMPARED WITH ALL THAT ARE IN ALL OTHER GROUP. NOT ONE OF THE MANY VIEWS OF HELL HAS EVEN ONE-FIFTH OF ALL THOSE THAT CLAIM TO BELIEVE THE BIBLE. The divisions on what Hell is and who will be in it is unbelievable, and most who say they believe in Hell has no idea of the vast number of the visions of Hell, or the unbelievable differences in what Hell is believed to be, how long it will last, who will be in it, and where it will be.
Did you know there are over 24 different Hells that are commonly believed by many? While some have some features that are similar they are all difference and have sharp disagreements. Those that believe one version of Hell are in conflict with those that believe any of the others.
1. The Calvin Version of Hell
2. The Jonathan Edwards version
3. The Graphic view of Hell
4. Satan doing the tormenting
5. God doing the tormenting
6. The Metaphorical view of both Heaven and Hell
7. Mental anguish only Hell - Billy Graham
8. C. S Lewis - the almost pleasant Hell
9. Protestant Traditionalist
10. Many Protestant Premillennial versions
11. Realized Eschatology – A. D. 70 version
12. Protestant Rephaim version
1. Church of Christ, Christian Church Abraham’s bosom after Judgment Hell, A newer version
2. Edward Fudge version: The short Hell
3. Christadelphians version
4. Church of God and others
5. Universalist version of Hell
6. Seventh-Day Advent version
7. Latter-day Saints version [Mormons]
8. The Grave is Hell version [Jehovah's Witnesses]
1. The Dark Age Catholic version of Hell
2. The New Catholic version of Hell
3. Nether World
How Hell was put into and is being kept in the Bible


SOME OF THE MANY DIVISIONS OF THE PROTESTANT VERSIONS OF HELL. After much conflict among the reformers, most Protestants accepted much of the early Catholic version of going to Heaven or Hell one by one at death, before and without the judgment or the Resurrection, but without Purgatory. Unconditional immortality, which is the foundation on which Hell stands, was accepted mostly due to Calvin and those that followed him winning out over Martin Luther and his followers. If they had accepted Luther's views on immortality, there would be no foundation for Hell. Many Protestants believe the soul of all who do not accept Christ will instantly be transported to Hell at the death of the body before the resurrection and judgment day. God deliberately chooses to make them suffer and feel the pain without any letup forever. The saved will go to their eternal home in Heaven at death [an instant rapture]. The Westminster Confession says, "The souls of the righteous...are received unto the highest heavens...the soul of the wicked are cast into Hell." Does God judge them at death, them maybe thousands of years later, takes them out of Heaven and Hell to judge them a second time at the resurrection to see whether He made a mistake? Many believe an unbaptized baby will not be saved. This version is still believed by many today, even by many that say they are looking for the rapture; but an opposition to belief in Hell is rapidly growing in the Protestant churches. From the Protestant Reformation unto now there have been many changes and new Protestant versions of Hell.
[1] THE CALVIN VERSION OF HELL: The given no chance Hell. An early Protestant Version with a god that made most of mankind knowing he is going to torment them in Hell forever, and there is nothing they can do to keep from going to Hell. This god made them just so he could torment them forever as their creed says, "to His good pleasure." No amount of preaching or teaching can change the number that shall be in this Hell not even by one person. The Westminster Confession says, "By the decree of God, for the Manifestation of is glory, some men and angels are predestinated unto Everlasting Life, and others foreordained unto everlasting death." Some Protestants still believe this version of Hell that their god made most of mankind just so he could torment them for eternality but it is not near as poplar as it was a few years ago. Those who say they are orthodox Protestants who do not believe the Calvin Version of Hell may far out number those who do.
[2] THE JONATHAN EDWARDS VERSION OF HELL: Also early Protestant Version and there was a time when most Protestants believed this view of Hell but now only a few believe it. There are about as many variations of the Jonathan Edwarde version as there are preachers who preach it. Most taught God had given Hell over to Satan and Satan will roast most of mankind forever and torment them however he wishes to. Some have demons peeling off the burning flash of those in Hell with God making sure they keep it up forever. Some have God doing the tormenting of Satan, the demons, and man, with God forever pouring in fire and brimstone, and thousands of other ways of tormenting with each preacher trying to out do the others in telling of the horrors of Hell. Each one trying to make the god of Hell more evil then the others have. Jonathan Edwards said God "will crush their blood out and make it fly, so that it will sprinkle his garment and stain all his raiment." They never tell how they know such details. Put all their horrors together and it would take many books to tell then all. Some of them get very specific with the details of the torment. These "Hellfire" preachers are not as poplar as they once was and their audience is much smaller. It is unimportant to them if they have no Bible for their Hell or its horrors; the badly mistranslated King James Version is all they need to make their Hell believable to many with whatever kind of torment they want to put in it. Some believers of the Calvin version also believe this version and mix the two together. There is not much unity of belief among the Protestants. Today, in almost any church if the preacher started preached sermons about Hell that was like the one's Edwards preached he would be out of work very soon.
This version of Hell makes there be something like two kingdoms or two universes after the judgment with Satan over one with most of mankind and God over a few. Both God and Satan would have eternal power in their kingdom and the division between them, between Heaven and Hell would mean God would not ever have a victory over evil. The god Edward believed in would have no problem with tormenting the lost, he would love it.
[3] THE GRAPHIC VERSION OF HELL: The sinners will be tormented in the parts of their bodies that sinned.
"In short, whatever member of the body sinned, that member would be punished more than any other in hell...In Christian literature we find blasphemers hanging by their tongues. Adulterous women who plaited their hair to entice men dangle over boiling mire by" William Crockett, "Four Views on Hell" Page 46.
[4] SATAN WILL BE DOING THE TORMENTING VERSION OF HELL: Satan and his angels will be doing the tormenting, but they could only be executing the will of God that the lost be tormented for they could not torment the lost without God letting them. This view was believed by
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