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most Protestant churches also believe this version of Hell. The number of those who are called Protestant but do not believe any of the orthodox Protestant versions of Hell is growing.
[7] Latter-day Saints version of Hell [Mormons]: They believe in three Heavens that they call Kingdoms, Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial Kingdoms. They believe in a Hell, but only a very few, the sons of perdition, will be in it forever. They are those that were once faithful Mormons but become apostates and left the Mormon Church. All will be raised from the dead. Except for the sons of perdition, most of those in Hell will in time pass out of it into the lowest Telestial Kingdom and will be there forever, even those who are not Mormons, but those who are not Mormons can go no higher then the lower Telestial Kingdom.
[8] The grave is Hell version [Jehovah’s Witnesses]: The grave is Hell and all go to it at death. There is no knowledge or torment in this Hell, just sleep or death. Some from many different groups believe this version of Hell. They get support mostly from the older translations like the King James Version, and most who believe it think the newer translations that translate only Gehenna into Hell are wrong. They believe Gehenna is a trash dump, not Hell. This Hell is going on now with all the dead in it, both the good and the bad are asleep in it and it will wake up at the Resurrection. All are unconscious and there is no torment of the wicked or reward of the righteous in "Hell" where all the dead, both the good and the bad now are. In this version, Hell will end at the resurrection and there will be no Hell after the resurrection and judgment.
The Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Hell is the “common grave of mankind” where people go when they die. They are not conscious there.
A. B. Robinson, September 1996 [A Jehovah's Witnesses]. "We do not have the word 'hell' in the NWT. We translate gehenna as gehenna, hades as hades and sheol as sheol. By doing this we can get the true import of these words. Gehenna is a garbage dump and sheol and hades often refer to the grave. We believe everyone who dies goes to 'hell' or sheol [hades]. The dead are unconscious, asleep if you will [Ecc 9:5,19 and 1 Thes 4:13-16] and will remain such until they are resurrected. We also believe that 'hell' will be emptied, as is clearly stated in Rev 20:13. The persons who were in hell, both the righteous and the unrighteous [Acts 24:15] will be resurrected and judged. Those who are deserving of it will then be thrown into the lake of fire, the second death [Rev 20:14,15]."
Brian Holt in an E-mail to me said, "JW's do not have the word ‘hell’ in the NWT," then said everyone who dies goes to Hell.
In today's English Hell has come to mean a place of eternal torment after death, and to translate hades into Hell is an untrue translation. The grave is Hell was not the intentions of the translators who first put the word "Hell" into the Bible, the grave is Hell is not the way it would have been understood by English speaking people when it was first used by the translators or the way it is understood today.
I have been told that what I believe "is what Jehovah's Witnesses have been teaching for years." One person said to me, "You believe the same thing Jehovah's Witnesses believe. Why don't you join them and leave us alone?" ONE WRITER SAID, "A NEW STANDARD OF TRUTH HAS BEEN FOUND. IF THE OCCULTS OR LIBERALS BELIEVE IT, THEN IT IS WRONG." The problem with this is (1) I do not believe as they do that the grave is Hell. (2) That most all denominations, whether they are occults, liberals, or whatever, teach many things that the Bible teaches and many that the Bible does not teach. Nothing is right or wrong because a denomination teaches it, not even right or wrong if the Jehovah's Witnesses denomination teaches it. It is right if the Bible teaches it or wrong if the Bible does not teach it. Catholic, Baptist, Jehovah's Witnesses, Church of God, and all others each teach many things that the Bible teaches and each one teaches many things that the Bible does not teach. Anything is right if the Bible teaches it even if the Jehovah's Witnesses teach it and wrong if the Bible does not teach it. JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES TEACH ADULTERY IS A SIN; IS IT WRONG TO TEACH THAT ADULTERY IS A SIN BECOUSE JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES TEACH IT TO BE? To say, "That is what the Jehovah's Witnesses teach," is said for the same reason the Baptist says, "That is water salvation" or "That is Campbellism." THEIR REAL PROBLEM IS NOT THAT ONE OF THE OCCULTS TEACH IT, BUT THAT THEY HAVE NO OTHER ANSWER AND KNOW THAT THEY CAN TURN MANY OFF JUST BY SAYING "THAT IS WHAT JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES TEACH" JUST AS THE BAPTIST DID WITH "THAT IS WATER SALVATION." The Moslem religion believes in eternal torment; can we say it is wrong because those who believe in eternal torment believe something the Moslems teach? No, it is wrong because the Bible does not teach it.
Why? What is the real reason they say that is Jehovah's Witnesses teaching? I think one reason is that they just do not want to deal with it. Do not want to take the time. Another reason is the same reason the Baptist call us "Campbellism" and say, "You believe in water salvation." They could not show that a person can be saved without baptism, therefore, they would say, "You believe in water salvation" for they know this would make others prejudice and not believe the Bible. Now the same thing is being done to anyone who does not believe in Hell by saying, "You are nothing but a Jehovah's Witnesses." EVEN THOUGH WHAT I BELIEVE IS FAR FROM WHAT THE JEHOVAH'S TEACH, they believe there is a Hell, but it is going on now, and I do not believe the Bible says anything about any kind of Hell; not one that is going on now or one that will be at any time after death. The truth is that if Jehovah's Witnesses did believe as I do (they do not, but even if they did) as long as the Bible teaches it, I would not care if it were what they believed, but would say that it is great that they believe the Bible on that point, and would wish that they believed the Bible on all points. If you made two lists, one a list of things any denomination believes that is not in the Bible, and a list of things it believes that is in the Bible, both lists would be long. The persons who say "That is Jehovah's Witnesses teaching" believes many of the same things that would be on the list of things the Jehovah's Witnesses believes.
Some of the many things Jehovah's Witnesses teach that I do not believe.
1. Jesus was not the Son of God.
2. The Millennium.
3. Only 144,000 will go to Heaven.
4. All the rest of the saved will live forever on this earth for all eternality.
5. They don't believe in blood transfusions.
6. Hell is the grave and all the dead are now in Hell. Unfortunately, it is not true that they do not believe in Hell but believe in a Hell that is now going on. The more there are that do not believe that God slandering teaching the better, but, they do believe in Hell, just not one of the many orthodox Protestant versions of Hell although many Premillennialists who are called orthodox Protestants believe as they do, that Hell is the grave.
Unto the resurrection death is death, not any kind of life or any kind of Hell anyplace.
PROBABLE ORIGIN OF THIS VERSION OF HELL. Sheol is translated Hell in the King James Version thirty-one times and grave thirty-one times. It puts all in Hell or the grave together, both the good and the bad and it is a place that those in it know nothing, a place where they will be only unto the resurrection. If one believes the mistranslation of the King James Version, then he or she must believe the grave is Hell version of Hell for it is clearly taught in the Old Testament of the King James Version. The Jehovah's Witnesses and others who believe this version have all the proof they need in the mistranslations in the King James Version even thought it was not there intention to teach a Hell with both the saved and lost in it with no pain and it will end at the resurrection; I cannot see anyway that a person that believes the King James Version just as it is would not be forced believe in the same Hell that the Jehovah’s Witnesses believes in, their Hell is clearly taught in it.
[1] The Medieval Dark Age Catholic version of Hell: The soul being immortal came from Greek philosophy, and was brought into the church by some of the church fathers, by Augustine more then most others. The doctrine of Hell came soon after the immortal soul doctrine along with Purgatory, the sale of indulgences, Limbo, worship of Mary and saints, Nether World, Holy Water, the rosary, forbidding Priest to marry, the crucifix, Monks and Nuns, forbidding eating of meat on Friday, and many other teaching; and was fully developed by the Dark Age Catholic Church before the Protestant Reformation. I have found it difficult to pen down just what is the official teaching. It seems to be that in the past they believed that only a very few, the very bad, will go to Hell, which they believe is a real place, at their death with no judgment, but most will go to Purgatory at death. A few of the very good will go to Heaven at their death with no judgment [an instant rapture]. At death most Catholic will go immediately to Purgatory, which seems to be a limited version of Hell, unto they have suffered enough to pay for their sins or unto their love ones have paid all they can, then they go to Heaven. How long a person will be in Purgatory is sometimes taught to be a short time and sometimes millions of years to those who have no one to win indulgences for them. It has brought enormous wealth to the rich Catholic Church from the poor who paid what little they had and even done without food to help a loved one. The Catholic Purgatory gives no hope for heathens, heretics, or the unbaptized.
[2] The new Catholic version of Hell:
Pope John II, "Hell is not a punishment imposed externally by God, but the condition resulting from attitudes and actions which people adopt in this life...So eternal damnation is not God's work but is actually our own doing...More than a physical place, Hell is the state of those who freely and definitively separate themselves from God, the source of all life and joy." In a statement made to his
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