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general audience, July 28, 1999.
There are other high up Catholics who have made statements like this one but I see no use in adding more when you have this from the top person in the Catholic Church. Maybe this is why two of their English Bible translations do not have the word "Hell" in them, and who knows how many other Catholics translations in other languages do not; however, because it has been the official doctrine for centuries and the decrees of councils and Popes, the Roman Catholic Church cannot officially not teach Hell is a place of eternal torment without giving up completely her claim of infallibility. Protestantism has not made this claim of infallibility and many are giving Hell up.
[3] THE NETHER WORLD: IS THIS A NEW (third) CATHOLIC VERSION OF HELL? More and more in today's writing, The Neither World is being used as if it is a Bible place that is clearly taught in the Bible; but I have yet to read where anyone told where it is in the Bible. Do both the Nether World and Abraham's bosom now exists at the same time? If so, how are they different? I have heard the same preachers who are not Catholic preach one at one time and the other at another time. The American Heritage Dictionary says, “NETHER, Located beneath or below; lower or under: the nether regions of the earth.”
Where did this world that is located beneath or under this world come from? It is not in the Bible, therefore, how could anyone know about it? It came from the Catholic Church. Like Hell, they mistranslated it from hades to get it into the Bible. BOTH HELL AND NETHER WORLD WERE MISTRANSLATED FROM THE SAME WORD (HADES) AND BOTH FROM THE SAME PASSAGE. See Acts 2:27 New American Bible "for you will not abandon my soul to the Nether World." Also Psalms 16:10 etc. THE NETHER WORLD IS A NEW NAME BEING PUT INTO THE BIBLE BY THE SAME PEOPLE (the Catholic Church) WHO PUT HELL INTO IT, AND IT IS BEING PUT INTO THE BIBLE IN THE SAME WAY, BY MISTRANSLATING THE SAME WORD THEY MISTRANSLATED TO PUT IN HELL.
1. First: hades was mistranslated Hell in Catholic translations
2. Second: the same word in the same passage is now mistranslated Nether World in some Catholic translations.
IT WORKED FOR THEM THE FIRST TIME, SO THEY TRIED IT A SECOND TIME. When they need to prove Hell, they use one mistranslation; and when they need to prove the Nether World, they use another mistranslation of the same word in the same passage.
The Nether World and Universalist version of Hell, the "age lasting" Hell are very singular in many ways. Both have those who are not worthy of being in Heaven going through some kind of punishment but will end up in Heaven. The main different is that Catholics believe some are too evil to ever be saved and will always be tormented by God, but in the "age lasting" Hell taught by Universalists all will end up in Heaven.
The Bible version of Hell: There is no Bible version of Hell. Both the name Hell and the concept, a place where God will forever torment most of mankind was not known about in Old or New Testament times. The Greeks did not know it about or anyone back them. Christ or Paul used neither the place nor the name. An eternal place of torment for souls was not known about by anyone unto long after the last page of the Bible.

Most versions of Hell are based on the belief that:
• A person has some part of them self that is immortal from birth and is not subject to death.
• That death is not death, the dead are more alive then the living, "You shall not surely die."
(1). SOME BELIEVE SATAN IS THE TORMENTER. According to Jonathan Edwards and most Hell fire preachers, Satan will be doing the tormenting of all that are in Hell forever.
(2). SOME BELIEVE GOD IS THE TORMENTER. Today many believe God will be doing the tormenting.
(3). Some denominations believe Hell will be on this earth.
(4). Others believe that Hell will last for a while; but will end with all that are in Hell being saved and going to Heaven.
(5). Some believe that Hell will only last unto the ones in it have paid for their sins, and then they will be destroyed.
(6). Some believe Hell is hot.
(7). Some believe that Hell is cold.
(8). Some believe Hell is dark.
(9). Some believe Hell is Metaphorical, it is not literally hot, cold or dark; we cannot understand what it is really like and are given pictures to tell us how bad it is.
(10). Some believe that Hell is only mental anguish.
(11). Some believe that Hell is a place of separation from God without any torment from God.
(12). Some believe that Hell is under the earth.
(13). Some believe Hell is who knows where. Most, but not all, now realize there is not a place of torment under the earth and have moved it. Now who knows where they think Hell is, maybe somewhere out in space.
(14). Some believe Hell exists now, and the lost dead are now being tormented in it.
(15). Some believe Hell will not exist unto after the judgment.
(16). Some believe that Hell now exists with the angels that sinned in it, but no person will be in Hell unto after the judgment.
(17). Some believe that although God is omnipresent [present in all places at the same time], nevertheless He is not present in Hell. They believe those in Hell are separated from God, they believe death is separation from God and the second death is an eternal Hell, and at the same time they believe God is there tormenting them and gives them life. All life comes from God. He would have to be present and not present at the same time. The lost would be separated from God and not separated from God simultaneously, for He would be wherever they were separated from Him if He were doing the tormenting.
(18). If you go back in time 50 or 100 years, most all preachers were teaching "Hell" to be a place of "fire and brimstone." Today "fire and brimstone" is almost never used by preachers or in today's theology. Do you believe in the "Hell" of today or the "Hell" of 100 years ago?
Pagan philosophers mostly believed the soul was somewhere underground unto it was reincarnated. The first time Hell is used in the King James Version, it is on this earth, and is the punishment and scattering of the nation of Israel [Deuteronomy 32:22-26]. "Though they dig into Hell" [Amos 9:27 King James Version]. Most of the "church fathers," and the Church in the Dark Age, believed Hell was underground. Both the Catholic Church and the "Apostle's creed," which is used by many Protestants says Christ descended into Hell at His death; and preached to the souls in prison. Many encyclopedias and lexicons still say this. The New Oxford American Dictionary says, “hell ‘hel’ a place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering, often traditionally depicted as a place of perpetual fire beneath the earth where the wicked are punished after death.” When I was a child, I heard repeatedly that the Devil lived under the ground and would get you if you were bad. Now almost no one believes Hell is under ground and it has been moved to some dark place on the backside of some far away no one knows where place. Most who believed Hell to be under the earth also believed the earth will end at the coming of Christ. I have never heard them explain how the earth will be destroyed, but the Hell that is under ground (inside of the earth) will last forever.
O-well, one is as good as another and one place is as good as any other for there is no Bible teaching for any of them. They are all man made, and believing any of them is to believe a lie. "But in vain do they worship me, teaching as their doctrines the precepts of men" [Matthew 15:9]. The only sure thing is that what men believe about Hell is that Hell is always changing to suit the times and the denominations.
Must do away with death. If death is real, if when God said death, God meant what He said, then Hell cannot be.
Must prove that men are now immortal Must prove that there is an immaterial, invisible part of a person that has no substance and this nothing, whatever it is, is now as immortal as it will be after the judgment; and this nothing is the only part of a person Christ will save and the only part of a person that will be in Heaven. If a person is now mortal, he cannot now be immortal.
Must make words like destroy, perish, die, death, lost be used only with a theological sense. If they are used "in the fair, stipulated, and well-established meaning of the terms" then Hell cannot be.
Must prove that Hell is in the Bible, both the name and the particular place they call Hell. If they do not prove there is a Hell, but teach it, they have added to the Bible.
Must prove that the "nehphesh" animals have in Genesis 1:20; 1:21; 1:24; 1:30; 2:19 is mortal but the "nehphesh" men have in Genesis 2:7 is immortal.
IT CAME FROM PAGAN PHILOSOPHERS, and was brought into the church along with Purgatory, the sale of indulgences, Limbo, worship of Mary and saints, Nether World, Holy Water, the rosary, forbidding Priests to marry, the crucifix, forbidding eating of meat on Friday, candle-burning, and many other teachings; and was opposed by such men as Luther, Tyndale, Moses Lord, and many others. It came into the church in the Dark Age from Pagan Greek philosophers and writers like Dante Aligheri (1265-1321), "The Divine Comedy" and Milton's "Paradise Lost" added things like Satan has a red suit, horns, and pitchfork and is forever tormenting the damned. Aligheri was a pagan who believed the teaching of Plato on the soul being immortal and his book "The Divine Comedy" is basically Plato's view of the soul. This view of Hell was adopted in the Middle Age Church to create fear of leaving the church. The church in the Dark Age and the translators of the King James Bible were more influenced by this Pagan philosophy and writers of that time then they were from the teaching of God.
Growler 1995 Encyclopedia ASPS says, "In Greek Mythology, Hades is the underworld ruled by the god of that name, who is also known as Pluto; in Nurse Mythology, Hel is a cold and shadowy subterranean realm." Both Hel and Hell are from the same root word- "Kel."
The American Heritage Dictionary, Page 2108 says, "KEL-1. O-grade from kal 1. A Hell, from Old English Hell, Hell; B HEL, from Old Nurse Hel, the underworld, goddess of death."
Compton's 1995 Encyclopedia, "Hell and Hades" "The modern Western understanding of Hell
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