» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014, Susan Davis [the beach read TXT] 📗

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to ME with sorrow and remorse for this sin in your life and I will receive you and bring you to MY beautiful everlasting Kingdom. We will eat together at the marriage supper. This life is empty. Come quickly. Turn to ME NOW. Your days are numbered. Time is swiftly running out. Choose what direction you will take. Come to your FATHER. Let ME save you.

I, JESUS long to save you and bring you home.



November 30, 2010

(Letter dictated by CHRIST to Susan)

Yes MY daughter I have words for you.

Susan these are my final offerings. I am a patient GOD. I am a humble, patient GOD. I wait on MY children to come to ME. Many are coming, not enough, so many will be left behind. MY sorrow is great for them because of their stiff-necked behavior. I must leave them. This is truly not MY way. I do not want this for them. I have made MY offerings. I have put forth MY Words. I have focused MY attention on the people through MY SPIRIT, the HOLY SPIRIT. I have given everything to bring MY children to the end of themselves so that they may be prepared to return homeward with ME in their heavenly home. This is a home of safety and beauty, sheer beauty.

Tell them I will not wait long. They underestimate ME and MY plans. The people act as if they know all about ME and MY plans, as if they know when I am coming and in their minds it is not now. Well they are wrong. They are misguided and they are blinded by their own thinking which is clouded by the world around them.

They think they know exactly what I will do and they all have it worked out in their minds, in their small minds they know what GOD will do. They believe they have all the time in the world and that the future looks bright. They see themselves going to and fro, here and there, off to make a profit in a far-away land and back again. This is evil. Doesn’t MY book describe this as evil? They do not even know what the next minute of their life holds, yet they plan the future out in their minds—a future that GOD is not part of—a future that their minds have conceived. I am not consulted. These are the ramblings of men. No regard for the ALMIGHTY. This couldn’t be more further from the truth. Even MY own people make their plans oblivious of ME.

I am coming sooner than most people think and their plans will be for naught because they were not watching for ME. They were not recognizing the lateness of the hour. MY Book has been clear. Many of MY faithful ones recognize the lateness of the hour and will be prepared. But if you are not watching and ready, MY coming will catch you off guard and your loss will be great.

Stop planning into the distant future. Your world is about to come to a screeching halt. You are either going to prepare yourself for ME and be MY humble repentant bride washed in MY precious blood or you will be caught off guard and left to live in a new world order: a world of no order that will be the world left to those who reject ME now. I cannot account for your poor decision making. If you are not watching as MY Word outlines, than you will miss it and your regret will be great.

I want MY people to stop building, stop planning, get MY Word out and read and study. See the lateness of the hour. Put down your building tools, pick up MY Book and go warn the people. Tell them now to get their house in order. Turn, repent, and humble yourself before ME. Surrender your all to ME. But stop the madness. Stop planning for a future that only exists in your mind. Your disregards for MY Words are a stench to ME. You go about your business as if I am not here, as if MY Words are lame, as if you are deaf and dumb. Wake up MY people. The hour is nigh. The signs are all around you. Turn off your wooden idols and pay attention to MY Words. Seek MY Face, MY Glorious Face. Prepare the way. Follow ME. Tell your neighbors, your friends, your family. Tell them YAHWEH is coming to retrieve HIS beautiful bride and I will take all who want to go: all who are considered worthy to go; all who have made themselves ready to go.

MY people who shepherd MY flocks and who ignore MY warnings and who are not preparing their flocks will be left and their loss will be great. What a sad day when whole churches are left because they did not heed MY Words of warning. Regret and sorrow will be immense. Once I come and collect MY bride the door will be shut. And if you remain the door will be shut to you and you must turn to face your enemy. He will be a raging bull. He will destroy all he comes in contact with. There will be few left standing after the enemy takes over. It will be many sad days: the saddest days of all.

Don’t do this. Don’t make this choice for yourself. I have so much better for you in heaven. I have a beautiful home for you, I long to bring you to. Come and let ME gather you under MY wings. Come under MY wing of safety. I will rescue you. I have planned this from the start to bring MY people out to see them to safety. MY plans do not change. I am the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.

I do not falter in MY ways and MY plans. Men do not see it because they choose not to. Other words, other things entice people from GOD’s Truth. MY Truth stands. MY Truth is more important than anyone or anything.

Be at peace with GOD. Make your peace with ME. I hold out MY hand. Reach for it. I am repeating MY Words for you. Surrender, repent, turn to ME NOW. Let ME save you. Please, let ME save you. I love you. I created you. Don’t let an eternity of hell come between us. I don’t want to lose you, but MY Word stands and if you choose against ME, MY Word cannot be altered for you. You will have to depart from MY presence and then woe to you. Please choose wisely. I cannot wait much longer. The dark world is rising. Let ME bring you into the light.

I, GOD, I, JESUS have spoken.



Coordinating Scripture:

James 4:13-16: (KJV): 3Go to now, ye that say, Today or tomorrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: 14Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. 15For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. 16But now ye rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil




December 2, 2010

(Letter dictated by LORD JESUS to Susan)

Yes Susan, I have these Words for you.

Yes the hour is waning. I am coming soon. The people would be amazed if they knew how close it all is. I, the LORD have spoken. MY servants take down MY Words.

Soon the world will know I am GOD. I am saddened by the world’s disregard for ME, their CREATOR. It is incredible the way the people look the other way when something about ME is presented. This hurts ME to the core. They cannot imagine the pain I experience from their rejection. I took special care to create each person. I select their hair color and eye color. I know each person individually in detail. I know their characteristics. I know all about them. I know what makes them laugh or cry. I know their goals, dreams, sadness’, and frustrations.

I am such a remote far off GOD to them. All other things take precedence in their lives. The people have put objects and each other before their CREATOR. They do not even care to get to know ME, to read MY Words. I am such a willing CREATOR to engage in the lives of MY creation.

I wanted fellowship and to get to know MY people. I want to share in their lives, their daily comings and goings, but they will have no part of ME. They put ME away, out of their minds. I am nothing more to them than a foul word. I do not exist.

Even those who call themselves Christians are distant to ME. I am not an object of their affections. They hope MY name will not come up in their conversations because I embarrass them. Do they know I was not too embarrassed to hang on a cross for them? I was in front of a maddening crowd and was disfigured before their taunting to save MY lost people. I was not embarrassed—I was determined to save them. This I did for MY own lost creation. I assumed the role of the creation and I bared MY soul to MY people. They did not even realize who I really was when they beat ME and crucified ME. I was their GOD and their CREATOR and yet I suffered immeasurably that day. It was humiliating and humbling, but MY Love is so great for MY lost people. I would have done it again, but MY sacrifice is complete and now you can come to ME and MY FATHER and be part of our Kingdom when I come to retrieve MY bride.

I have all these wonderful things for you in store. There is a world of beauty awaiting you—one that makes this world pale by comparison. Soon I must leave and take MY children. You know it is close if you are watching. You know. I cannot be swayed in this deciding hour. MY FATHER will give the word and I will come to collect the bride. She is ready also. I can keep her at arm’s length no longer. I am ready for this hour.

The world has you under its spell. You think all is well. You think MY coming is far off in the future. Who told you this? It was not ME, your GOD. I have made MY signs clear for all to see and study. But most don’t care to learn about such things. It is a child’s story they think: I am greater than these old stories…I do not need this GOD…I have a life to lead…I can run my own show. But MY bride is ready and she will see ME in all MY GLORY and we will rise up, join together, and leave. The world will never be the same again as the bride will have left the planet. This will be a sad, but true reality for those who are left.

I am waiting on you MY people. It will be soon. I cannot placate you

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