» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014, Susan Davis [the beach read TXT] 📗

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is short and you are enamored with the world and all its iniquities. It is a disease, a plague. You cannot have ME and love the world.

My children back away. Look at what lies ahead. Come to your senses. See the evil brewing. All segments of life are touched by evil. It is pervasive—controlling—relentless—futile. Life is over as you have known it. The end as you have known it is here. You may escape with ME or stay and experience a new way of life. It will be most unpleasant for anyone who craves peace, love, happiness, purity, wholeness, GOD’s peace. These moments you crave, will be a thing of the past, a distant memory.

You think all is well now. The hour is short. Normal will be no more very soon. Nothing will be normal soon. Sin will be exponentially greater. Evil will abound. The love of many will grow cold—stone cold. Harsh sounding? Honesty. I am giving you truth. The winds are changing.

I am leaving with MY people soon, MY beloved people. Be among them and you will escape all this to come. Why stay and be subjected to torture and death? Why? I offer you a beautiful home in heaven. The difference between the two is stark. You have two choices. Choose ME and live in beauty, eternal peace, and bliss. Reject MY offer and die in squalor. Die a sad death.

I AM GOD. I know the future. I see what’s coming. I am trying to warn you. Be with ME and you will never regret your choice. Stay and regret will be your constant thought. Let ME be your FATHER, PROTECTOR, COMFORTER, SAVIOR, LOVER. I am all. When people put themselves in outer darkness apart from their all-knowing, all-loving CREATOR for eternity, they abandon all hope. There is endless hopelessness. It is the worm that doesn’t die. The loss is far greater than the human mind can comprehend. Walk through that door and be lost forever more.

I am the source of goodness—all things good, sweet, pure, beautiful. This is who I am. Shut yourself off from ME, reject MY proposal and never-ending emptiness, darkness, torment, hopelessness: hell is real. Many, many are going there. The regret is eternal. Your mind has trouble grasping eternity.

Choose against ME and discover that you have made a move that has eternal consequences. You will never see ME again. You will never hear MY voice. You will never experience MY ways: I am LOVE…I am HOPE…I am KINDNESS…I am PEACE…I am WISDOM…I am KNOWLEDGE…I am STRENGTH…I am SAFETY…I am BLISS…I am JOY…I am TRUTH…I am GREATNESS…I am LIFE…I am ADORATION. I am all the good things you enjoy in this world. Hell does not have these things. It will be never-ending sad futility.

My children who are in hell have no hope. They will not find hope or love again. They are experiencing the worst things. Some of MY children have witnessed hell and speak of it. Many have been there for short times and experienced its anguish. But there is nothing worse than an eternity apart from ME, your MAKER. I am sorry for their loss, but MY Word is clear and the people are without excuse if they choose against ME and find themselves in hell.

Now I am putting forth MY final pleas and I am warning you about the horror to come. This world wants horror instead of GOD. This world cherishes horror over GOD, so this world will have its horror and I shall not bother it. MY people left will have to go through the worst imaginable things. I want them to know that the choice they are making now has severe consequences if they choose against ME. Come with ME and be saved, stay and suffer.

Let ME tell you something. Your choice now will have long term ramifications. It will be very hard for those who want to turn back to ME. The choice now is easy. Later it will be very difficult. Choosing for ME will be very hard after I take MY people home. Come with ME now. Follow ME now. Save yourself. Time is running out. Don’t waste precious moments. Turn, turn, turn NOW. Repent! Lay your life down before ME. Give ME everything. I will save you. Now is the deciding hour. Time is running out.

I, GOD, I, JESUS am waiting for your answer.



November 26, 2010

(Letter dictated by CHRIST to Susan)

These are my words for you Susan.

These are the last days. All is coming to a conclusion, a close. Soon the world will implode on itself. The evil will infiltrate and men will go amok toward evil. Nothing will be sacred anymore. Truth will be hard to find. The world will be caught up in the worst possible sin and unimaginable evil. The people will be shocked by what is about to happen. There will be horror from all angles. Peace will not be available.

The evil days are coming. Pleasant living will be over. Clean, peaceable living will be over. The world will know no peace. It will be each man for himself survival. Those who come to me after I remove MY bride will know the worst kind of persecution. It will be unrelenting. The evil will have an unquenchable appetite. It will be an all-out war on the true Christians. If you know ME and want to be saved by ME death will be the way to ME. The enemy will hunt you down and kill you. This has happened before in history, but never on the scale it will be, soon. It will be worldwide assault on anyone who claims to be a Christian and rejects the mark of the beast. 

I am standing here waiting for MY children to turn to ME now and to avoid the terror to come. Avoid it. Turn to ME NOW. I will save you. I, JESUS, will take you with ME to safety. Back away from the world. Stand apart from the world. Turn to ME now. Grab MY hand. Surrender your all to ME. The hour is now. Cling to ME with everything you have. There is nothing that can save you now. Your money cannot save you. Your friends and family cannot save you. Your government cannot save you. You have one way to salvation. There is only one way. I am the Way.

I cannot hold back what is coming much longer. I will allow it to take place because this generation refuses to accept ME, its one and only true SAVIOR and GOD.

I love MY people but I cannot tolerate this rejection any longer. I have given all and MY people run to the world panting after it like a deer in heat. MY people make excuses to reject ME, their GOD, to be like the world at every turn. The world will not satisfy them. Seek it though they may, it will leave them empty every time. Many are in hell because they chose the world over MY love. But hell is nothing like the world. It is torture, torment, and it is unending. There is no relief from the torment.

The people in hell are tormented night and day. There is no rest. There never will be. They will never experience rest again. It is unstoppable and they will never see the light of day ever again. No hope. Harsh you say? Hell is the opposite of the presence of GOD. Live in MY presence and know eternal beauty. Leave MY presence and understand eternal damnation, unrelenting horror. That is what you receive when you choose against ME. You put yourself outside MY world and without ME there is hell, horror, torment, torture, and there is zero opportunity for relief. Come to MY world with ME and discover endless peace, love, beauty, hope, paradise, splendor, joy. It is so much more wonderful than the human mind can comprehend. Delight yourself in ME now and your delight will be eternal.

If you abhor ME now than you will receive the wages of your decisions. I do not take well to those who reject ME. I created all. When MY creation chooses to reject and deny ME as their creator, I will put them in a place where they will receive their desire. Then they will understand the desires of their heart and what it means to deny ME. I am an honest truthful GOD and I make MYSELF very clear. You either choose ME or you choose against ME. If you only have a partial interest in ME, I will give you the lukewarm destination you so desire.

You want to play games with ME. You play ME like a cheating mistress. You have one eye on ME and one eye on the world. You go back and forth—what suits your purpose at the time. I am not good enough for you to surrender and devote all to. You must run into the arms of your other lover, the world. So be it. I am leaving with MY devoted wife, who only has eyes for ME. You may have your other mistress, the world. I don’t want any part in your halfhearted love toward ME, your tepid affections, your lackluster performance as MY follower.

You wear MY Name on your shoulder like you belong to ME. You use ME when it suits your purposes then when you are done using ME, you go back to your mistress, the world, and indulge yourself in its evil. You worship idols and spend time with your lover. You pull ME out of the closet for show or when you think you need GOD. Then when you are done, I go back in the closet until you pull ME out again. I can’t take you. You will have no place in MY beautiful home prepared for MY lovely bride. You think ME cruel? I am GOD. I created you. I died for you and I am willing to save you and care for you for eternity. But you want no part with ME.

You may have your way. I give you this choice, but I want to be clear about what this choice is so you can understand what your decision is about. Reject ME and your loss is eternal and there will be no looking back. Your decision will be final. You take the mark of MY enemy and your torment will be unending. These words are true.

I am trying to give you final warnings, before the world takes its plunge into darkness. Reach for ME NOW. Don’t be fooled by the appearances of the world now. All looks well. Everything looks normal, but soon all is changing. Very soon everything will not be the same.


Susan, write it down.  

We are at a great turning point. Life is changing swiftly and the world will soon not look the same. You sense it. Others see it clearly. The blind are leading the blind. You only have a little time left to take your blinders off and see what is coming. I cannot help you if you refuse to see. Soon your refusal to see the obvious will leave you in a state of disaster, because you would not take the safe route, the safe exit I offer.

Turn to ME now. I love you. Can’t you see that I am trying to reach you? I want the best for you as any loving parent wants for their child. I want MY children to run into MY safe, open Arms to receive MY affection and to be saved from the madness to come. I will bring you to a place that your mind cannot fathom.

You have no idea how wonderful your home in heaven is and what awaits you. But first, you must surrender. Repent! Turn your life over to ME completely. I want it all—not a partial commitment. I want a full surrender. Let ME wash you in MY blood and clean you up. This is something that only I can do. Come

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