» Religion » PREPARE THE WAY - 2010 THROUGH 2014, Susan Davis [the beach read TXT] 📗

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of truth—I am true to My word. I will do as I say. All will see soon.

The world thinks there is no retribution for their behavior. The world thinks there is no consequence for turning their backs to God—a Holy God. They are wrong. There will be a price to pay for openly rejecting a Holy God. I am God. I will not be mocked. They mock Me at every turn. They humiliate Me at every turn. I suffered and died for them. I laid My life down for them. I am a Holy God. I cannot look upon evil. I cannot see this evil and allow it to continue. I know the people think I do not exist and that they can carry on however they want, but this I cannot continue to tolerate.

Everywhere you turn there is evil. The evil has taken over the land. It runs unchecked. It has no limits. It runs unabated. It flees and it takes control so that the people have completely lost themselves in it. They are overtaken by it. I, God—I, Jesus have seen enough. I cannot allow this to carry on.

The people are in the dark. The evil does not seem bad enough to them. They die from lack of knowledge and so they cannot see for themselves the wretchedness of their ways and those around them.

They are so consumed by evil and overtaken by it they dismiss it and say to themselves: “Things aren’t so bad, surely God will not come so soon. Life will go on. I can do as I please.” This world will soon find out what it means to toy with a Holy God unchecked. I did it before during Noah’s time and I will do it again. My people had better find themselves and prepare. They can come with Me to safety or be left to face the consequences of their choices.

The people think I am playing. They think My Book is good for nothing. They think My Words are empty. I, God am not to be tried. I am not to be tempted. I am God and what I say, I will do. When I say I will do something, I, God will do it.

Even My people who call themselves Christians mock Me with their disregardful attitudes toward My Word—My Holy Words. I have laid out My plans in advance to this generation so that there can be no doubt about what I will do—so that no one will be in the dark when it is time for Me to make My move. I am not untruthful like the enemy of mankind. I have been up front, open, truthful about My plans. The truth is plain for those who seek Me for those who read and study My Words. I am Truth and when I say I am doing something, I will do it. I am a God of truth. No one rivals Me in truth. I give My Word and I see it through to completion.

There will never be a Truth like mine. No one carries out truth like I do. I am a force to be reckoned with. I am a God of complete and total follow through. When I say I will do it—I will do it. I will carry out My plans, make no mistake. Only a fool says there is no God.

There is precious little time left. My people need to prepare. I am ready to take My flight very soon. It is coming. I am a God of utter, impeccable, unquestionable truth. I cannot be questioned. When I speak—I speak absolute truth.

My Word is clear for all who bother to read it. I have laid out My terms of what I plan to do and what I expect from My people. It is all set out and absolutely clear. There is no question that now is the hour.

Yet you choose to disbelieve Me. I am your God. I would not deceive you. I gave you signs of My coming and you know that I have made them clear.

The people don’t believe because they choose not to. They are enthralled with this world. They knew that that there would be a time that I would come again. They knew that I had told them that a day would come when I would pull My people out to safety. They refuse to believe that it is now because they do not want to see it. “It is as it has always been,” they say to themselves. Yet the signs I told them to watch for are happening right before them and they refuse to see. They refuse to believe. They are a sad, doubting, lost generation and evil has overtaken them. They find comfort in their possessions, in their pursuits, in their love of money, everywhere but with Me, their Lord and Maker. Do they think they can be so utterly satisfied with these temporal things that they can’t even hear the one calling them to safety, to prepare for the plan I have laid out before them. Even the Christians are woefully unprepared and they will be shocked when they find themselves left. I am sorry for their loss, but I have warned them and I have outlined My plans and My terms for them to be saved.

They must turn to Me and surrender everything; give Me their lives; repent of their evil and sins, and turn toward Me and I will heal them of their infirmities, and their illnesses, and their sin sickness. I am the only answer for mankind. There are no other answers although they try to find them in so many ways. Their wholeness will never be found in anyone or anything but Me—the one true God.

My people need to lay down their lives before Me and repent. Let go of the world. The hour is late. Release your grip from a world that is crumbling, falling apart, and doomed to destruction. I, God can save you for just a bit longer—then you will face the worst—a world that is coming undone. This world will soon never be the same again. I am crying out to you. Please listen, the time is short. I am telling you because I love you. You have precious little time left to prepare, to repent, to surrender. Please hear My pleadings. I am trying to warn you to wake up and see what is coming. I cannot allow the dark forces to go unchecked. The world will soon know My wrath—My wrath against evil gone amuck: evil that has consumed every area of life. It is pervasive and it has consumed every part of human existence. How can I allow this to go on? I cannot.

You think I will continue to look away and man can carry on in his hopelessness. It cannot be.

Soon the world will know that I, God—I, Jesus will whisk My people away to safety—who is My loyal bride and I will turn away to allow the world to experience My wrath. What happens when a Holy God releases protection over the world? This world is harsh, but nothing like it will be without my bride and with My hand of protection pulled away.

You have but a little time left. Don’t live in denial any longer. Face the truth. Humble yourselves before a Holy God and I will open your eyes. I will show you truth. I will show you the way to safety. I will give you relief from the madness to come. I will bring you to a beautiful home in the sky prepared for those who call Me their God. This is My truth. There is no other truth. Do not dismiss or gloss over these words lightly. Soon you will long to hear these words and soon the door will be shut. You will have to do the hard things to come to Me.

I cannot change this hour. It is set. You think you have all the time in the world. This is man’s thinking. If you humble yourself, truly humble yourself before Me, I will lead you to God’s truth—My truth. Now you are in a cloud believing every fuzzy doctrine under the sun. The enemy is wreaking havoc over the people. The people are in cloud of delusion and cannot see that the Words in My Book match up with the signs of the time and My coming is so near—even at the door.

Wake up O’ earth. The hour is late. The hour is at hand. I am waiting, but not for long. You have precious little time left. Take My hand. It is extended out to you. But soon, I will take My bride and we will fly away. Join with us. It is not too late. Don’t wait too long though, many will be left as described in Revelations. Do not be so sure of yourself. Turn to Me now before it is too late. I, Jesus speak truth. Come now before it is too late.



 November 05, 2010

(Letter dictated by CHRIST to Susan)

Dear Susan, write these words down.

This is your Lord and Master JESUS.

I come to you today with new words. There is much to say. These words are for all who will hear them.

I am GOD. I am JESUS. Make no mistake these are My words.

The hour is closing in. I am coming soon.

Susan, write it down.

Soon the world will know My fury: the fury of an angry GOD; the fury of a rejected GOD. These words are to this lost generation. These words are for whoever had ears to listen. I watch the world…I know all. Nothing gets by Me. I am GOD—allknowing GOD. I am JESUS, Savior of all.

This world is about to descend into evil, unstoppable, untamable evil —evil unleashed, unbridled—evil that can’t be conquered by men. Only GOD will be able to stop it. But until that day, men will endure the worst. I will take My people to safety and the evil world will come into the open. No one will ever have seen or will see again this much evil.

The time is drawing near. The hour is closing in and I am about to make this happen. I, GOD have seen enough. Men are helpless to stop what is about to happen. The world is about to see what happens when I, God step aside and allow the people to have the kingdom they have chosen. They have chosen a kingdom without a just and righteous GOD…without a Holy, merciful, loving GOD.

This world has never known the likes of living without My everpresent hand of protection hovering over the lands. But this is what the world wants. It has chosen a world without a Holy GOD. The world wants to remove holiness from its midst to do as it pleases and so it shall have its way. I shall step aside, excuse Myself, depart with My chosen bride and leave for a heavenly home prepared for My beautiful bride—the one who loves Me and who I love as well.

We shall sing songs and join together in the sky. We shall love, laugh, and sing it will be sheer beauty. It will be

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