» Religion » I AM COMING! Volume 4, Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck [classic books to read .TXT] 📗

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from Sierra Leone who just joined the group for prayers here in Tunis AND,

3. Pedro from Angola, a boy of 7 years old.

They all spoke in tongues, the mighty language of the Holy Spirit. What a Mighty God we serve. It was such an awesome moment and power of God.

Soldiers of the Light are being called to join in this Prayer conference and rescue the Bride of Christ. As the Lord told us: THIS IS THE LAST ASSAULT FOR THE BRIDE OF CHRIST AND THIS IS HIS ARMY TO JUST DO THE JOB FOR HIM.

Glory be to the Lord the Bridegroom of the Church. He is coming in the clouds.

God richly bless you. The Soldier of the Light. Brother Augusto Maquengo.



Our brother, Freddy De Gaucho, receives regularly very important words from the Lord, that we will keep updated in a Word document, to receive this document, please email Sabrina.



PART 77: In both letters JESUS describes the bride and who she is to HIM.

Dear Friends of Christ:

Two wonderful letters about the LORD's bride are included here below.

JESUS endured a death that was so horrendous we cannot really grasp the brutality that HE, WHO was without sin, took for all mankind. GOD, the FATHER of JESUS will not receive any other sacrifice by any other, only JESUS' Blood sacrifice for all. Without acknowledging this incredible price paid there is no access to GOD.

We encourage you to pray for your lost family and friends that the HOLY SPIRIT will open their eyes to the times we live in. Pray they will see that all the things the Bible spoke of so long ago are coming together exactly as the Bible described that they would, and the LORD warned that this was the time to be sure to be watching for His arrival. Pray seriously because the Bible says also that it will be just as in the days of Noah. Pray that your family and friends will see the beauty of the Blood of Christ.

Revelation 5:9. And they sang a new song, saying: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.

Revelation 1:5. and from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood,

Romans 5:9. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him!

Your friends in Christ, Susan and Sabrina.


THE JOEL 2:28 REPORT: We announce the combined collection of Visions & Dreams Sabrina and Susan have received since putting out the LORD's letters from many readers who have sent them into us. We want to thank Analisa and Chandler for all of their hard work compiling 58 pages, and counting, of people's dreams and visions we have received together into one document. If you want to receive these rapture and end time dreams and visions, that the HOLY SPIRIT has poured out in these last days, please email Susan and we will forward this document to you.


Letter 135. Spoken by the LORD JESUS to Susan July 11, 2011.

Yes daughter you may write MY Words:

I am a GOD of Honesty and Truth. I hold nothing back from MY children. I am Pure. I am without mar. I am a Great GOD. I cannot be comprehended.

Soon, MY children, I am returning. I am taking out with ME a pure, spotless bride who adores ME. She stands ready to obey ME. She honors MY Words. She trusts MY Words, MY Laws, MY Precepts, MY Ways, MY Comings and Goings. She waits on ME with longing in her heart. She seeks ME. Her eyes are fixed on ME. She is unrelenting in her love. She knows MY Love for her is everlasting. She depends on MY Words, Truth, and trusts implicitly in ME, her LORD, MASTER, HUSBAND, LOVER.

I Love her all hours of the day and night. I am by her side in every moment of the day. MY Love never grows tired. This is MY Love: always pursuing MY Love, MY wife, MY sister, MY bride, MY beloved. I am her COVERING. I give her MY Mantle. I preserve her. I bring her life everlasting, truth, and wholeness. She never lacks. Her peace is found in ME, in MY Words, in MY Strength. I am her Great “I AM!”

The world is not attractive to her. It fades from her view. It offers nothing to her, but distant memories of pain, and love lost, sadness. I am her LOVE found! I fill every gap that the world took from her. She seeks ME for all comfort. I am a FOUNT of JOY - JOY that is unending, pleasures for ever at MY Right Hand even. MY love knows ME and I know MY love. She is forever MINE.

Come be near ME, MY children. Find your LORD as worthy, worthy of your time, your knowing, your love for ME. Make time to get to know ME! I seek you children. I call after you. I draw you to MYSELF, but you must choose. You must see ME as worthy to give up your attraction to the world, the pull of the world around you. She pulls after you, bringing you into her clutches.

You are captivated by a dying world, MY children. You are hugging “death.” It seems so right, so wonderful. But it is death. This death will catch you off guard and drag you under. Be careful. Many before you have been caught in the trap and have never escaped. There is great danger in playing with fire, MY children, great danger. Do not think you are so wise to manage it. Soon it will manage you!

There is only one true Life MY children, that is pursuing the LOVER of your soul. I am that LOVER. All other pursuits lead to death, certain death! Be wary. Hear MY Words. I speak Truth. You were created by ME for MY Pleasure, MY inheritance. You were not created to pursue the world apart from ME, your CREATOR! Consider these Words carefully.

You are not thinking clearly if you believe otherwise. It is MY Word, MY Book that will lead you to this Truth. MY children, put down the world you hug so closely. Lay it down and run to ME, your SAVIOR. I am waiting a small amount of time to give you a chance to see the Truth to wake to the times, to have the good sense to do what is needed, to be rescued from this mad, crumbling world.

Only I can save you. Only MY Blood can cover you. I will not be taking strangers with ME to safety, only those I know well and those who know ME well. These are MY Words spoken out of Love and Truth. Surrender to ME your all. Reserve nothing for the cruel world. Give ME EVERYTHING! Don't look back! I want complete and full commitment.

If you continue to hesitate, you may hesitate too long! MY hell created for the rebellious is full of those who hesitated too long. Oh they planned to get right with ME someday. That day never arrived for them. Now they have eternity to think about their error. I am not a GOD to be trifled with. Do not think you can play with ME as so many who already have been cast into hell. I am a Loving GOD, but I am also a GOD to be feared and respected.

Learn to know your GOD. Get to know ME yourself and not just by the words of others, many who don't really know ME. Spend time getting to know ME. These warnings are for your benefit. Don't discard them or trivialize them. They are life lines I am throwing out before the great day of man's rejection of GOD on earth. This hour is here, even now as men completely reject their MAKER, their SAVIOR!

The hour is diminishing. Don't be left to face the worst. I am waiting only a small time. Consider these Words carefully, MY children. I do not want to lose you. MY Heart breaks over you. Think clearly and carefully. The hour approaches for MY Return. There are literally seconds on the clock.


2 Timothy 4:8. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

Song of Solomon 4:10. How fair is thy love, my sister, my spouse! how much better is thy love than wine! and the smell of thine ointments than all spices!

Psalm 16:11. Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Ephesians 1:18. The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,

Matthew 7:23. And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Philippians 2:12. Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.


Letter Spoken by the LORD JESUS to Sabrina on July 12, 2011:

I come back soon. I love MY bride. MY bride is MINE and I am hers.

MY bride spends all her time with ME. She searches ME in all her ways. She longs for ME in all her actions. She meditates on MY WORD day and night. She is MY beloved and MY beloved is MINE.

She loves ME with all her heart. Her desire is only for ME. That is MY bride, MY daughter-bride, MY beloved. She is MINE and I am hers.

She loves ME with all her heart. Her desire is only for ME. I am in her thoughts and heart all day and all night. She searches ME in all her ways. Nothing is too difficult or too hard for MY bride, as she sees ME in everything she does.

I am woven into her whole life. Her heart only beats for ME. Her heart is homesick for ME. That is MY bride, MY beloved. For her the best of MY KINGDOM is laid away. For her I have prepared the best of the best.

She is MY prize, MY beloved. We will have an intimate, deep intimacy with each other forever and ever. O' MY bride, how I long for you. How I long to meet you and to hear your soft voice!

O' how MY HEART longs for MY beloved bride, she is dripping with myrrh, MY bride, of desire for her BRIDEGROOM. She is covered with MY most precious spices, MY bride. I, JESUS, have anointed her with MY oil of gladness. I have anointed her with MY desire. She has MY HEART, MY beautiful beloved. MY HEART goes out to MY beloved. O,' how I long to dance with MY bride,

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