» Religion » I AM COMING! Volume 4, Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck [classic books to read .TXT] 📗

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Heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain, and Island were moved out of their places.

Revelations 8:8-9: And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;

And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.

Revelations 9:2-3: And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke, locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power as the scorpion of the earth has power. And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.


This the message the LORD gave Sabrina after receiving the one above of Philipa’s:

'The message of repentance has been delivered for a long time in this wicked world. Very few have heeded MY Words. Now the time is over. OVER INDEED! I, GOD told you long ago that I am no GOD to be mocked with. I AM is the great Mighty GOD, Awesome in Power and Great to deliver. Those who have come to ME in this last hour and have prepared as MY bride, will go with ME, as I, GOD, the LORD JESUS CHRIST am about to descend from heaven to pick up MY beautiful bride. She is beautiful indeed and I want her with ME here in MY Heavenlies. There is no more time. I, GOD am a GOD not to be mocked with. Now go MY people and enjoy your last minutes on this earth while you can. GO and RUN to the world! Now go! GO, GO, GO! I can no longer watch you! I hate sin and I can no longer watch you! So run! RUN from MY Face! Those who have heeded MY Voice can rejoice now! MY bride can rejoice. I, GOD am very disappointed in MY Human creatures. O' if it wasn't for MY Goodness, I would destroy them all right now! RIGHT NOW! Do you hear this? Or are you too busy running after this world? Well, you can have her. She is all yours, all yours. So go from MY Face, I must enjoy MY bride now. So come MY bride, come to your Heavenly Place, all is prepared well. I love you MY bride. You have over-won this world, you will be rewarded greatly.'


This message is from our friend in Africa, our brother Freddy who has been sending us many urgent messages from the LORD - this one was so much like the others we have been receiving we wanted to include it with this one above.

At exactly 8:30 am in the office the LORD instructed me to write.

Write down these words as I have given you. I AM about to make a great move. One mighty move then I will take my bride away. I AM about to shake the earth to its core, stretch forth the earth, move mountains, displace valleys, stir oceans. This is my great wrath, the wrath of The Great I AM. Who can stand my wrath? Who can stand before me in my fury? None! Absolutely None! Mankind cannot contain my anger. MY wrath is too much to behold just as my glory and my loving kindness.

I will not take kindly to disobedience, those who will not heed my words. These children frustrate my plans for them. I have shown them my light but they choose to walk in darkness, which I their God, Elohim never created. I AM about to make this great move, shake the foundations of the earth then I will come for my glorious bride. A bride I have set apart for myself, a chaste bride who lives for me daily and is eagerly anticipating the coming of her bridegroom. This bride keeps herself pure and does not mingle with the world. MY bride does not defile herself. She does not soil herself with the foul stench of this world, this wicked and dark world. This is my true bride.

I AM about to make this great move and it will shake the earth to its core. Will you stand it my children? Will you? I AM is about to make one great move. I AM giving you these warnings so that many will not perish but they still choose to perish. This is not my will although I have clearly outlined it in my word that many will perish. This is not my will children. It is your choice. I have given you a free will. You have to choose me and live. If you choose me you have life. If you choose me you have strength. If you choose me you have joy. Take your hands off every evil and do away with all malice, all contentions which I never ordained.

I AM is coming with fury, In HIS great fury to fall on the head of the wicked. You do not have much time children. Watch and pray always. The Faithful I AM has spoken!


PS: The Lord gave my big brother a similar message at home so this was a confirmation. Prepare to meet your King. He arrives soon.


PART 75: The first letter speaks about the importance of seeking an intimate relationship with the LORD as others in the past have like Abraham and Moses. The second letter talks about the LORD’s anger...

... toward those who have chosen to water down HIS Word with taking only the parts they want to hear and not the whole Word.


Dear Friends of Christ:

There are two letters below from our LORD about the importance of making time for intimacy with HIM above all worldly pursuits - please take a moment and read these warnings!

The LORD JESUS has brought to our attention and wants this highlighted in this letter that Christians seem to understand the importance of GOD’s Commandments such as Thou Shalt Not Kill, Thou Shalt Not Steal, and Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery, and they would therefore agree that these are all important to respect. However, they do not seem to regard at all the significance of the Commandment to keep the Sabbath Holy, which is the day your church is honoring the LORD (for most of us Sunday), and not regard it as a day for common activities such as buying, selling, and working. The LORD has shown Sabrina and me that this is a very serious matter to the LORD that HIS Holy Sabbath be hallowed, revered, and regarded as much as HE expects Christians to not kill, steal, or commit adultery. He revealed the importance of this to me in a vision which I describe in the article at this link: Please take a moment to read this message about the Sabbath or write us and we will email it to you.

Revelation 12:17. And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, WHICH KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, AND HAVE THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS CHRIST.

Your friends in Christ, Susan and Sabrina.


Letter Received from the LORD JESUS by Sabrina on July 7, 2011: 

I, GOD want a pure bride.

MY bride must be pure when she appears before MY FACE in MY Heavenlies. An impure bride is not a bride and I cannot allow in MY KINGDOM.

Wash your clothes in MY BLOOD. Cleanse your soul in MY BLOOD. I have shed MY BLOOD and only few appeal to it. Do you think I hear your prayers, done in a hurry, fast, just quickly, before we get going in our daily activities? Do you think this has even any effect at all?

Let me tell you which prayers have effects: MY Prayers from your heart. These are the prayers that I hear. Let ME fill completely at all times. Come to ME in the early hours of the day, even before you start any activity. Come to ME in the early hours of the new day, so I, GOD can meet you. So I, GOD can speak with you. So I, GOD can be interwoven with your spirit, soul, and body throughout the day.

These are the prayers after MY HEART: unhurried times of refreshing before your GOD. If anyone does not take the time for this, he or she can never get to know ME, he or she can never meet ME.

I love to meet MY children, to know intimate times with MY bride. That is MY bride, as Moses and Abraham and Daniel and David knew ME, so I also want to know you. They knew the secret of spending time with their GOD, to seek ME in all intimacy, where we spent time together, quality time.

This is the intimacy where I, GOD am looking for in MY bride. O’ who wants to come to explore together with ME, MY HEART, so that I, GOD can share MY HEART with MY bride. That is pure intimacy, her heart in MY HEART.

MY children, the time is short. How will you spend your time? Think carefully and make sure that I, GOD am also planned in it. I long for an intimate encounter with MY children on a daily basis, that is the desire of MY HEART.

But I stand at the door and see that few have time to open. I keep standing at the door just a little longer and then I come to take MY glorious bride to ME, just a little longer.

Do not speculate about the time of MY coming, the time is NOW. NOW is the time to be ready for your GOD. NOW is the time to have intimate moments with your GOD. Do you realize well how much eternal value this has? O’ MY children, if you knew or should somewhat realize the immortal things I have laid away for you! So come NOW to your GOD and separate yourselves from this world. What does she has to offer you, nothing but perdition and lies.

I long for MY bride and I long to meet her in the Intimate Place, unhurried time with her GOD. Unhurried time. Time is an idol for many. They live and plan from minute to minute, so that I, GOD do not get a chance to manifest MYSELF to many. O’ how I long to meet MY Bride on this earth! But time is your idol.

Be assured that I will have also no time then to rapture you in MY Heavenlies when the time is there. I come for a bride pure and without stain, spot, and wrinkle. That is MY bride, laid away and set apart for ME. She is MINE and I am hers, MY beloved.

If you are still not ready now to meet your GOD, you will also not be when I come, and behold, I come soon!

The clouds stand ready on line, to carry away MY bride to MY Heavenlies,

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