» Religion » I AM COMING! Volume 4, Susan Davis, Sabrina De Muynck [classic books to read .TXT] 📗

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This Volume contains Parts 74 to 96.

July 1, 2011 to September 30, 2011.


These urgent prophetic messages are recorded at the website:

Sabrina's email is:


Susan's email is:


PART 74. Jesus talks about the dark world forming in the first letter and what HE endured to save men and the second letter speaks of HIS fond regard for the bride and who she is to HIM. Beautiful Words.

PART 75. The first letter speaks about the importance of seeking an intimate relationship with the LORD as others in the past have like Abraham and Moses. The second letter talks about the LORD’s anger toward those who have chosen to water down HIS Word with taking only the parts they want to hear and not the whole Word.

PART 76. These two letters are clearly both letters of warning of what is coming ahead: a dark hour.

PART 77. In both letters JESUS describes the bride and who she is to HIM.

PART 78. The first letter speaks of how GOD can be found all around us yet HIS children ignore HIM and pay no attention to HIM. The second letter talks about the importance of the HOLY SPIRIT in a person’s life and how only by possessing GOD’s SPIRIT can anyone please the LORD.

PART 79. The first letter speaks of Christ’s sadness that HIS children never communicate with HIM although HE waits patiently on each one and would bless them more if they would come to HIM. The second letter the LORD points out that only a Great GOD could foretell the future so long ago and then have it come together with such precision exactness many years later.

PART 80. In the first letter, the LORD speaks of the people who rely on their own personal planning versus depending on GOD WHO knows all about the unknown future and how foolish it is to depend on your own will. The second letter given to Sabrina implores the people to share their faith with their lost family and friends and about the horrible world that will be without the bride present in it.

PART 81. Letter one given to Susan by the LORD JESUS speaks of repenting and turning to the LORD in this late hour and not depending on governments and others to save you. In the letter received by Sabrina from the LORD, HE warns that only those washed in HIS Blood and fully surrendered to HIM will enter HIS Kingdom and be saved from the horrors ahead.

PART 82. The First letter Susan received from JESUS warns not to underestimate the LORD that when HE says HE is coming, HE will come and many will be caught off guard from not paying attention. The LORD tells Sabrina through HIS letter that we should not be envious of the world that soon HE will remove HIS own and the world will become a horrible place to be. Also the FATHER wanted a letter repeated from this past January. It is a message of warning about what will happen for those who tamper with HIS covenant land Israel.

PART 83. Both letters are pleading with people to turn to the LORD and trust in HIM as the hour is growing very dark and soon it will be too late to be rescued if you do not surrender your life to the LORD without delay.

PART 84. In these two letters the LORD speaks of a lost generation running hard after the world away from its GOD. Only with true intimacy with GOD can anyone be saved. GOD longs for intimacy with HIS church, HIS bride.

PART 85. In Susan’s message from the LORD JESUS HE says HE is warning the people but HE will not strive with them over their decision as it is their choice to make. In Sabrina’s letter from the LORD HE tells all about the HOLY SPIRIT and the importance of the church not spurning or grieving HIM.

PART 86. Message 86 focuses on the importance of the HOLY SPIRIT in the believer’s life and also the importance of not rejecting the HOLY SPIRIT.

PART 87. This message talks of the soon return of the LORD for HIS bride but especially about the importance of the individual’s complete surrender to JESUS and receiving the HOLY SPIRIT in full and to spend time reading the Bible.

PART 88. In this message 88 the LORD asks whether you will align yourselves with men, who know nothing about the future or with GOD WHO is all-knowing. The LORD also warns people that the way to spend your time now is to help to reach the lost.

PART 89. Part 89 gives reasons for having your oil lamp full and also talks about the Sabbath. This message says a lot about the importance of spending time reading the Bible and also the shortness of the hour.

PART 90. In Part 90 the message is about the importance of watching and waiting on the LORD. There is also a special message from the HOLY SPIRIT and a friend Lillian gives another letter of warning she received from the LORD.

PART 91. Part 91 asks the reader not to be caught up in the many diversions of the world and how the reader spends the time the LORD has given them—on HIS Kingdom work or other diversions.

PART 92. Part 92 has two warning letters from the LORD and a beautiful letter to the bride from her BRIDEGROOM!

PART 93. The first letter comes straight from GOD the FATHER as a very serious warning of what is coming on the earth ahead and the importance of not rejecting HIS SON as mankind’s ONLY SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST. The second letter comes from JESUS and HE pleads for HIS children to come into the secret place of intimacy with HIM RIGHT NOW! HE says these words: This time we share together is essential to making it through the short hours remaining.

PART 94. In the first letter from the LORD, Sabrina writes of receiving two prophetic dreams and the LORD gives the meaning of the two dreams about being ready for HIS soon coming. Susan tells of being directed to read the book of Amos by the LORD and then HE tells about the coming trouble to Israel as they experienced in the days of Amos.

PART 95. In this letter the LORD talks frankly about the importance of the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT as essential to having a full oil lamp and to being ready for HIS soon return.

PART 96. Part 96 the LORD talks about the sins that will keep people out of HIS Kingdom including the sin of pornography. HE also talks seriously about the nearness of HIS soon coming.




We wish to acknowledge in the first place our precious GOD, JESUS, THE FATHER, and THE HOLY SPIRIT who brought us together to write the Lord's Letters and bring them out in this last hour.


We wish to acknowledge our brother in the Lord, Mike Peralta, who gave us the idea about a book and who wrote it all out for us.


We wish to acknowledge everybody who has any part in working with these letters to bring them out in any way.  

PART 74: Jesus talks about the dark world forming in the first letter and what HE endured to save men and the second letter speaks of HIS fond regard for the bride and who she is to HIM. Beautiful Words.

Dear Friends of Christ:

Below here are two letters from the LORD JESUS with instructions on being ready for the LORD’s return. Please also, if you have not yet, watch the youtube highlighted below. Do not be in the dark about the hour we live in.

Matthew 11:25. At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.

Luke 10:21. In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight.

Matthew 18:3-4. And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. 4Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Childlike faith: without it we won’t make it into GOD’s beautiful Kingdom. What is it about childlike faith that is so important? Well young children have an unflinching faith for their parents. They just trust. One thing that is so important to note about children - they don’t come with a lot of experience. This is so important because this leaves out any possibility that you need to have a lot of spiritual experiences and knowledge before you can come to GOD. So you don’t need to clean yourself up before you can seek GOD. You can’t clean yourself up without HIM.

So drop everything and just run to HIM, like a child. 

Your friends in Christ, Susan and Sabrina.


Letter 130. Given by the LORD JESUS to Susan July 2, 2011.

Daughter this is your LORD. Please write MY Words down:

The hour is approaching of great changes. Soon the world will be different. Soon all men will take on a different lifestyle. The world will shift into a different dimension. These words will be hard to find. MY Truth will be almost non-existent. The people will search for truth and not find it. Truth will be like an old hat, gone forever it will seem. Those around will long for MY Truth, Truth once easily found in MY Word will be very hard to find.

MY world will be dismantled and replaced with an anti-Christ world. I will not be readily available through media as before. It will be a dark age, a great time of darkness. This is the world the people want, so they shall have it: a world without GOD and the stability that comes with a Loving GOD. Hope will diminish; only men’s lust and evil will be in the air thick: breathing will be difficult as there will be a great heaviness coming to man. Men will then begin to think about life apart from GOD, but I won’t be found

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