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The Lord said to me: The book will be about the preparation for the King’s return and to warn those who do not know. This will be a gift to My Bride. It is for those who love Me, for those who are seeking the Truth, who called out ‘Lord, tell us more, only the truth Lord’. The book will be about Jesus. Jesus is the key, Jesus must be your focus and Jesus is your destiny.

'And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

„I chose this land to make Eden and Canaan out of it for the fullness of times; to make a heavenly Jerusalem out of it and to shed light from here over the peoples, so that they may see the entrance gate into Canaan. ”

Having the same mind, having brought every thought to the obedience of Christ, having eyes opened to see in the Spirit, having learned not to lean on one’s own understanding changes one’s spiritual perception.

My word which flows from My mouth in these last days is My advent, the advent of The Son Of Man on the clouds of the sky with power and much glory and the power and the glory is My word, and with the blow of its mouth on the earth I have prepared a bride nation from the Romanian nation, the land of the second advent of the Son Of Man. Amen.

Well, children do not put your hope in doctors more than in God. Doctors are allowed by Me, but healings come from Me. You have put too much trust in doctors but forgot God, you have pushed Him aside. Brothers, feasting and prayer, this is the cure, and do not say that feasting kills people. Feasting has not killed anyone; on the contrary it has healed.

If you are left behind this is what you will face. Persecution, Torture, and Death; if you claim to be a Christian. REPENT NOW and receive your salvation through the precious blood of JESUS.

This book is a testimony of a transformed life of a troubled child growing up in a dysfunctional home who was not equipped to handle the world. It is an example of what happens to children who become adults physically, but not emotionally or spiritually. Foolish decisions and immaturity lead to a life not pleasing to anyone. Thankfully, major events culminate in a new found life in Jesus Christ. This book is for those who are struggling with life in this world.

JERUSALEM: BETRAYED...AGAIN! The Clock is approaching the Midnight Hour; Already the Prophetic Countdown has Begun The fuse is lit; the missiles are aimed; the terror cells are in place; the world moves closer to zero-hour.

In this book we try to prove the existance of God to the common Atheist, through reason, logics and above all, a subject rarely disputed or faulted, Science.