Genre Religion. Page - 72
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„Soon, soon, My secret angels will cast them out from their houses that I called them dens of robbers even from that time. I will cast them out as they did to Me after I told them the parable of the vineyard workers, who killed the Heir in order to take His inheritance, and they had be-come bitter and bitter against Me then and they did so.”

Grace has a mind all its own and is on its own course. It is God determined. No one advises grace as to what it will or will not do. Grace, though, is in charge of more things in God's kingdom than what the church has been taught. For one thing, it does not take the counsel of any man. Grace goes where man gives up and swells the recipient's faith to the point he or she is able to be on over comer. When man judges a situation as unsolvable, grace rushes in and stops the action and supplies the

„I want to write Myself in My book of these days with the feast of this day, sons, who re-ceive from My word, the word, which is a sharp and a double-edged sword, because I, the Lord, I, Who have the seven spirits of God, said by the spirit of prophecy that I would be devout with the one who is devout, ...”

„I come with mercy into the man’s way before allowing him to see Me. I ask him to hear Me as those in the graves hear Me when I speak with you, and those in the dwelling of the dead wait for you to take them out with My word and to testify about My coming, which brings them again to life and to the redemption of their bodies. Amen.”