» Romance » You; Deserve to Live, Kendra Hefting [comprehension books txt] 📗

Book online «You; Deserve to Live, Kendra Hefting [comprehension books txt] 📗». Author Kendra Hefting

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A Truth And A Rumor

The class was loud with the hustle and gossip of students. Girls talked about the upcoming Junior Prom and the most recent break-up between the captain of the football team and the head cheerleader, putting bets on who broke up with who, while other girls were busy flirting with guys hoping to score a date to the dance while the guys just had their fun looking the girls up and down, leading them on since most of them already had girlfriends in other classes or schools. Everything was like it normally was, including one girl sitting at the very back of the class.
Serenity sat in the farthest desk to escape any unwanted attention from the ‘Gossip Girls’ or the ‘Jerk Jocks’ by keeping her nose stuffed in a book. But even then she was till somehow included; she could hear her name whispered between friends but she managed to ignore it, that was until Mackayla and the group that followed right behind her soon stood right before her.
“Well, hi there Serenity… how’re you doing?” Serenity inwardly flinched at the fake kindness so thick it was like an accent. Mackayla stood there before Serenity in very short shorts, a shirt that barely covered half her stomach and so much make-up, Serenity could have mistaken her for a clown but she knew better than to aggravate the Queen of Drama so she just simply nodded.
“Aw, how sweet… she’s speechless around me!” Mackayla squealed while her friends just smiled cruelly making Serenity squirm in her chair. Mackayla unaware, or uncaring, about Serenity’s discomfort just continued. “And her braids…adorable!” Mackayla gave a quick tug to Serenity’s dark auburn hair that was neatly put in two braids making her wince.
“And her shirt; don’t you think her shirt is just peachy Ashlee?” A dark haired girl bobbed her head making her wild curl’s bounce everywhere. “Like, totally!” But unlike Mackayla with fake kindness, Ashlee’s voice was cold and cruel. Serenity smiled, trying to return to the adventure and excitement of her book, but just one quick head nod from Mackayla, Ashlee hit the book out of Serenity’s hands. When Serenity looked up she saw Ashlee with the same cold cruel smile she had before.
“Sorry,” Ashlee said with a snap of her gum and flicked her hair over her shoulder. Serenity tried to shrug it off and bent down to pick up the book, her most prized possession at the time only to find an Ugg boot rested protectively on the book. Serenity sent a pained expression and she couldn’t help but wonder what she ever did to them.
Mackayla opened her mouth like she was about to say something when the teacher, Mr. Beauregard, walked in. “Please take your seats everyone; that means you too Mrs. Morrix!” Ashlee was the only one who was still standing and hesitantly remover her foot from the book and turned to give a sickly sweet smile to the teacher, “Of course Mr. Beauregard!” Soon class started; it was by far Serenity’s best and favorite subject; Mythology.
“Does anyone care to explain to me why Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, and her Demi-god children are terrified of spiders?” The group was silent, and slowly one-by-one glances were thrown to the back of the class. If possible, Serenity shrunk deeper into her seat and brought her book up to cover her face. Snickers could be heard from every direction as the teacher finally sighed and followed the class’ glance.
“Mrs. Clairview, do you know why?” Serenity Clairview gave a pleading look which Mr. Beauregard disregarded and continued to stare at her expectantly. Serenity sighed, she had two choices; one was to say she had absolutely no idea and throw away the perfect A+ average she worked so hard to get, or she could answer correctly and have to deal with public humiliation for the next three years of High school. But Serenity already had her sentence to humiliation, so she decided she might as well keep her grade average.
“Well Mr. Beauregard, there was a maiden who was the best weaver known to mortals. Her name was Arachne but she became arrogant about her talent and started to compare herself to the Goddess best at weaving; Athena. One day Arachne declares she could easily beat the goddess in a weaving competition. This offended Athena so she took the form of an old woman and advised that Arachne beg for the Goddess’ forgiveness but when the maiden laughed at the old woman form of Athena, she became enraged and turned back into the Goddess, challenging Arachne to a weaving competition.” Serenity started to hear murmurs amongst the crowd but continued anyway.
“Arachne realized her mistake but refused to let her pride so she accepted the goddess’ challenge. Athena won against the mortal and Arachne was so ashamed she hung herself. Athena found the maiden and took pity on her, turning her into an immortal being with eight hairy legs.” Laughs could be heard by the boys from a row a head of her but Serenity just rolled her eyes and continued. “Now whenever Athena or her children, demi-gods, are within the Arachne and her descendants, the spider, radar, the creatures will seek out the ones who did that to their mother.”
Mr. Beauregard looked as if he expected as much, and most the class was rolling their eyes. Serenity’s eyes drifted to the clock hanging above the door.
“Well, very well done Mrs. Clairview.” But she didn’t hear.
Her thoughts drifted to what she would do when she got home,
The door will probably be locked,
She will yell that she’s home,
Her parent will be yelling and shoving,
So she’ll avoid the kitchen,
And check on her two year old sister,
Her mom will yell at her,
She will enter the bathroom,
And she will relieve all her pain.
The high pitch shrill of the school bell hit vibrated in her ears. Serenity slowly picked up all her books, personal and school related and headed towards the door when she was interrupted again, “Serenity!” Mackayla all but shrieked.
“Sooo, sorry we were interrupted earlier…” Mackayla dragged out the o, making her mocking intention obvious. Mackayla looked towards Ashley who took that one look as an entire conversation.
“We are throwing a pool party! It will be so cool!” The two blond twins, Franchesika and Amy, nodded with enthusiasm. Serenity gave a weak smile but shook her head.
Amy’s smile switched immediately to a unbelieving glare, “What do you mean no?” She demanded.
“It was really nice for you to ask but I really don’t want to go…”
“One of the most popular girls in the SCHOOL, just invited you to her pool party and declined?” She stated still confused.
All four girls stood there shocked in front of Serenity, so she took it as her ticket for escape so she tried to squeeze by, but Franchesika was able to snap out of her shock and made a grab for Serenity’s arm only to manage in tugging up her sleeve up to her elbow revealing countless intricate lines cutting across her arms, some new some old.
“I said I didn’t want to go!” Serenity hissed before dashing out the door, only to be knocked down by a steady form. Standing above her was a tall form, a boy, with a green shirt and jeans. As Serenity slowly looked up from her place on the floor she saw a face she wouldn’t forget.
“Hey are you okay? God I am so sorry!” He fussed as he reached to help her up. Hesitantly Serenity took his hand as he hoisted her back to her feet. The boy had black hair that stuck out every way and eyes that couldn’t decide whether they were green or blue. Serenity found herself staring into them trying to figure out which color they were the most often, as the boy seemed to be staring into Serenity’s violet colored eyes until someone cleared their throat Serenity looked over the boy’s shoulder to see two other guys. Serenity could feel heat rise to her cheeks as she quickly excused herself and was about to leave when the boy grabbed her arm.
“My name’s Chris.” He stated. Chris hadn’t removed his hand from Serenity’s forearm and she knew she would have to give her name as well. “Serenity.” She said and as soon as she felt his grip loosen she bolted past.
Serenity’s last class, Social Studies, was almost finished when a familiar boy walked in. When he looked around the class for a seat his sight stopped on Serenity and he started heading over to her when the teacher called his name. Chris lowered his head and slowly retreated to her desk.
Serenity couldn’t help but notice that they seemed to be having an argument and the boy seemed quite upset.
“Serenity, could you come up here a moment please?” It was phrased as a question but Serenity knew that she had no choice. At the mention of her name Chris seemed to stiffen then relax, and seemed a bit happier than previously.
“Mr. Durant here is having, grade issues.” Mrs. Picket seemed to be choosing her words carefully.
“I advise him to search for a tutor but he seems to be under the impression he doesn’t need one.” Serenity could feel Chris roll his eyes, but Serenity accepted the unanswered question as she needed extra credit anyways.
“Good, you will start after school which is in…” Mrs. Picket glanced at her watch. “Two minutes. Go grab your books and you may head to the library now. No homework today just go head out.”
“Okay, um… describe responsibilities and processes of the justice system in Alabama.” Serenity looked at Chris expectantly but he just looked at her blankly. Serenity sighed heavily, realizing just how long this tutoring was going to take.
“You know, things like the Aboriginal justice system or the Youth Criminal Justice Act.” Chris still stared blankly into her eyes as Serenity just sat there awaiting an answer.
“Do you wear contacts?” Serenity was taken aback for a moment before glaring at Chris.
“No, I don’t wear contacts!”
“So, your eyes are naturally purple?”
“What?” Chris asked confused.
“My eyes are naturally Violet!” Serenity huffed. “Now are you going to answer my question or not?”
“Are the rumors true?” Serenity gave an exasperated sigh, and put her head in her hands until the question Chris asked fully registered in her brain.
“What rumors?”
Chris fiddled with his hands a bit before getting the courage to look Serenity in the eyes.
“Um, Franchesika said that you,”

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