» Romance » Torn into pieces. A Love Me Or Not novel, Sequoia Gallatin [chromebook ebook reader TXT] 📗

Book online «Torn into pieces. A Love Me Or Not novel, Sequoia Gallatin [chromebook ebook reader TXT] 📗». Author Sequoia Gallatin

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Stacie Lillian sits at her desk tapping her pencil against it. She couldn't wait for the day to get out so she could run home and put on her prom dress and go over to her best friend K.C's house. They were going to have a sleepover tonight and meet up with their handsome boyfriends. Stacie couldn't stop thinking about last night when her so perfect boyfriend Johnathan had asked her to prom. She had known this day would come and everything but it still didn't stop all the excitement boiling inside her when got down on his knee and said,
"Stacie Lillian, will you do the honor of accompanying me to prom tomorrow night?" She could remember the way she squealed and jumped in to his arms. She could remember the way he had kissed her. Finally, the bell rang signaling the end of class. Stacie hoisted her self out of her chair and grabbed her bag. She pushed through the door and was the first person out the door. As she passed by the field she saw Johnny standing with his friends waiting for football practice to begin. He saw her and waved, grinning. She waved back then heaved a sigh of happiness. Her life was utterly perfect. She was one of the most popular girls in her school. Not only because she was the head cheerleader but because she had the best boyfriend and friends. She headed to her car. Humming to herself. She drove home then ran up and grabbed her gorgeous prom dress. She smiled as she put it up against her body and looked in the mirror. She was beautiful. Not just because she had perfect straight blonde hair, gorgeous blue eyes, a body most girls would kill for. But because she accepted herself for who she was. She remembered that back when she was fourteen and younger she hated herself and was very self-concious. Her parents had just gotten a divorce when she turned fifteen years old, and she decided that she had to love herself or else she might turn out like her father. He had started drinking soon after the divorce and didn't really care for himself. But when she looked at her mom it always brought a smile to her face. Her mother had always loved herself and her family. She had remarried the perfect person. Stacie could tell that her mom loved Steve with all her heart. This made Stacie happy. She now had a little brother,too. A two months old little brother who's name was Isacc and who was one of the most precious people in her life. She also had a little step sister who was ten years old and who's name was Synthia. She had two older blood siblings. Katie, her older sister and Crash, her older brother.
"Hi honey." She turned around to see her mom standing in the doorway. She walked over to Stacie. "You look beautiful." She says, pulling Stacie's hair back from her neck and putting a beautiful necklace around it. "I hope you have fun tonight." She kisses her daughter on the cheek then walks away.
"I love you mom." Stacie says. Her mom turns around at the door, smiling.
"I love you, too." She says. "So much." Then she leaves. Stacie looks back in the mirror then sighs. She puts her dress in its bag then packs up her stuff and leaves.

Dragon Preacito opens his eyes. The wind was nice and calm and he was at peace with the world. He looked around then took in a deep breath and heads down the hill. He knows that she's here. Stacie. The girl he's always had a soft spot for. The girl his heart belongs to. He looks around at all the shops. The place looked deserted. Was it because people knew he was here? He looked up at the sky. He was sure to bring monsters here. But he had to get close to her, he had to see her. He decided to stop at an inn.
"Hello" He said to the girl at the desk. Her eyes widened as she looked up and saw him.
"Your- your-" She stuttered. He raised an eyebrow.
"I'm what?" He says.
"Beautiful." She turns bright red. He grins at her.
"Thank you." He says. "May I get a room?"
She shakes her head as he takes out his money. "It's on me." She says, smiling at him. He raises an eyebrow. She blushes. "Really. You don't have to pay. Not tonight."
"Thank you." He says then takes the room key and turns away. Then he turns back and says, "Why is the town so bare tonight?"
She laughs. "Don't you know?"
"Don't I know what?" He asks.
"Everybody's at prom tonight. Their waiting for big star Johnathan Shammel and beauty queen Stacie Lillian to come. Everyone believes that they will be homecoming queen and king. Just like last year." She mutters this last part under her breath.
"You don't want them to be queen and king?" Dragon asks, studying her.
"It's not that." She says, turning red. "It's just that I really wanted to be homecoming queen. But johnny would never fall for a girl like me" Her face falls. Then he gets struck by an idea that would get her the guy she wanted and he'd get the girl he's been searching for for these last 1200 years. He grins at her.
"What would you say if I could find a way for you to get your dreams?" He asks.
"Really?" Her face lights up then goes dark. "I could never compete with Stacie." She goes back to her computer, biting her lip. He knows she's on the verge of crying. He takes his phone out of his pocket and dials a number then puts the phone up to his lips. Someone answers the phone after the second ring.
"Mary. I need a favor."

Chapter 1

Stacie is basking in a room full of bright lights and people staring at her while she walks beside her gorgeous boyfriend. Johnny's arm is around her waist and he nods at the doorman who opens the door up for them.
"There they are." She hears Ian, one of Johnny's guy friends say as he walks up to them, a huge grin on his face. "Holy shit." He's looking behind them. She turns to see Elaine Cosmo walk in with a handsome boy next to her. Oh my god, Stacie thinks as she stares at Elaine. Elaine had always been one of the most dorkiest girls in their class but now- Now she was beautiful. Her long dark hair was hanging around her shoulders and really glossy, her eyes were dark and gorgeous, her cheeks were bright and her smile beautiful. But what was most astonishing was the gorgeous boy who was walking beside her, one arm slung over her shoulders. He looked like he had come out of one of those magazines called, "Worlds sexiest male models." He had sleek black hair that hung down to his chin. He had a thin, tight looking jaw and very dark gorgeous eyes, with eyelashes that most girls would kill for. But they seemed to suit him. He was wearing sunglasses even though it definetly wasn't sunny. He was wearing very tight looking jeans, and just a regular t-shirt. This was prom which kind-of confused Stacie but she doesn't dwell on it. She stares at him then when he looks over at her he raises his glasses and grins at her. She feels her chest tighten as she finds it hard to breathe. He seems so familiar. Then to her shock they make a bee-line for her and her friends. She stares at the boy as Elaine approaches Johnny. This boy was hotter than Johnny! She hadn't really even thought that was possible.
"Hi Johnny." Elaine says, twirling her hair with her fingers. "Have you met Dragon, my escort?"
Stacie raises her eyebrows. "Are you two going out?" She asks, casually. Elaine turns to her.
"So what if we are, beauty queen?" She looks Stacie over.
Stacie scoffs. She hates being called that. "Well gosh." She says, gritting her teeth. "I didn't know it was against the law to ask a question." She laughs. "What, you gonna turn me into the police?"
"Maybe I will." Elaine sneers. They both glare at each other until Johnny steps in between them.
"Quit it, girls." He hisses then holds his hand out to Dragon. "No hard feelings?" He was so sweet. Dragon shook his hand.
"Sure." He agrees then smiles at Johnny for a minute but then that sullen look crosses his face. What is it about him that's so familiar? Stacie wonders.
"Ooh I LOVE this song!" Elaine squeales and grabs Johnny's hand and pulls him to the dance-floor with her. Leaving Stacie and Dragon all alone.
"Um, so your new?" Stacie asks, awkwardly. He nods but his gaze on hers was very intense.
"Stace!" Johnny calls and she leaves and hurries to join him, looking behind her once again to see Dragon gazing after her with a pained expression.

Dragon walks into the bathroom and stares in the mirror. What does she see in that guy? He thinks to himself. He had just passed by Johnathan kissing a different girl who wasn't Stacie. Why can't I approach her without suddenly going quiet? She stirs something inside of him that he wasn't sure what it was and he had to find out. Even if it killed them both.

Stacie finds herself standing outside. Tear tracks streak her face. Why hadn't she realized it? It had been so obvious. Johnny had been cheating on her with Elaine Cosmo. She suddenly feels a hand on her shoulder and doesn't even have to look to know who it is. Dragon. There was something about him that woke up something inside her. Something she hadn't even known was there.
"Do you want a ride home?" He asks. She looks up to see him staring at her, intensly. She shakes her head.
"I'm going to my friends house." She tells him then turns as his arms encircle around her. It was like she was being folded in home. She felt like she was at home. "Have we ever met before?" She can't stop herself from asking. He shakes his head.
"Not in this life." He whispers in her ear. She pulls back. What did that mean? Not in THIS life? Was he really suggesting they had known each other in another life? Like she had had another life.
"I have to go." She says, rudely.
"Wait, Stacie." He says but she already pushes past him.
"Stacie." Johnny was standing in front of her. "Where are you going, babe?"
"Get away from me." She hisses.
"What's wrong?" He looks shocked, confused and, she thought to herself, a little scared.
"You know what's wrong." She hisses. "I saw you

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