» Romance » I KISSED DEATH AND LIKED IT?!?, Reba Murrey [free novels to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «I KISSED DEATH AND LIKED IT?!?, Reba Murrey [free novels to read .TXT] 📗». Author Reba Murrey


My vision heavy as the toll of the nights events start to catch up on me. Saturday nights at a college bar always seem to be hectic, but for a 18 year old girl like me it always seem harder to be around drunk guys. The bad thing is I work there. Yep! Me unfortunately. I actually worked a double tonight becuase we had a no show. On top of that its New Years in Fort Worth, Texas.

This is my life as a college student working full time at a bar that is walking distance from my apartment. Usually one of the guys that work with me offer me a ride home. Since all the other girls that work there drive or have a boyfriend that picks them up. They tend to worry about me walking home after we close up and I get alot of tips. I am a bar back, and a waiter whatever is needed I fill the postion. I prefer doing bar back because that way I don't have to be around all the drunk or tipsy collage students.

Enough about my job lets see what ells is there I can say about myself. (Tapping my chin with my index finger while my main part of my hand is under my chin. Not really, but you get the drift of what I am saying) I have blonde straight hair that falls in my face with bright blue eyes. I have an average build and in shape thanks to my morning workouts. I am 5' 5'' which is enough to not to get picked on alot about my hieght like some girls do.

Snapping me out of my thoughts a high pitched female scream rings through the night. Being me I follow my heart instead of my gut that is telling me danger. I run over to where I assume the lady is based off the scream. Running around an alley corner I stay frozen from what I see before me. I see a man running passed me with a lady's hand bag. But I don't take my eyes off the sence that has me frozen.

Snapping out of my frozen state I truley take in the scene. An young female laying on the ground with blood pouring out of her neck. I quickly turn to the side putting a hand on the wall and my other holding my hair and spill the contents of my stomache. Looking back to the lady and starting to look through my bag for my phone to call for help. Then I hear a dark husky chuckle, as I look up shaking from fright and the air that seems to be even colder not. A dark figure leaning over the lady with a grayish bright glow in between them.

As if the dark figure senses my gaze he turns to me his eyes pure black he dosen't even have white outside of the normal eye color area. Something also tells me he isn't normal. I take a step back while he gets up and he takes a step towards me I try to step back out of impulse. Instead of moving I am stuck in place like an invisible force field is keeping me there.

I try to take a step back with my right leg preparing to turn and run, but nothing. What the hell? I looked down to my feet and try to turn it wont budge. I try my other leg to find it also stuck. Panicing I try to move my arms just to find out they are fozen just as my legs are. I look up to the figure see it step closer to me. Another step and it tilts it's head up, so I can see most facual fetures it's a guy early 20's. His face is something out of this world in ways it is frighting yet exotic.

I know my face shows panic and my heart is most likely racing do to my lack of movement, and this guy coming closer. I clear my composer and drain all emotion from my face putting up a brave front. I take a deep breathe and focus on trying to stay alive in this little perdicument Im in.

He takes a few more steps till he is within arms reach now I can see him much clearer. I note that he is very abnormal his eyes are trurley pitch black his hair a matching the color of his eyes. He is wearing jeans and a black tee shirt that is tight around his muscles where his shirt ends. One thing for sure it drawls alot of attention to his muscles. Slowly taking my eyes away and looking to his rather amused face.

"My.. My little Jocelyn came out to play aye" Said the creep with the melody like voice. "How do you know me creep" I ask trying to hide my fear from seeping in to my words. I narrow my eyes at him which in return he raises an eye brow and looks me up and down smirking. "Hmm young and gorgeous" He says almost like he is talking to himself.

His composer changes to one that I cant read "Such a shame" He says shaking his head then shrugs. "Too bad, but on the up side maybe I will see you again" Bam! I was slammed back against a brick wall then forced up it by my throat it seemed to take forever my back was burning. Untill my back was a buzz of pain nothing but that. "UGHHH!" I screamed in out in pain as the sqezzing of my throat tightend. It seemed to take forever I then noticed that there was no hand on me. So how am I up here? I asked myself.

I began getting dizzy and light headed. I could feel blood dripping from my the back of my head and back. My hair matted with blood and my back has pices of brick in my skin. My vision getting dim even though it is dark what I could see before with the cheap street light. Is now all a spotty blur and it seems like time has frzen around me.

Please let this be it I dont think I can handle much more. I sliently thought out despertlrey to anyone. Air flew up my body and the pressure left my throat. My stomache flew up to my throat it feels like I am falling. My legs snapped with a odd pain feeling as if a bone popped out of my skin. My legs buckled under me making me slam my head on the concret. I screamed out in pain again. What I thought was enough a minute ago is nothing compared to now.

My body sprawled out on the cold concrete ground my breathing uneven. I shivered from the cold breeze nipping at all the blood coming out of my body. Although for some odd reason I was hot too man want death just take me now.

Then just like that I could feel wired cold like spots taking the areas of my hot skin. My eyes getting even heavier if thats possible I know the time is coming.


Publication Date: 01-25-2012

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