» Romance » The Wonderland Between My Legs, Funny Story Bro [best love novels of all time TXT] 📗

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My clothes ripped from my body. Three young looking men with brown, blue, and green eyes. They tied my legs apart so my legs were separated. They tied my arms up, revealing my breasts.
"Hell, this one's hot."
I screamed under the rag in my mouth. I felt one of their tongues touch me down there. It looked around like a hungry bear. Going up and down until finding my G spot.
"Uhhhhhhh." I moaned.
Their tongue went in circles around my clit. I couldn't help it but it did feel awfully good. I felt grubby fingers rubbing at it.
"Oh yeah, that's good stuff."
I continued moaning as they hit my G spot several more types. Then the fingers started speeding up. Moving around so fast. I felt my orgasm coming. That actually felt so good. They played with it like a child playing with play do. I moaned as it slowed down again. Then suddenly, I felt hands on my breasts. Moving them around like toys. I felt my nipples being licked at. Someone was nipping at my right one.
"Bet you like that."
I looked away at the...teenager? I don't know and I didn't care at the time. I heard an unzipping of pants. I squeezed my eyes closed. I felt it coming. Something was violently inserted into me. Thrusting me back and forth. I swear I was bleeding down there. Back and forth for about ten minutes. I had my eyes opened, staring at the ceiling. The other two guys stared at my bouncing breasts in fascination as their hands felt me everywhere. I closed my eyes to get some rest, to wake up to a dream. The pain overtook me and I eventually blacked out.
When I woke up, they were staring at me.
"I call her." The one with the blue eyes said.
"Fine, but the next one that we find that's this hot is mine." said the one with the brown eyes.
The two others left leaving me alone with the blue eyed one.
"Don't be scared."
I didn't say a word.
"Well, just to let you know Julia, I'm going to be your new boyfriend whether you like it or not."
"Why would I?!" I cried.
"'Cause if you don't, you won't see another light of day." he said with a killer's voice.
"You raped me. Why would I ever love you."
"You'll learn how. You'll see. All I did was feel you up a little."
"You think that's an excuse?"
"Yes, I do." he came over and squeezed my breasts. He leaned over and forced a kiss on me. I struggled and moved my head back and forth.
"I'm going to let you go for now. I'll see you tomorrow at school for our sophomore year."
He untied me. I got up weakly, my legs felt like I ran for a whole day. He blind folded me and put me in a car. We drove somewhere for about 20 minutes. When he finally unbounded me, he had a knife under my chin.
"If I hear anything about what happened last night, you're going to die."


I woke up in my bedroom that night. Was that a dream? My vagina felt like hell. Nope, guess not. I felt my stomach flipflop. Was I going to see him today? Oh shooooot. In the shower, the one heaven place for me, I masturbated to at least get one good part of my day. I turned the showerhead to the highest power. I lay down on the tub with my legs separated. Still, hurting from yesterday, I massaged my clit. I then took the showerhead and pointed it right at the side of my clit. Electricity shot up and down my legs. Ohhhhhh how good that felt. I moved the showerhead back and forth to get the full effect.
After my shower, I went to my bedroom to change. On my dresser, there was a note: REMEMBER WHAT I SAID YESTERDAY. I threw it in the trash, trying to forget about it. Climbing down the stairs, I ate my breakfast quickly, avoiding questions from my foster parents but my life sucks.
"Where were you yesterday?" my dad asked with suspicious eyes.
"I was at Spencer's," I lied, "we were studying for a chemistry quiz today."
"Oh okay," my dad said surprisingly, "you better do good."
I was so relieved he believed he. Spencer was a friend I met at basketball camp my mom signed me up for that summer. He was the only friend I'd have at my new school but not the only person I knew of course. I was soon to find out who the guy with the blue eyes was.
Later that morning, I got out of the car. Facing my new school with awe. It was huge with colors of white and blue. I slung my backpack around my shoulders as I walked into the school. I looked around for a pair of blue eyes. After receiving some strange glances, I gave up. I took out my schedule and took a very long look at it. No block schedule? Every class, everyday. That sucked. On the back of my schedule, I found the school map. I stood in the middle of the hallway as I confusedly looked. Suddenly, someone crashed into me, spilling all my books everywhere.
"Ohmygosh! I'm so sorry!" some boy with bright blue eyes said.
"Haha, it's okay." I laughed sarcastically.
He bent over and helped me pick up my books.
"Thanks." I said before he walked away.
Was he the one? Nahhh, there are a lot of people with blue eyes. It couldn't have been him. Instead of standing in the middle of the hallway, I sat down on the bench this time. Someone peered over my shoulder.
"That your schedule?"
I looked up seeing Spencer.
"Yeah. Do I have any classes with you?"
We compared our schedules.
"Darn, that means I have to make real friends." Spencer said with a laugh.
"We have the same lunch though!" I said excitedly.
"That's great! Well, gotta go. See you later!"
I sat there, still confused about where to go when another person came over.
"You need help?"
I looked up, hazel eyes. That means its safe.
"Yeah," I laughed, "it's so confusing."
"Here, I'll show you to your next class."
He walked me to my class as we talked about the essentials to what I needed to know.
"Thanks!" I said as I began to go into my classroom.
"Oh wait," he stopped me, "can I have your number?"
"Uh, sure." we exchanged numbers right before the bell rang.
He waved goodbye right before leaving. That was a good start to a new day, I thought to myself. I took the only empty seat in the back next to a jock. Muscularly toned with a handsome face with blue eyes. Blue eyes. Ughhh, I can't be so paranoid. I looked around the classroom, there were two other guys with blue eyes but not as hot as the one next to me. I was rather shy to strangers so I was afraid to say something when he asked for my name.
"What's your name?"
"...It''s Julia." I studdered.
"That's a nice name," he said, "my name's Max."
I continued writing down the homework.
"You don't talk much do you."
I shrugged in response.
"You've got nice boobs." he said soft enough so everyone else couldn't hear. I blushed in response. My breasts weren't that big but they were proportionate to my body. They were round and stuck out, making them look bigger. I had a slender body with rather long legs.
"Thanks." I replied under my breath.
For the rest of the class, I could feel his eyes staring at my breasts. I felt insecure so I put on my jacket. That's when he stopped. After about an hour, the bell rang. Everyone got their stuff and the teacher went out for something. I put my things slowly in my bag because I figured we had ten minutes, why go in a rush. That left my with just me and Max. Suddenly, he tripped. His face landed in my boobs. He got up quickly placing each hand on one of my breasts while his head lifted.
"I'm so sorry." he said, acting sincere.
Before he lifted his hands off my breasts, he lightly squeezed. He walked out of the room with a little smirk on his face. I stood there in awe. I told myself I was just going to forget about it. The rest of the day was quite boring. I had lunch with Spencer. He seemed to have not made any new friends or at he wasn't sitting with them but I avoided the question.
After sixth and seventh period, I walked into eighth period, gym. This'll be fun, I said sarcastically to myself. I said on the gym floor with everyone else for about half an hour listening to the teacher lecture about what we needed. I

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