» Romance » Lost soul, Aryana Cuellar [interesting books to read for teens txt] 📗

Book online «Lost soul, Aryana Cuellar [interesting books to read for teens txt] 📗». Author Aryana Cuellar

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Chapter One



Kristina is the name my birth mother gave me. I only met my mother once when I was 10, 6 years ago. She gave me up for adoption when I was born. I don't call her mom I refuse to call her that. I don't even like talking about her. But when I do talk about her, it pisses me off. Pisses me off that she rather spend her money on the monster, and alcohol, then send me something for my birthday once in a while. I don't talk to her ever since I met her.


That Lady, my birth mother, is 35 years old. Her boyfriend got her addicted to the monster when she was about my age. A couple years later, she started drinking. She told me that she loved the rush that it gave her. She said that it helped with stress. The Lady, told me that she does her best to be a good mother to me. But how I see it is how is she trying to do her best when she doesn't call, doesn't send anything for my birthday or doesn't even call on my birthday. Se doesn't do crap for me. My mom has been around. She's had a kid with every guy she dated. I don't know any of my other siblings. She never told me about them. I do want to meet them when I turn 18. But I would need some money for some professional help.


My foster mom is more of a mom to me. I call her mom because she has been there for me since i was born. She's like a best friend to me I tell her everything. I talk to her about boys, I talk to her about people at school, we gossip together, we shop together every weekend, we pretty much do everything together. She wants me to go to college to be a therapist. She motivates me and makes sure I am getting good grades, and I don't fall in the wrong group of crowd. She always told me that if i ever did fall into the "wrong crowd" my whole future would be ruined and I would turn out to be exactly like my mom. I take that as a insult. Pisses me off when she tells me that. I would be happy with however my future turns out as long as I don't turn out to be like my mom. I refuse to turn out like her.


School starts tomorrow. So my mom and I go last minute school shopping. We went to about 10 different stores in the mall for clothes. We went to Tilly's, Hot Topic, Forever21, Claire's, Journey's, Wet Seal, Victoria Secret and some other stores that I wasn't really interested in. It was noon when we started to shop. There was a couple hot boys that I saw. But of course none of them noticed me. I'm use to that. I sometimes wonder why though. I don't think I'm that ugly. I have blonde hair, ice blue eyes, straight teeth, and clear skin. Maybe I just look to preppy for half the guy's I try and go for. But I'm okay without a boyfriend. Just like the popular saying "No Boyfriend? No problem." Yeah I even have the shirt of that saying on it.


It was four by the time we got out of the mall. Both of our hands were full with shopping bags. We stopped at Red Lobster, which was across the street from the mall, for some dinner. After about five minutes of waiting, our waiter introduces himself.

"My name is Jake and i will be your waiter for the day. Can i get you ladies something to drink?" He had a perfect smile, with gorgeous hazel eyes that sparkled, his jawline was perfect, eyebrows were plucked, his voice was like heaven, dark hair that was perfectly cut. He looked like he could be a football player. Even more of a bonus.

"Kristina you there? Go ahead and order a drink." My mother said, snapping me out of my own little world.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I'll have a glass of lemonade please." I said with a smile.

"Alright a Coke and a glass of Lemonade. I'll be right back with your drinks."

He walked away then my mom looked at me with a smile and rising her eyebrows up and down.

"You think he's cute huh?"

"Haha shut up mom."

Don't have to hide it I could tell. you were in lala land when he came. He's a cutie for someone like your age. Don't be shy to admit it. He's not bad looking at all." My mom was wrong. He was more than just a cutie. He was beyond perfect. I would never have a chance with him he was way out of my league. I picked up the menu and started to look everything looked so good. I couldn't stop thinking about the waiter though. He was so dreamy.

"Alright glass of Lemonade to the gorgeous young lady, and a glass of Coke for her younger sister." Oh great he's hitting on my mom. "Are you ladies ready to order or do you need a little bit more time?"

"I think we're ready, right mom?"

"Yeah we're ready." After he wrote down what we both wanted, he turned to me and smiled then winked. I probably looked like a fool, because my face was probably brighter than a tomato. I know my mom always saw it because she laughed at me.

"What?" I said to her.

"Oh nothing."


I knew what she was laughing at. Yes I'll admit he was beautiful. Who wouldn't agree with me?

Forget about him. Look at him. Every girl in town probably wants him. Don't get your hopes up Kristina. You're nothing to him besides just another girl in town drooling over him.

That was probably true. I'm no one special. About 10 minutes of thinking, Jake came back with our food.

"Here you ladies go, hope you enjoy it." He was such a gentlemen.

He turned to me and had a smile on his face that would make any girl fall in love with him, and asked "Can I have your name? You're beautiful."

Couldn't help but blush. "My name is Kristina."

"Well Kristina here's my phone number I would love it if you would give me a call or shoot me a text some time." Wait Jake the extremely good-looking waiter that works at Red Lobster game me his number? Is this a dream? Kind of hard to believe.

"I'll think about it." I said. I didn't want to sound to desperate or let him think or know how much into him I really was.

About an hour later, we started to head home. I was not in the mood for school to start tomorrow. I picked out my usual outfit. A high waisted skirt, black crop top, sandals, with my diamond earrings, diamond necklace and diamond braclet. Yes I love diamonds. And I'm the type of girl who has like 5 pairs of the same type of diamond earrings.


BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! My alarm. It was 5:00 a.m. I stretched, checked my phone and layed in my bed for about ten minutes. My usual morning routine. 5:10 I got out of bed, made my coffee, washed my face, did my hair and makeup, ate some toaster struddles, got dressed and brushed my teeth. By 6:40 I was ready to go to school. I grabbed my cup of coffee and walked out the door. Of course I don't ride a bus. I hate busses. My mom let's me drive the Jeep Wrangler to school. Technically it's my Jeep. But I don't have a job yet to pay for gas or insurance yet. I'm working on it though.

The final bell rang at 7:10. First class of the day was math. Yuck! First day of sophomore year, and of course in every class assigned seats. And guess who sat right next to me? Jake the dreamy waiter from Red Lobster.

"Hey Kristina. Guess we're both stuck with each other for now it looks like." Even though he was so dreamy, and perfect, with that perfect smile and jawline, and stunning voice, I barely know him and am not to comfortable with sitting next to him. But, I didn't want to seem like a baby and run up to the teacher to ask for a different seat. So I just sucked it up, and dealt with it.

"Yeah I guess so haha."

"What happened with you shooting me a call or text last night?" Crap! I forgot all about that. Oops. Make up a lie Kristina tell him you were busy.

"Sorry Jake. I was bsuy helping my mom with stuff." Hopefully that sounded believable. I'm not that great of a liar.  

"No worries. But now that means you owe me an hour or two out of your busy schedule." Ha. Who does he think he is? Just because he's extremly gorgeous does not mean I have to give up an hour or two out of my "busy schedule".

"Haha is that so? Just cause you're hot and every girl in town wants you-" CRAP! Did I just say that out loud? HA DUMB!

"Wait. You think I'm hot?"

"No." Some reason I got really mad. I'm not use to this. Not use to any of this. What is it about him that makes me so interested? But of course every girl falls for the highschool football player. So maybe that's it. I hate this feeling. I usualy never like the popular football player type i never even have a guy that likes me. I may have that "slut face" like everyone says, but I will not give myself up easy like he probably thinks. I am defintely not like those other girls he's use to.

Bell finally rung. I got up before Jake. I wanted to walk away from him as quick as I can, but he didn't even let me get out of the door. He pulled me back by my arm, and with the smile of his, that would make any girl fall for him said "Would you like to go out tonight Kristina?" Great now I would have to make up a lie.

"My mom and I have plans this week."

"You can't tell her that you'll be out for maybe two hours tonight?"

"No she'll be kind of upset." I'm a horrible liar. I can't even look him in his eyes. I think he caught on that i wasn't telling him the truth because he lifted up my chin with his finger and said, "I'll pick you up at 7:30. Be ready" Then he kissed me on the cheek and left. I was lost for words i couldn't even think straight when he had said that. I was lost in his dreamy hazel eyes that sparkled when he talked to me. He's so gorgeous.

Chapter Two

 It was 5:30 in the afternoon when i started to get ready. I took a shower, blowed dry my hair, curled my hair, put my foundation, lip gloss and mascara on, put in my diamond earrings, got dressed into my flower skateer skirt with my white crop top

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