» Romance » Wild Wind Valley, Jasper25 Garvin [books to read to be successful .txt] 📗

Book online «Wild Wind Valley, Jasper25 Garvin [books to read to be successful .txt] 📗». Author Jasper25 Garvin

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Wayward Soul

The sun lit the fire of brilliance on the land, bathing it in color. Harks flicked and dark chocolate orbs surveyed the lands as deep breaths escaped through flaring nostrils. Jaden sighed and gave the buckskin he sat on a slight tap on the side, sending the stallion down the rocky slope toward the green valley.

Wild flowers joyfully danced in the breeze, swaying to the song of spring. Horses of every color possible were scattered around the meadow, one small grey mare watching over them all. The mare was getting old, her coat had once been coal black but she now sported a regal dappled grey. The mare’s ears perked up as she spied the golden stallion coming near. Trotting forward to meet him, she whinnied a welcome. The buckskin happily greeted his aging mother, nuzzling her when she was within reach.

“Well hello there Charity!” Jaden greeted the mare with a carrot that was soon snatched from his hand with surprising speed. Chuckling, he reached into his pack, pulling out his bullwhip. Charity snorted and whipped her head, prancing like a young filly; she galloped off to gather the herd like she had for over fifteen years.

Hoof falls, snorts, and cries sounded from the herd as the horses gathered, the grey mare at the herds head. A young mare escaped from the herd, black and white boyce shining in the sunlight, head held high in defiance. She whipped her head and with powerful beats, flew into the thick forest.

Jaden sighed, ‘either I’ll go catch her later or she will come back on her own’. The herd continued on, picking up speed, it wouldn't be long until they would reach Wild Wind Ranch. Many other young horses ventured away, but would soon return to the safety of the herd, none as wild as the paint mare. The buckskin stallion trotted along behind the herd both moving and protecting them. An hour had passed with no trace of the paint mare, Jaden smiled as the herd descended the last hill and Charity’s harks flicked forward as the Ranch came into view.

Wild Wind Ranch was the only man made structure in the valley, with only one long dusty road to civilization. The ranch had been modernized, and no expense had been spared. It was able to stable over a fifty horses and comfortably house around fifteen people, but the facility was home to only three people, soon four. The house was one right out of a magazine: beautiful log cabin on the outside, mansion on the inside.

An older couple stood by the largest corral, the tall grey haired man held the gate open, looking the horses over. Charity happily trotted into the corral, the herd following behind her. Once all of the horses were in the corral, the man shut the gate, clicking it into place. Jaden dismounted and led the buckskin to the stable, unsaddling and leaving the stallion to eat in his stall.

“The horses are lookin’ good this year son!” The older gentleman smiled and patted Jaden on the back, “Skylar should be here soon and ma’s makin’ pork chops!” The man smacked his lips, just imagining the taste “Don’t be forgettin’ to feed the horses.” With that the man meandered up the steps to the house and left Jaden by himself.

Piles of hay were thrown into the corral along with buckets of oats. The horses munched happily, and soon the sound of a truck could be heard. A blue Dodge made its way down the road, a medium sized horse trailer being pulled along behind it. The trucks color was dulled from a long dusty trip, and the trailer had several layers as well. The roaring engine cut off when the truck came to a stop in front of the house, and the small whinny of a foal came from the trailer.

With the opening of the driver’s side door, old worn out brown boots hit the ground. A girl with long blonde hair and a curvy build, Skylar was far different from how Jaden had remembered her. He stood in the doorway, watching and thinking back to the girl he once knew. Skylar was always helping others and a smile never left her face, her big blue eyes sparkling. The girl that stood before him now had bags under her now bloodshot eyes, eyes that conveyed a deep sadness. A frown was etched on her face, and she was unhealthily pale. Jaden understood this transformation though; Skylar had lost everything, her parents and almost all of her animals were now dead. Everything that had meant anything to her had gone up in flames, leaving only a broken girl and a six month old filly.

Jaden stood there until the foal whinnied again, wanting out of the trailer that she had been standing in for hours. The filly looked like someone had hung her upside down and dipped her in the blackest oil they could find, leaving only her face and legs as white as fresh snow. Jaden led her to a clean stall and unclipped her halter, leaving her to lie down for the night. He shut the door to her stall and shut the barn lights off, heading toward the house.

The sun had long descended and the night had crept in, washing the world out in dull darkness. The howl of a wolf echoed across the valley and was soon answered by its mate. A snowy owl gave out a cry as it flew overhead, searching for prey. The night seemed to hold endless life as creatures hunted and hid, even the horses snorted and stomped their hooves every so often. Jaden made his up to his bedroom, the full moon casting shadows along the way. His head hit the pillow and he was out, dreaming of the girl he once knew.


A bird sang a high joyful song, greeting the morning with enthusiasm. Horses pawed and banged at the gate, demanding their breakfast. Jasper looked curiously as the small creature in the stall across from him, the foal looking back at him with interest as well. The dirt covered trailer had been unhitched and left in the trailer garage next to a large gooseneck trailer. The truck now sat next to a large dusty dualley, looking right at home.

Jaden used a black quad to haul several bales of hay out to the horses, quickly cutting them open then heading to the water trough to refill it. The hose turned on and water rushed into the trough, splashing and swirling. Horses slowly came toward the trough, sniffing and snorting as it was filling. Jaden turned the hose off as the water crested the top of the trough, watching as the horses dipped their muzzles into the cool water. Boots thudded down towards the barn, blonde hair held up by a single black band. Skylar grabbed a brush from the grooming box and headed towards the filly’s stall.

“Hey Ashin,” the black filly nuzzled Skylar as the brush slid over her coat. Smooth even strokes whisked the dirt and shavings off and left the filly shining, her brown orbs closed in relaxation. The roar of the quad got louder as Jaden brought it back into the barn to be parked in its spot by the tack room. The key turned and the quad quieted. Jaden slowly got off it, heading toward Skylar. He leaned on the door frame, just slightly inside the stall, but not enough to make her feel crowded. “Hey, how are you doing?” she looked up at him with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, “I’m doing ok.” she turned back to brushing the filly that was now wide awake and frisking Jaden for treats.

He watched her for a while before quietly asking, “Are you really?” She stopped brushing as a tear slid down her face, her facade slowly failing. He watched as she tried unsuccessfully to control her breathing. Stepping forward, Jaden wrapped his arms around her as she broke down, turning to sob into his shoulder. Her body shook, small tremors racing through her body as she clung to Jaden’s shirt. He stood there a moment in shock then tightened his arms and ducked his head to the crook of her neck, trying to console her. Skylar had been a girl that could take on anyone or anything that stood in her way, unafraid to fall. But here she stood, clinging to Jaden, totally broken.

After a while she quieted, weak and exhausted. Jaden bent down slightly, using one arm to support her while the other lifted up under her knees. He cradled her in his arms as he walked back up to the house. His mother opened the door and gave him a sad look, knowing it would take time for Skylar to heal and be back to her old self. Jaden sighed as he lowered her onto her bed, making sure not to wake her. He closed the door, and ran his fingers through his hair, wondering what might help her feel better. He knew he couldn’t let her continue to be sad and alone, but he needed help.

One quick phone call and he was back out in the barn finishing grooming Ashin and letting her out in a small grassy pen to run around. When he entered the barn again, his father was scratching Jasper’s nose as the stallion patiently waited for his turn to be groomed. “George will be here in a few hours to pick up the horses he bought,” the old man turned toward Jaden and nodded his head out towards the corral, “bring the horses we are keepin’ into the barn, the rest can stay in the corral until their new owners come for em’.”

After several trips with multiple horses, the only horses left in the pen were the sold ones. Charity grazed out in the pasture that connected to her stall, many of the others doing the same. Jaden quickly brushed Jasper, cleaning the stallions golden coat. There had been no sign of the paint mare, and Jaden wanted to go look for her. He saddled Jasper and mounted up, making sure he had plenty of ropes if the mare was elusive. The buckskin trotted happily out of the barn and once he was past the gate, Jasper took off at a gallop.

Skylar watched from her window, wishing she had a horse that she could ride for hours. As Jaden and the stallion disappeared into the forest, an old Chevy could be seen heading down the road, quickly followed by another truck and trailer. The Chevy parked on the other side of the dualley while the truck and trailer came to a rest next to the corral. A middle aged man stepped out of the truck that was next to the corral and was greeted by Mark, Jaden’s father. Buy the time Skylar looked over at the Chevy, it was empty and the front door to the house could be heard opening. Light footsteps made their way up the stairs and

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