» Romance » The Demonic Love, Joey Jones, Nadia Jones [smart ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Demonic Love, Joey Jones, Nadia Jones [smart ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Joey Jones, Nadia Jones

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The Unlikely Meeting



I sighed heavily as I crawled out of bed. My mom had already gone off to work because she hadn't waken me up like she usually did. I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I then brushed my teeth and changed into a black tank top with some white skinny jeans. I looked at the time and stared in shock. "Shit, I am late!" I raced down the steps and made my way towards school. By the time I got there it was already fifteen minutes into class. "Glad you finally joined us" Mr. Craig said as he motioned toward my seat. All eyes in the class were on me except for one pair. Jacob Castro, the myterious guy that never talked to anyone and did his work in silence. Everyone in school thought he was weird, but I thought he just needed his own personal space. We had never talked despite the fact he sits right next to me in mostly all my classes. I glance at him as I take a seat, he still doesn't look my way. I notice him reading a book but I can't see the cover to it. That's all he usually does is read. I advert my eyes from him as I take out my notebook and essay that we had to write on the Civil War. We pass our papers to the side instead of the front like we always do. That's when I finally see him for the first time. He has these odd red eyes that sends a chill down my spine but makes me blush. I'm completely lost in his eyes until Mr. Craig says "miss Clayton. Will you please grab Mr. Castro's paper instead of staring blankly at him?" The class laughs as I blush and grab his paper. He then turns back to his book and I sigh softly before actually tuning in to class.

The next thing I know I am eating lunch with my best friends Megan and Trinity. As we sit down at one of the tables Megan starts the conversation off with "so why were you staring at Mr. Mysterious?" I look up at her and say "his eyes caught me off guard, nothing more nothing else." Megan rolls her eyes. "Yeah sure Amber, his sexiness caught you off guard." Trinity starts laughing and I scowl. We then notice Jacob sitting at a table on the far side of the lunchroom. He is still reading that book of his, I wonder what is so special about it. "Hey Amber, I dare you to go over to Jacob and try to start a conversation with him," Megan says with a smirk. I have never backed down from a dare before and I don't plan to start now. "Fine." I mumble before getting up from my seat and walking over to Jacob's table. I sit down and he looks at me before closing his book for the first time today. "Yes?" he ask me with a raise of his brow. I clear my throat and say "I was just wondering, sit by yourself all the time at lunch." He blinks confused then says "I just prefer it. People at this school aren't the most intelligent conversationalist if you know what I mean by this." Now it's my turn to look confused. He doesn't speak because he thinks everyone at this school is dumb? Well I better quickly set him straight. "Listen. Not everyone is stupid, take me for a good example. I'm quite smart or as you say intelligent." He nods just as the bell rings for next period. He grabs his book and hurries off to class, the lunchroom is soon empty. I catch up with Megan and Trinity who are eager to know what happened.


I was forced to stay after school because I was tardy this morning. As I leave the school building I see Jacob walking with this strange looking guy. For some reason I ended up quietly following the two of them, wondering what is going on. I follow them to a house in the middle of the words. The house is pitch black and the smell of death seems to be in the air. Shivers run down my spine and I get goosebumps., though I still follow. When they enter the house I don't dare go in. I merely peer in through the window. I see Jacob and a bunch of other guys inside the house. I start to feel a dark presence surround me but I decide to stay and watch what happens. When Jacob leaves the room I suddenly feel danger which causes me to turn and run away. I have no clue where I am running but I just am. I trip and land in a shallow puddle of water. "Great" I mumble but instantly silence myself as I hear a twig snap. I stare wide eyed as Jacob stares at me with his red eyes which now seem to be glowing. Instead of his usual tone he growls "what are you doing here?" I gulp, seeing him so..mad is making me want to hide under the closest bed possible. "I was just following you because I was curious as to what you did after school. I'll just be going now." He smirks and then brutally grabs me and pulls me off the ground. I wince from his tight grip as he pulls me back to the house. My first instinct is to kick him in his balls but by the time I muster up the corage to do it I am being thrown into the large house. The other guys in the house soon surround me and then I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head. Everything soon goes dark afterward.

The Real You

 I wake up feeling dizzy and uneasy. My memories from the night earlier are all just a big blur. As I sit up I can feel chains around my ankles and rope around my hands. After my vision clears I see Jacob sitting in a chair across the room. I debate whether to stay silent and play sleep or speak up and ask what the hell is going on here. After a few moments I choose to speak up for myself, possum has never really been my thing. "Hey! Why am I tied up and chained? And why are you just sitting there staring at me?" To be honest I actually somewhat enjoyed him staring at me. I loved how handsome he was but I knew now that his personality was quite different. "I'm staring at you because I can, and you better be happy we didn't just kill you like all the other humans who were curious." The word kill burns into my mind, he's a killer? He certainly didn't seem like one when he was quietly reading his book during school hours. Oh gosh I might end up dieing here! "You murderer! How can you act so nice when your a bloody killer? And to think I actually might have..." I didn't get to finish my sentence because he seemed to have read my mind. "You thought I was hot huh? All the school girls thought that, but to be honest I thought you were sexy yourself. Though I have never heard of a demon and human getting together." My brain stops working when he gets to the word demon. Is this guy insane? Everyone knows demons are as real as the boogeyman. "Your crazier than I took you for Jacob. I knew you were wierd but this is just...stupid. Demons aren't real and they never will be," I mumble. I wince as he slowly gets up from his chair and walks over to me. His eyes begin to slightly glow. Unlike last time I am much more aware, so it doesn't scare me as much, but I am still freaking out! If he really is a demon then why would he want to go to a human school? Kind of stupid if you ask me.

As he walks back to his chair and sits down my throat is very dry and I am hungry. I really wish I hadn't followed him after school, I may never see my mom, dad, or even my annoying brother again. The thought of never seeing my family again sends a tear rolling down my cheek, Jacob tenses up then whispers "listen. Don't cry alright? We don't plan to keep you here very long, we just want to make sure you know a few things before you go." His tone is the tone he uses in school. For some reason I find reassurance in his words. "You keep saying 'we'. Who is we?" Jacob looks at me as if I have just asked the most stupid question in the world. "Me and the guys. I'm more than sure you saw them before Eric knocked you out. You should be lucky I kept them away from you, some demons are sex fiends." I swallow the lump that had been resting in my throat. Just the thought of being someone's sex toy makes me want to slap every man I see from here on out.

I stay mostly quiet from that point on, trying to seem invisible to anyone. Jacob merely stares at me with his red eyes, his sexy red eyes... No! He has chained me and tied me up yet I am still calling him hot? I really need to get my head out of the clouds and realize he is some kind of demon from Hell who is here to brutally kill me. All I need is some rest and then I can start figuring out how I am going to get out of here. But that may take a long time when there are demons around.




I watch her slowly slip into thought. I attempt to read into her mind but her powers are blocking it. I huff before getting out of my chair and leaving the room. I hear her ask me a question but since I tuned it out I didn't completely catch it. I pad through the large house until I reach the living room. Mark, Eric, and Jack are just sitting watching TV while Micheal and Robby play cards. "Hey guys", I yell and they all turn their heads to look at me. "Hey chief, I hear that girl is finally awake. You didn't do anything to her yet did ya," Eric asked with a slight smirk on his face. I growled under my breath then shook my head. "I don't do things like that to girls, plus she's an angel." The looks on their faces instantly change and they all get up and stand in front of me. "So, what are we going to do about her," Robby asked with a hint of something in his tone. "I think we should just go in there and kill her. Nobody will know it's us, we would still

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