» Romance » The Alpha, Mallory Davis [reading cloud ebooks txt] 📗

Book online «The Alpha, Mallory Davis [reading cloud ebooks txt] 📗». Author Mallory Davis

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A death

    Sweat drips from my tanned body. I punch my punching bag that the pack members have filled with bricks. Left, right, left, right. I punch in a steady rhythm in attempt to ignore the fact that our alpha has died and soon his son, who I've never met before will be coming to take his place. It's our place to take over, my wolf roars in my head. Yes, I said wolf, I'm a werewolf we all are. The alpha blood burns in my veins as it does our old alpha's son. Our alpha, Silas, was a good leader and he always made sure i had a say in the matters at hand. He and my father were best friends, before he died. Silas knew that I had a powerful bloodline. Now his son will be ruling and my wolf has a problem with taking orders. When I first came here, I was underestimated because I was a female. I have challenged every male in this village and won, that had earned me the respect I deserved. I would of fought women too, but none had challenged me. Now, I wait for his son to arrive. The funeral was hours ago and I miss Silas already. I take a sip of water and walk back through our village. It was hidden up hear in the mountains, not to far from a human town. It had houses, and was like a modern every day neighborhood just the houses were more spread out. I guess I call it a village for the irony of it. I catch lustful glances from men, somehow they found me attractive. I worked just as hard as them, fought the same war as them and still them stare as I am not one of them. Every hear has mostly blonde hair. I'm the only one with black hair, our old luna before she left had black hair. She had abandoned us. I also have blue eyes, the first wolf ever to have them. It just wasn't common. I worked out a lot, kept in shape, so I know I have a nice body. Most men wanted a damsel in distress, a spineless thing that cooked and cleaned. I was anything but, I thought as I make my way to the clearing.


New Alpha


There were soft murmurs as a men walked up the stairs to the stage, followed by another I assumed to be the beta. He radiated alpha power, as did I. I have to say, he was beautiful. He had sun-kissed skin, curled with thick muscles. He had black hair which surprised me, he must of gotten it from his mom because his father had blonde. He had lovely green eyes the color of grass in the spring. "My name is Luke" he began, his tall fame towering above us. I was tall for a werewolf (because of the alpha blood), but Luke was huge he made me feel small. "This is my beta, Red, I know my father’s passing is tragic to some, but" then he said something that made me instantly hate him "I know I can be a better ruling then he ever was" I the crowd was silent, none standing up for Silas in fear of angering the Alpha. I growled and it echoed through the clearing "How dare you speak of something you know nothing of" My wolf says before I can protest. His eyes snap to mine. The world stops, just for us. The crowd seemed to disappear and there was only us. His green eyes stared at me in...awe? His green eyes were outlined by the thick eyelashes. I inhaled his smell for the first and pine. The smell was intoxicating. MATE! my wolf yells to the top of her lungs inside me. My mate? This alpha? Silas's son? She nods eagerly, so what do I do? I run, with all of my being telling me not to. 

Drowning demons

After running away from my mate, where do I end up you ask? A bar in the human town. Theres nothing I do better then drown my worrys. I hate when someone says "drowning your demons, ah?" No, I'm not my demons can swim. They remind me every minute, every second, of what happened that day. The day when I couldn't protect them. I take another shot of whiskey, way past drunk now. Another presence enters the and pine. I take a deep breath and savor the smell. He steps closer and I turn on my stool, nearly falling in my drunkin state. I see his beautiful features before me, the rare black hair and those eyes. Those beautiful green eyes. "Hello, Alpha" I say in a slurred voice. His eyes rake over my body, I probably looked awful. "What are you doing here? Why did you run?" he asks with narrowed eyes. His voice was so deep it rumbled my insides, I liked that. "Why did someone miss me?" I ask in a baby voice, pinching his cheeks. Man, I've never been intimadated by a man before but he seemed to tower above me. He seemed to be as thick as he is tall, with muscles and an eight pack you can clearly see even with a shirt on. I reach out and trail my fingers across his hard, taunt stomach. He stiffens and I smile. I stand up on my knees on the bar stool and fall over. He catches me instantly and my skin tingles, comes to life at his touch. I lean forward, and his eyes widen. Our lips breifly touch, leaving time for him to push me away. Then it becomes a full out makeout session. His lips were chapped and rough against my own. His mouth was strong, demanding yet so soft. I tug on his hair and he lets out a growl that seems primal...I liked it. I deepen the kiss and my lips beg to close the space that wasnt there. All I could think about was him, him, him. How have I gone this long without his touch? His lips? He seemed to be air, and me a drowning man. He grabs my shoulders and pushes me back. "Your drunk" he says, voice laced with lust. I laugh at him, we were kissing and he is worried about me being drunk? What I wasnt good enough for him? Oh, I'll show him how many men want me. I push his chest away, still mavaling at its hardness. I step onto the bar, "So I'm not good enough, eh?" I ask. Before he can anwser, I start stripping.

Angering him

I hear hoots and hollars, then a low growl. Then, I'm being snatched off the bar and thrown over Luke's shoulder. He stomps out of the bar, with every nerve on my body on fire from his touch. Once were outside he sets me down and throws my clothes at me. "Are you trying to make me kill everyone in there?!? Do you want them to die. I knew you were hard headed, but you honestly thought I wouldnt want you! Your my mate, but I want to make sure this is what you WANT!!" He growls and slams his fist into the nearest tree, busting it into peices. His body heaves with anger. His green, bloodshot, eyes stare at me. Then he morfs into a black wolf and runs into the woods. I drop onto the cold, hard, ground. I only get one mate in my lifetime and I've been with mine five minutes and he is already mad at me. I lean over and puke up the remaining whiskey in my left in my stomach. I hear a rustle of leaves and look over my best friend, Blake, comes out the woods. "Hey" I whisper and he laughs. "Done it again, aint it?" I crack a smile, Blake justs knows me. "Piggy back ride?" I ask with puppy dog eyes. "I've seen you rip a man's heart out, and your pulling puppy eyes on me?" he asks amusingly. "You should take it into consideration" I say with a fake smile. He chuckles and picks me up, hugging me close to his chest. I bury my face into his neck, attempting to warm myself. "I really messed up this time, Blake" I whisper. He looks down at me, "You'll always have me, no matter what" he says. "Thats what they said, thats whatthey said" I say before drifting off to sleep.

The hangover

I awaken to a busting headache. Ugh, what happened last night? Then the memories come flooding back. We kissed? 'You bet yal did' my wolf says. "Ughhhh!" I yell and then I hear Blake come in, he always smelt like chocolate. "Dont 'ugh' me you are to go and duel with the

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