» Romance » Perfectly Imperfect, Morgan Davidson [story read aloud txt] 📗

Book online «Perfectly Imperfect, Morgan Davidson [story read aloud txt] 📗». Author Morgan Davidson

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Chapter 1: Perfection

We all strive for it, weather it`s wearing name brand clothes, or acing a test. Everyone wants to be perfect. Even if you hate the idea of being like everyone else, you still want to do things right. Its a simple fact.
Perfection is a desease. First you just want good grades, then better clothes, but then you become obsessed with every little thing. If one thing is out of place, even the simplest thing, you fix it. Your entire world must be planned out and exact.
This desease spread throughout the government. The president began formimg laws around perfection. He even wrote a new constitution. Our Democratic Republic turned into a Dictatorship. Perfection is law. If you are imperfect in the smallest way, your sent to re-education camps. If the camps dont work you die.
You die because the governments afraid of what may happen if imperfect people are free. They fear their seemingly perfect world will crumble into the war-torn world it used to be. They confiscated every book about the past, they dont want people to see the good that came from the bad. The government banned everything-music,art,literature,even old movies and TV shows were banned. The government has started everything over-new music,arts,books,and TV-all eather pro-government or appropriate fiction.
In the camps, your basically tortured. In seveir cases,your put through chemical testing and if you still dont act perfect your files are destroyed and you are sent away for good. Your sent to a small prison where your locked in a cell by yourself. The people who run the prison will randomly pick a cell, they will go in, grab whoevers in there, take them outside, and hang them. The bodies are then burned.
How is hanging people-ranging from the ages 5 and up- perfect? Its not. The citizens dont know about it, they think that when they send people away, their helping that person. Truely- their sending their children to die. The government told them the sent away people would be "cured" then put in a group home. The citizens are told they might not get their children back if the child is too imperfect. 9 out of 10 never come back and only 1 of 10 are not sent to die.
The camps are in secret areas where the citizens are not allowed. The citizens live in perfectly square buildings that are all the same. They have the same doors, windows, porches, roofs, sidings, everything. Inside everything is a pristene white. Everythings kept clean and in place at all times. Rooms are set up before the family moves in based on how many people will be living there. The couch of that in a 3 person family will be samaller that that of a 5 person family. The parents room is bigger than the childrens room. Boys and girls rooms are also set up differently. The family decorates as they wish as long as it doesnt go aginst the laws.

Chapter 2: The Book

The book is a set of laws, alot like our constitution minus citizen rights. You have to abide by these laws or your concidered imperfect and get sent away. The citizens live in fear of this. Its so easy to go aginst the laws. When the governments black cars pass through the towns, people hide inside but still act perfect. No matter how scared they are, they put on smiles and perfectaly do what they have to do.
The government only comes into the town or citys to collect the imperfect. They will just walk into anyones home and grab the child and take them away. The parents sometimes have no say in this because sometimes the parents dont always report their child. Teachers or neighbors do. The child isnt allowed to say goodbye or even take anything with them to the camps. Once the child is gone no one speaks of them. The family is expected to go along with their everyday lives and act like their child wasnt just forced from them.
Dispite the camps, the country is doing much better and other countries are beginning or already have copied us. Ever sence the new laws came, we havent been in a single war. The entire world, now that we all go by the perfection laws, hasnt had any wars eather. The economy is perfect, theres no more people without enough food, or without shelter, and people no longer kill each other or commit crimes. So on the surface, the perfection laws have fixed the world. But just how perfect is the world to you when your living in those camps? What is it like to be sent to die? How quiet, dirty, terifying is it in those cells? How would it feel like when you dont know when they will kill you? Which is better knowing, or not knowing? Is escape vagually possible? How will two teens prevail in this perfectly imperfect world?.....

Chapter 3: Tori

I`m victoria sky. I go by Tori. Victoria is too formal and too perfect. I am currently in a death camp. Ive been here for two days now. I came here on the latest shipments, from the curing camps.
Curing camps didnt work for me. My parents sent me there because I never talked, I always hid in my room listining to music, and they think im crazy. They think im crazy because I would write notes to different people- somethimes people I didnt even know-the notes were about the future.
I see the future and I know im not crazy. The things on the notes always come true. I can predict small things, like the weather and I would always pick up the phone before it rang. I always knew who it was and who it was for. People stopped calling our house because this freaked them out.
My parents sent me away when I was 5. Thats the youngest age your alowed to send someone away. Its terrible to know that your parents hate you. I have gotten used to it though. I basically grew up in the curing camps. Im 13 now so im used to being alone and not having a family or friends. The death camps are really quiet, until you hear boots walking down the hallway.
Whenever you hear boots its the people who run the camps. They only come to drag imperfects away to the hanging places. When they come the cell-halls get even quieter. No one in the cells even breath- their so scared. Im at the point that I dont care if I live or die. The people in the boots- what I call the workers- open one of the cells, the poor imperfects sometimes fight and yell as their taken away, others are quiet. Once the boots are gone, theres an actual sigh, and a person will actually cry for that imperfect. In the 2 days ive been here 6 imperfects have been dragged away. 3 the first day and 3 the second. Im guessing my cell is bye the burning place because smoke seeps through the craks in my cell wall. Theres one window in my cell and the cell door is solid metal with a small opening for the food tray to slid through. The food is only a small piece of stale bread, moldy cheese, and a small cup of brown water.
I dont eat the cheese, I feed it to a small white mouse. I`ve named her Spirit because of her pale coat. I also named her that because she seems so oblivious to where she was and always running around with such spirit. I found her yesterday as soon as I sat down in the corner. She ran up my arm. She didnt bite me , she simply laid on my arm and looked up at me, shes the only friend I`ve truely ever had.
She stays with me all day. Right now were sitting on a small bench thats suspended from the wall. I just watch her as she runs around my arms and belly. I dont smile but i enjoy watching her. I never show any facial expressions or talk. I think it keeps me as imperfect as I can be. Im glad I`m imperfect and I strive to be more imoerfect. I`m just waiting to die.
Sprit stops,her ears twitching. She hears something, a few seconds later I hear it too- boots I wait- they pass my cell, opening the one next to me. The imperfect laughs.
"Come to take us away, did you?" He says with a pitchy voice- by the sound of him- he`s insane. Lots of us are- the torture messed with our minds. Not me- im sane and I hate it- if I was insane I would be more imoerfect. The boots walked into the cell.
"Its ok, we dont care. We dont care do we!" The porr imprefect was talking to himself. His voice changed as he answered himself into a deeper voice. "Nope deaths fun, deaths good when your locked in a hell hole!" I could jump at the boots. "whoa- calm down please!" a female boot said. "Nope, nope, nope! Deaths fun! Deaths good! I`ll show you!!!" the imperfect yelled. There was a loud thump and then a female boot screamed.
"He bit me! Oh my god that little son of a-" she started to yell then calmed down. "Shoot him."
" Man, poor kid dont know who he mess with" a male boot said, there was a popping sound. A tranquilzer gun. They then carried him away. Somewhere in the cells, a girl began to cry. To get my mind off this- I watched Spirit. She was sniffing my hands. She licked my fingers. But this wasnt enough to get my mind off the darkness that had settled over my cell. I looked outside my window. It was sunny outside but as the sunlight met my window it seemed to hit a wall of shadows. It made no sence. I guessed it was just the darkness of the Death Camp. The shadows were just proof this place was pure evil.

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