» Romance » Impossible!!!!!!, serena.1 [top rated books of all time TXT] 📗

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Delilah is nineteen years old and in love with the impossible. Than one day something utterly impossible happens. Something that is do unlikely to happen that when it does happen Delilah thinks it's completely impossible, and this is coming from a girl whose world is made up of the impossible. The girl who believed nothing was impossible. what is this thing that Delilah believes is impossible. Is this really happening or is she going crazy? Is it all a dream or is she having psychotic hallucination's

At First Sight

Delilah sat in her room staring out her window. The ocean stretched to the horizon in front of her. She loves the smell of the brisk, salty air, but she could not open her window. It was just to cold. A pond out behind her house was frozen solid, but she didn't know how to ice skate. She lived in South Florida and it never gets cold enough for the ponds to freeze over and snow to be decorating the beaches.

"Delilah?" She was drown back to reality by the shout of a women's voice calling her name "Delilah! Come on you're going to be late!"

"Coming mom!" She shouted back. She had forgotten that she had school. It might be snowing for the first time in what seemed like a million years, in Florida, but there still was school. She grabbed her bookbag and ran out of her room and down stairs. When her mom came into view she said, "Sorry, mom. Let's go." and ran passed her toward the door. Her mom chuckled and followed.


In the car. Her mom said, "Delilah, you nineteen years old you really need to learn to be on time, and stop procrastinating. That won't get you anywhere in life."

"I know momma, I'm sorry. It won't happen again." She replied.

"Good to hear. Delilah, you know you're a ver smart young lady, and you're going to be very successful in life." Her mother smiled.

"I know momma, and thanks." Delilah smiled back.

"Delilah, It's your last day of school. So this what I want you to do. I want you to find a job and get a place of your owwn." Her mom said sadly.

"What?" Delilah gasped.

"Don't get me wrong sweetheart. I have loved you since I first held you in my arms when you were three old. I just think it's about time you're on your own." Her mom smiled.

"What do you mean by when I was three weeks old." Delilah asked.

"You mean you haven't figured it out yet." Her mother said. "You were adopted when you were three weeks old. You didn't have a name so we named you Delilah Faye Montegomery."

"You mean to tell me I was adopted. Who are my real parents, than." Delilah to go asked as claimly as she could, but it came out a little more hurt then she wanted.

"Delilah, honey. I have no idea who your real parents are. You were left on the door step of an orphanage. No onw knows where you came fromm or exactly what day your birthday is." Her mom replied, as she pulled around a courner.

"Theb how do you know. I was three weeks old. I could have been a year old." Delilah asked tears forming in her eyes.

"We were guessing you didn't look like you were one. You lookes newborn, looked as small as one, and you couldn't walk or speak. I just have one thing to say. God blessed me and you father by giving us you. Delilah, I was infertile. I couldn't have kids."

"So that why I never had a brother or sister." Delilah asked.

"That is exactly why." Her mother said.

"Just one question mom." Delilah stated.

"What is it?" Her mother answered her with a question.

"Why, didn't you tell me sooner?" Delilah asked looking a her mother, as they pulled into the school parking lot.

"Because we were afraid you wouldn't love us in the same way." Her mom pulled to a complete stop. Delilah grabbed her bag and climbed out of the car then she turned and stuck her head back in. "Mom, I don't care if I was adopted or not. You're my mother and you always will be. Ther is more to being a mother then just giving birth to someone. I love you, mom. I will see you later." She retreived her head and closed the door and then headed into the school.


The day went by slowly, really slow. As Delilah made her way from class to class. Finally when the last bell rang. She went to her locker and cleaned it out. Then, she started for home she was going to have to walk again.

*I wonder who my real parents are. Even though I am happy with the parents I have now. I'm just curious to know who my real parents are. Who I would be if i wasn't adopted. Would I have turned out the same.*

Hse was brought out of her thoughts whe she ran into something hard and oddlt shaped. Her books fell out of her hands and scattered themselves all over the side walk.

"Sorry/" She said in unison with another voice, a dark masculine voice. She bent down to pick up her book. When she saw a pair of plae but strong hands helping her, she looked up.

There in front of her was a gorgeous angelic figure. He was pale with he looked as if he was glowing, he had hair as black as the night and as blue as a clear daytime sky. He was shirtless, so his eight pack stood out like a swore thumb. He was wearing black slacks and flip-flops.

"Thank you." Delilah said, but when he didn't answer her, she said "aren't you cold?"

"You can see me?" He said, his voice was deep and dark. The very ring of it made Delilah want to melt before him, but she was confused by what he had said. "Og course I can see you. Why wouldn't I be able to?"

"Oh, nevermind. Don't worry about it." He said in that voice that made her want to malt. She couldn't get over how beautiful he was. "Might I know who you are." He said handing her the rest of her stuff.

"Thank you, I'm Delilah and you are." She asked.

"Well, Delilah, my name is Takahashi but you can just call me Angel." He smiled which caused her to go weak kneed and collapse. He caught her just in time. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm just a kultz. Takahashi thats a weird. Of what origin is it." She asked

"Japanese, and whats a kultz." He asked still holding her. Delilah noticed and sttod up blushing.

"A kultz is when a person doesn't have very good balance. Are you Japanese?" She asked.

"Nope, just my name is?" He smiled again but this time Delilah was able to keep her balance.

"Well it's nice to meet you Takahashi." She smiled back at him. " But I have to go."

"It's nice to meet you to. Delilah." He sid slipping a piece of paper into her hand and then disappearing out of no where.

Delilah unfolded the piece of paper and it read: 392-05A-NGEL and 184 Angelic Avenue, 39006.

Outside Her Window

Delilah woke with a startle when the thunder crashed and the lightning flashed. She glimpse the clock back didn't get a reading. *Great powers out!" She thought sarcasticly to herself. She retrieved the flashlight that she kept in the top drawer of the bed side table. She switched on and scimmed the room. The light of her flashlight stopped on her window. There was something white flapping in unison with the wind. It looked like a piece of paper was tucked into one of the supports.

She got up and put her robe on and walked to the window. She reached for the piece of folded paper and slipped because it's was to far out of her reached. She went tummbling through the window and hittind the ground with a out thud. That she thought was a roll of thunder before she blacked out. In the dark rainy night. The note flapping frantically in her hand. She sat down on her window sill and unfolded the piece of paper. When a gust of wind wrapped aroung her and she went tumbling backwards. She hit the ground with a loud thud. The breathe was knocked out of her and she blacked out.


The day was nice, bright and sunny out, but hot and steamy. Delilah in the middle of the Desert, as thick beads of sweat ran down her forehead. She began to walk not knowing where she was going or what she was looking for, but she was hoping for a town of anykind.

She walked for what seems like hour and still haven't came across a town. She could only see they dry hot desert that seemed to stretched miles ahead of her. Her throat was parched and her clothes were soakes for all of the water she has lost, when a car pulled beside her a stopped. The rolled down and she handsome with a deep masucline voice spoke, "Excuse me, cutie, I don't mean interrupt but do you need a ride, you look like your about to pass out."

Delilah surprised herself by repling "Yes, Thank you." She must be going crazy because she know better the to talk to strangers, must less getting in the car with one but she got in the car, willingly.

She climbed into the car, shut the door behind her, and the car started of down the road, "So, where are we headed?" He ask his voice was like that of a Angels. Soft like that of the steady flow of water in a brooke and as sweet as honey.

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