» Romance » Uhhh Why is Life so Complicated?!?!?!, Sarah Becker [reading in the dark TXT] 📗

Book online «Uhhh Why is Life so Complicated?!?!?!, Sarah Becker [reading in the dark TXT] 📗». Author Sarah Becker

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Chapter 1: The big move
Beep! Beep! Beep! I groan loudly at the sound of my alarm clock waking me up from my peaceful dreaming to what would most likely be the worst day of my life. I slam my hand down on the alarm and scream into my pillow trying to get my frustration out. I hear a hesitant knock on my door and bury my face in my pillow to try to block out any sound. "Sweetie, I know you’re mad at me but we are leaving for L.A. in one hour so get ready." I hear my Mom's honey sweet voice say to me from outside my door. I sit up in my bed and stare at my room that I grew up in and am soon going to leave. Before I even realized it slick wet tears were running down my face. I swiped them away and hurriedly took a shower and got dressed. When I was done I stared at myself in the mirror. My black hair cascaded down my back up until my waist making a beautiful contrast to my emerald green eyes and my curvy body barely noticeable under the jeans and baggy shirts I usually wear. "Come in!" I yelled when I heard the knock on my door. I saw a pale blonde head poke through my door followed by a brown one and couldn't help but smile to myself. It was Connor and Derek my best friends in the whole world!! I don't have any friends that are girls. I just never really got along with them. "Hey Zo!" Connor and Derek said coming over an each giving me a hug. "Hey y'all!" I said hugging them back and suddenly I was crying. AGAIN! I never cry and it’s starting to get really annoying!!! "Ahh, so the almighty Zoey finely cracks!" Derek says laughing silently while wiping my tears. "Shut up," I sniffle. "Aww c'mon Zo, I know you’re going to miss us but we will keep in touch and I bet you will make tons of friends!" Connor says trying not to laugh about his last sentence. "Oh shut your trap Connor! We all know I am not a very sociable person." I grumbled. Connor and Derek laughed at me and suddenly my Mom called me downstairs and said it was time to go. I gave Connor and Derek another hug goodbye and took one last look at my child hood home before getting in the car and putting on my head phones for the looonngg trip to L.A.

Chapter 2: House Mate
I tried my best to ignore my Mom during our ride but it was pretty hard considering how she kept glancing at me every five seconds. I was listening to flyleaf on my iPod replaying in my head how this all happened. I was sitting in my room eating some pizza when my mom came in and told me were moving. When I asked why she said because there were too many painful memories of my father and that we should move and start a new life. My dad died 7 years ago in a car crash when I was ten and although I reealllyy didn't want to move I knew that I had too. "Don't worry honey, this is for the best and I'm sure you will make lots of friends." My mom’s words pulled me back into reality and I snorted at her. "Ya, sure mom. Tons of friends because we both know I'm such a friendly person!" I said sarcastically. My mom just shook her head and sighed. It’s not that I'm not a friendly person it’s just that some people don't have the same interests as me. I like skateboards and basketball and football and all the other girls like make-up and short skirts and jewelry. So you see thats why I usually hang out with guys. I tend to get into fights around girls. The car made an abrupt stop. "We're here!" My mom announced waayy too excitingly. I grudgingly got out of the car and wordlessly brought my stuff to my room and started to unpack. It wasn't that bad of a house. It had five bedrooms with a bathroom in each room, a living room, and a kitchen. How could Mom afford a house this big? Just as I was about to get out and go ask her someone came bursting into my room. "What the hell?!?!" I shouted and then looked closely at the guy in my room. He was HOT! Sandy brown hair and piercing blue eyes with tan skin and an obvious eight pack. I heard a soft chuckle "You like what you see?" I heard a dark seductive voice say. I snapped back in to reality and glared at him. "Who are you and what do you want?" I asked still glaring. "Is that anyway to talk to the guy you will be living with?" He asked in an innocent voice. "LIVING WITH!!!" I screeched. "What do you mean living with?!!? MOOMM!!" I heard someone curse and soon mom was at my door. "I'm soo sorry Zoey, I forgot to tell you. We are sharing this house with an old college friend of mine and this is her son Zack." she said while fidgeting with the ring on her finger. "Uuhhh you havve GOT to be kidding me!!" I said burying my face in my hands annoyingly while my mom hurriedly left the room. "Nope, I'm your new house mate." Zack said smiling at my annoyance. "Just get the fuck out of my room!" I yelled. "Nah, I think I'm good right here." He said lying down on my bed. "You’re impossible!" I yelled. Zack laughed and slowly got up from the bed and walked over to me. I felt his arms go around my waist. "What the hell do you think you’re doing!!?” I said trying to get away but he had a firm grip on me. "Shhh" He said and placed his lips gently on my neck kissing it up and down. I shivered slightly "G-get away b-b-before I beat your ass!" I said trying not to stutter. Zack sighed and then pulled away and gave me a wink before leaving the room. "Don't forget we have school tomorrow!" He shouted from the hallway. I groaned and closed my door. I turned off my light and tucked myself into bed before almost instantly falling asleep.
Chapter 3: First day of school
I stretched my hand out and glared at my alarm clock willing it with my mind to shut the fuck up! "What are you doing?" I heard a small chuckle from behind and turned only to see Zack. "It won't turn off!!" I whined "Why don't you try pressing the bar on the top that says snooze?" e said in a "duh" voice. "My arm isn't long enough!!" I said frustrated that my arm wouldn't grow longer. "Can you turn it off?" I asked/whined. He looks at me like I had just gone mad. "Nope," He said popping the "P". "Pllleeaaseee!" I begged giving him my best puppy dog eyes. He sighed and got on my bed. "Uhhhh what are you doing?" I asked confused. "Tuning off your alarm clock. Duh!" He said and reached over to turn it off. My breath caught in my throat as his little friend hovered above my face and couldn't help but sigh with relief when he finally moved back. I looked over at Zack and saw his amusing smile on his face. My eyes widened as I realized what he did. "You bastard! You did that on purpose!!!!" I said swinging myself out of bed and poking him in the chest. "What did I do?" he said innocently. "You know what you did! And I'm going to get you back! I'm warning you now Zack don't mess with me!" I yelled. "Oh I'm so scared!!" He said fakely. "Oh you will be." I said and stomped away towards my bathroom to get ready for my first day of school.
After taking a shower and putting on a baggy "My Chemical Romance” T-shirt, some red and black Bermuda shorts and my black converse. I picked up my skateboard and dashed for the door. Following the directions my Mom gave me I was about to turn into the school parking lot when I saw a shiny black F430 Ferrari coming at me. At first I just stared in awe at my dream car and then I realized I was about to get run over so I jumped to the side and ended up landing in a pile of mud. Some girl screamed when I almost got hit so people were coming around to see what happened. I glared at the driver of the car that I couldn't see the face of because of the tinted windows. "What the hell is the matter with you!!?” I yelled at the driver. I saw the door open and sandy brown hair came into view. Oh hellll nooo!! I thought when I saw Zack getting out of the car. You could literally see the smoke coming from my ears. "Hey Zoey," Zack said and started to walk away like he hadn't just almost run me over with his car. I jumped and ran over to him and punched him as hard as I could in the nose. I heard the familiar crack that happens every time I punch someone. "Oh shit Zoey!" Zack yelled. "I warned you Zack! Don't mess with me because I don't play fair and next time it will be worse!" I hissed and started to walk away to get my schedule then go to the bathroom to clean off the mud. As I walked away I heard people talking about the bad ass new kid and couldn’t help but smile to myself.
After getting my schedule and hurriedly making up an excuse to tell the attendant why I was so muddy. I walked toward the bathroom and wet a piece of paper towel. I groaned in frustration as I tried to wipe off the mud but only made it worse. "Oh wow, what happened to you?" I heard someone asked and turned to see a bright red head with glasses standing in front of me. "Some jackass named Zack almost ran me over but I jumped and landed in a pile of mud instead." "I hate Zack! He is a total jerk!!" the hatred in her voice clearly obvious. "I think you just might be my new and first GIRL best friend!!" I said smiling at her while still trying to scrub off the mud with no success. "I'm Zoey White. What your name?" "My names Marie but most people just call me cherry because of my hair." "Okay then, Cherry it is." "Cool, oh and I might have some clothes in my locker you could borrow if you want?" She asked. "That'd be great thanks." "Okay, I'll be right back." Cherry said and dashed out the bathroom.
"Cherry! I can't wear this!!!" I yelled as I stared at myself in the mirror. Cherry brought me short shorts and an off the shoulder shirt but since I was a little taller than Cherry and she was also a little skinnier the short shorts were a little tight and wayyy to short and the shirt wasn't baggy enough! It hugged my curves and made my bust stick out like two watermelons! "You look fine Zoey!! And I'm not gay or anything but you look really hot in that outfit!" She said trying to cheer me up. "But I don't want to look hot!!" I whined and Cherry laughed at me. "Do you have

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