» Romance » Immortal, Caroline Larose [best non fiction books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Immortal, Caroline Larose [best non fiction books to read .txt] 📗». Author Caroline Larose

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The trip was long, agonizingly long, making several pit stops for her uncle Kyle because of his small bladder. As they started the trip again after the third pit stop, they hit town, heading for the side where she knew he lived from coming as a little kid, yet she had always had her mom and dad by her side, but not now, now all she had was her uncle because of some idiot drunk driver who decided it wasn't enough to just kill the poor deer, but her parents too, and himself almost but not enough because he was to be in prison the rest of his life for the murder of two and a deer.
Evelyn stepped out of the car when he parked, her long hair fluttering around her, she grabbed her suitcases after closing the door to his old looking car, she couldn't name what it was but it must have been a Toyota or something close to that.
She lugged her two heavy suitcases upstairs and to a room where he had told her to go.
It contained a large brown bed and a balcony which she walked out onto, it was right next to the woods, perfect for climbing down to the woods, or jumping to a nearby tree.
Heading back inside, Evelyn started unpacking, knowing for a year she would be here, until she bought the tiny house in Sherrill, New York, away from this entire nightmare.

"Dinner!" Kyle called from downstairs and Evelyn slowly walked down and to the kitchen and he continued talking "I'm leaving now, don't expect to see much of me, my work keeps me very busy," with that, he disappeared out the door and she saw he ad only ordered pizza, and no way was she eating grease, it made her extremely sick and nauseous. She opened the fridge and saw carrots, she took a few and ate them at the table, putting the pizza away in the fridge in case her uncle would eat any, and walked to the balcony.
Evelyn silently cursed at herself for wearing a dress, it was a red plaid dress with a half black sweater with a zipper.
She had ditched her shoes and now lifted herself, swinging her legs over the balcony and placing her feet lightly on the edge, she bent down, holding onto the bars that kept stuff inside, like it was supposed to do with her, and moved her feet, hanging down and released, bending her knees slightly to absorb the impact.
She turned and patted her dress down then moved towards the forest, her feet avoiding leaves and twigs as she moved silently into the woods.
Evelyn looked up from the ground when she heard a twig snap.

"Is someone there?" Evelyn asked in her soft, velvety voice, moving towards where she had heard the noise fearlessly.

"No, not there," A voice said making Evelyn jump and whirl around towards the sound, looking around with wide turquoise colored eyes.

"Would you care to show yourself? Or should I just leave now?" Evelyn asked in the same soft tone.

"The second one, I don't think you'd like to have your head ripped off," The voice said and she rolled her eyes and turned in that direction.

"No, I wouldn't, but pain is nothing I have not experienced before, I've experienced every pain available," Evelyn said before turning towards her house and walking away.

She jumped when she felt something on her shoulder and saw a hand in the corner of her eye.

"What is that supposed to mean?" The voice asked, and from the looks of his hand and sound of his voice, she determined it was absolutely male.

"It means that I have nobody, need nobody, and don't want to be touched by anybody," Evelyn said, shaking his hand off gently, careful to avoid skin contact, and began walking away again, her heart not speeding up in the littlest.

"How do you have nobody? You have your uncle, and before you ask, I am not stalking you, word just travels fast," The guy said and she smiled slightly.

"He does not count, the only words we have exchanged in eleven years are 'Hi' and 'How are you?'" Evelyn said, an edge to her voice "And since word travels fast, you should know that my mother and father are six feet under," she felt tears reach her eyes like they usually did when she thought about them and she ran away from him, her tears blurring her vision slightly, she could hear heavy footsteps following her light, delicate ones and ran fast. She flung herself up, grabbing the bars and she could feel someone watching her as she pulled herself onto the balcony, flopping down on her back as she panted, her heart beating loudly from all of the running and climbing.
Evelyn slowly pushed herself to her feet, her thin form slipping through the small opening in the door, not bothering to open it wider, and closed it, locking it twice.
Evelyn closed the curtains and stripped her dress off that night, pulling on her pajama shorts and leaving on just a bra since it was summer. She tossed her clothes into a hamper to be cleaned.
Laying down on her bed and pulling the covers tight around her, she wondered about the man, if he was some stalker, or if he was possibly a teen annoying her.
She sighed, her thoughts annoying her, and stood from her bed, walking out onto the balcony and looking at the forest, not remembering her clothing wasn't good for night outside.
She sat down on the ground, her back against the door and she looked at the stars, she could see many more than at her old home, and even could make out a few constellations she had learned.
Evelyn jumped when she heard a rock clatter below her and a twig snap.

"Hey stalker," She muttered, standing and looking down the balcony and she saw a wolf, it was incredibly large for one, but it looked sweet, "Aww," she mumbled, leaning over the rail of the fence that was supposed to stop her from jumping down, she felt a pull towards the wolf, watching it as it looked up at her with warm green eyes, it looked so cute. Evelyn had a war raging on in her mind, her heart told her to go down and pet it, but her brain said no, eventually, she remembered her mother tell her once 'Follow your heart' and she thought about it for a moment, she really had nothing to lose if she went down. Slowly, she climbed over the fence-like thing and hung low, releasing and landing a couple of feet away and it padded slowly towards her.

"Hello puppy may I pet you? You look so soft," Evelyn said softly, reaching her hand out towards it's head and it sniffed her hand, suddenly thrusting it's head into her hand and she jumped as it rubbed it's large head against her hand and she smiled at it.
As she pet it she spoke softly "You know, I've always wanted a dog, but my parents said they would make a big mess, I bet you don't make a mess because you live in the forest," wolf gave a small, quiet bark and she giggled "I'll take that as a yes," she scratched behind it's ear and said "I've never really had someone to talk to, I suppose you would listen, am I right?" he grinned wolfishly at her and licked her face, making her jump and giggle "Yuck," she mumbled, wiping slobber off of her face and onto it's fur.
"Your a awfully slobbery wolf," she commented, running her hands through his fur again, "In my home town, someone had a dog and it was a boxer, it slobbered all over me when I found it lost, more slobber than you though," she smiled and looked at the wolf, it had green eyes and russet colored fur.
"I should go, I have school tomorrow, please come back tomorrow night, it's nice having someone to talk to," she said, kissing the top of it's snout and turned, climbing back up the balcony and when she turned, the wolf was gone "Goodbye," she murmured and heard a howl in the darkness and smiled. She walked back to bed, laying down under the covers and only thinking of the wolf, not even a little bit about the guy from the woods...


Evelyn woke the next day from a dreamless slumber. She slipped out of her new bed and walked to her new dresser. She pulled out shorts that ended just above her knees and then a large shirt she had gotten at Disney world. She walked to her closet, pulling on a sweatshirt and kept her hood up, her long hair spilling out of the hood at the front after brushing it.
She walked out of her new room and down the stairs and to the kitchen, she saw a note on the marble island and tore it off reading it.

'Goodmorning Evelyn,
I left for work early like usual, I will get back very late today, money is under the silverware drawer, school is at 7:45, have fun,
She sighed and threw the note in the garbage and grabbed ten dollars from under the silverware drawer, stuffing it in her shorts pocket and ate a couple of carrots before she walked outside and towards the school, it was 7:30 and she would be there by the time the bell rang.
Evelyn walked towards the school, feeling eyes on her as she opened the door, walking towards the office sign to get her schedule, she opened the door and walked inside, the secretary looked up and smiled at her.

"You must be Evelyn," The secretary said, and Evelyn nodded, "Well, here's your schedule, if you need anything my name is Mrs. Landon, have fun Evelyn," and Evelyn nodded, taking her schedule and walking out, that was a lot quicker than she thought it would have been, but then again maybe they didn't get many new kids since it was such a small town.
She walked to her first class in room 16 and opened the door, walking in.

"Oh, class, this is the new student, I'm Mr. Dubonis but they call me Mr. D, what's your name?" The teacher said, walking over to her.

"Evelyn," She said softly, her voice quieter from everyone watching her.

"Well, Evelyn, welcome to Forest High, please take the empty seat," Mr. D said, pointing to a seat to the side and she nodded, walking over and sitting down in the seat, her hood was still up and nobody seemed to really care. "I'll be right back class, try and stay under control, your homework got thrown out so it won't be

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