» Romance » bloddy tears, [web ebook reader txt] 📗

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Today there were no cars driving back and forth. I couldn’t even see anyone on the street but I could hear people in the distance. Around me the birds were singing, flowers were blooming and all of the trees were green. I couldn’t see the sun but I could feel the warmth of it on my back. It felt as if everything was in place and perfect. Like the nature agreed with everything.
My parents had died when I was a little girl and my brother, Jake, has been taking care of me ever since. He is not around much but, he comes and checks on me from time to time. Jake is the coolest brother and he is my best friend. People in my school don’t like the way I dress, the way I talk, or that I don’t belong with any group at all but Jake understands me.
I have one decent friend and her name is Sarah. Sarah has brown hair, black eyes, round face and she always wears jeans. Sarah has been my best friend since kinder garden; she knows everything about me there is to know. Sarah also knows how much Kate and Dave Lowes hate me. The thing is three of us live on the same street and it is hard as hell to stay away from them. I try is hard to stay in my house as much as possible but I didn’t feel like it today because it was so nice outside I couldn’t help myself so I went to read my book, Little Women, outside. As I read my book I could hear someone coming toward me. I looked up and saw Dave and his “cool friends”. They were all, coming my way and that couldn’t be good. When Dave and his friends come, they only come to cause trouble and pain to people.
I looked down at my book and pretended not see them. “He could just walk pass me” I was saying to myself. No such luck, he comes right up to me and takes my book from my hands. I didn’t say anything. I just waited for him to give me my book. Of course, he doesn’t do that. Instead he said something to his friends and they started to walk away. That surprised me because he never does that. He likes to make fun of people in front of his friends, not by himself.
“Hi” Dave says with a huge smile on his face.
“What do you want Dave?” I stood up, snatched my book from his hands and started to walk away from him, but before I could pass him, he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him.
“Listen up. I don’t have time for you and your attitude right now” still smiling and holding my hand “sit back down and we will talk like normal people.” That was the longest speech he ever made in front of me. Even though it surprised me, I was not going to talk to him or do anything else with him because he was, not normal. I jerked my hand away from his. Then I stood up straight to show him I was not scared of him.
“Listen Dave, I don’t want anything to do with you or your friends. I don’t even want to sit next to you. Get it?” That makes him laugh. His laugh makes me angry.
“What is so funny Dave?” I ask him.
“You are funny Gemma. You think I want anything to do with you? I’m sorry to disappoint you but I have my own girls to play with.” He says with a smile. His smile can probably charm any girl but not me.
“Good then you can go away, right?” I said.
After I say those words his face turned serious, but not mad. Then slowly he looked around as if to see if any one was listening to us. One thing I knew is that he was not checking to see if his friends were there. No, he was looking for something else or someone else. Without seeming to see anyone he turned back at me.
“Tell me what you want from me and then go away.” I say, a little too fast.
“I don’t want much; I just want to know where your brother is.” I start to tell him that it is none of his business, but he stops me with his hand “And tell me the truth or it would be your last normal day.” He finishes his sentence and looks around again. I stepped away from him but he steps even closer to me. I pushed him away from me and started to talk very slow so he can hear my every word.
“It is none of your business, where my brother is,” then I took a deep breath “Can’t you just go and do something else. Like make fun of someone, with your friends? The things you always do”.
Now he is not smiling at all, “Lucy you are making a big mistake.” He turns around to leave but, then he stops and looks back at me, “You know how they say you can run but you can’t hide. Well Lucy at this point you can only hide.” He walks away without glancing back at me. I watch him go and then I think back to what he had said, nothing made any sense. I turned and walked into my house, for a moment forgetting about Dave and his crazy talk.
That night I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about Dave and everything he had said to me, he sounded scared and happy at the same time. I wanted to ask him what he was talking about and I was about to call him but then I heard something outside my window. At first, I thought it was the wind but then more clearly I heard someone whistling. Slowly I stood up and walked to the window. At the window I saw a figure. It looked to me like a tall man and he was looking directly at me. Then I saw something move, it was next to him. In the dark it looked like a dog. It was huge bigger then any dog I have ever seen before and the dog’s eyes were red. I placed my hand over my mouth so I wouldn’t scream and looked away but when I looked back they both were gone.
Then I slowly walked back to my bed and lay there, staring at the wall until I slowly fell asleep.
Next morning when I woke up I found a note on my desk in my room. At first I thought it was from my brother but when I opened the note and looked at the hand writing it wasn’t my brother’s. Then I read the note….

You are next my love.

The note didn’t make any sense at all; the note scared the hell out of me. I looked at my window and it was close but it was not locked. “I have to find Jake and tell him about the note.” I told myself, “But how will I find him?” that was the big question that I had to think about. The only idea I had is to look for him at the “Night Club” that is where he told me, he hangs out at night. I had only one problem about that club; I couldn’t go there because I’m only 17. That meant that I would have to go with someone who can get in and who is popular there. The only person I could think of was, Dave. He was popular there and I heard he goes there a lot.
Outside I thought it would be hard to find Dave but he was at his house with his friends. I realized that either he or his sister was having a party, because I could here the music from their open window and I could see people dance.
“Lucy you came to see me!” I didn’t need to turn around and see who it was, I already knew.
“You wish Dave. I’m here because I need you to do something for me.” I didn’t even bother to ask him I just told him. Now I was facing him and waiting for his answer.
“Lucy if I do something for you, you would have to do something for me. You know that, right?” he smiled at me and I knew he was already planning something for me. I didn’t bother to listen to him because I was thinking about my brother and the note.
“Ok …..Yes …..I don’t care”
“Ok then. What is it that is so important that you want me to do?” he asked me ignoring a guy that had said something.
“Will you take me to the ‘Night Club’ that you always go to?” I said and looked everywhere but at him.
“Night Club? Um……..I……….um …ok that will cost you a date!” he answered, with satisfying smile on his face.
“WHAT? DATE? YOU ARE CRAZY!” I screamed at him not bothered about the people that were staring at us. I saw Dave’s sister out of the corner of my eye and she looked proud of Dave. Like Dave had reached a goal he always wanted to reach.
“No date! No club! Lucy everything comes with a prize.” He looked proud too, just like his sister. He even gave a high five to one of his friends. His friend was smiling just like Dave. I personally hate Dave’s smile I don’t see what girls see in him. He is just a player and very good one. I think they all knew something I didn’t know and I didn’t think I needed to know.
“Ok, I will go on a date with you!” as soon as I said it I heard people clap and whistle. Dave’s sister even hugged one of her friends.
“Ok then I will pick you up at 10:00” he looked happier then ever. I gave him a fake smile and nodded my head. “Why is he so happy?” I asked myself but I had an answer for the question “Dave is crazy” that was the answer.
“Ok but don’t be late!” I was happy too but I think we were happy for different reasons. I was happy because I would get to go to a cool club and find my brother and he was happy because, I had no idea why.
“I won’t be late my love.” He said or at least that’s what I thought he said.
As I walked to my house I took out my cell phone and dialed Sarah’s number.
“Hey there, Lucy what’s up?”
“Hi come over to

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