Love letters, David Wood [books under 200 pages txt] 📗

- Author: David Wood
Book online «Love letters, David Wood [books under 200 pages txt] 📗». Author David Wood
Tears For Friends
It seems that of all the lights that shine
the burning in my soft eyes is from crying
As I write this my pen must be enchanted
I awoke from an unpleasant dream
Praying that's all it was
My tears tried washing the sorrow away
My heart lays crushed
My head wanting to scream
Please...Oh Please!
Make this all a bad dream
That Loving Touch
When we first met
We started with small talk
We were headed to our designated stop
Me feeling a little naughty
But, being the gentleman
So I held your hand
Wanting to see if you could withstand
My running a single finger
Across your lips
Over your palm, thumb, and finger tips
Touching ever so lightly
Your hand being a little twitchy
Started to tremble
The sensitive nerves lightly twitching
Starting to tremble
Thinking how very fragile you are
Almost forgetting we're in the car
Admiring your beauty with lust
Remembering to only gently touch
And not go robust
Taking my fingers ever so softly
Light as a feather
Gently caressing your face and lips
With just my finger tips
Placing you body and mind at ease
Massaging your ear lobes and chin
Watching your beautiful smile
While I have a sly grin
Well Dear we're at out destination
We better go in
Roses and Love
They say Roses are Red and Violets are Blue
But let me tell you what I feel when thinking about you
When I think about your long silky hair
My fingers twitch with a passionate flair
My lips flutter and quake anticipating the serene bliss
As my thoughts of joining with your velvety soft lips
When looking into your extraordinarily beautiful eyes
The feeling overwhelms me
As I can only take a breath and sigh
My mind becomes intoxicated
Dreaming of you in my sleep
Memories of you forever held...
Mine to keep
When thinking about the softness of your skin
Mere words can not compare
I wouldn't know where to begin
My knees get weak
My heart melts from your smile
Ever since you entered my world
And made it so very worthwhile
When thinking about Roses and Love
There is no one I would rather be thinking of.
Never Say Good-By
Leaving you there
Was so extremely hard for me to bear
When we kissed good-bye
The feelings in my heart began an outcry
As you drove away something happened
I stood there and began to cry
The days spent with you
Had been more than a dream come true
The bubble bath that awaited your presence
Surrounded by white carnations
Feelings of love for which there was no absence
The sensuous softness of your skin
Tender butterfly kisses placed on you ear, lips and chin
Brushing your long silken hair
Words spoken softly as passions began to flair
Never can I forget the look on your face
The feelings that followed
Events that took place
Such pure bliss
We enjoyed one another going for hours
What a kiss...
Traveling the long and lonesome highway
Remembering you
Everything like a screenplay
This will be the last time I will ever say good bye
So until my return for you
My heart pleads for your touch again
Never again will I say good-bye
But for now all I can do is
~ Sigh ~
Your Feelings
I see you lying there
pretending to be together.
But inside I know the tears keep falling.
I can see the anger, and your disappointment inside.
I too, have heard the voice calling you at nights end.
You say it doesn't matter,
Because there is no one waiting for you at home.
But I say that it does,
Because you matter to me.
I know of the many nights you sat looking at the phone
Staring out the window
When you heard a vehicle pass by.
Hoping it was him coming home to you.
I know the feelings you felt,
Feeling of being less of a woman,
Or the queen that you are in my eyes.
I would never had reached for the moon,
If I had a star like you holding hands next to me.
I know when you needed him the most
He just turned and walked away
Remember when you thought to yourself
God I hate all men...
I'll never love one again!
I know you were taken for granted,
After years of devotion.
Not realizing your strength, and beauty,
Or the gem that he once held in his hands.
Love is just around the corner.
Maybe behind the next door.
What your heart is searching for
Rainbow of Rose Petals
Rainbow of Roses
Can it be true
That there is a Rainbow of Rose Petals
Laying all over just for you
Leading the way to a candle lit room
Soft music playing for you to swoon
A hot tub waiting to relax you a little more
Surrounded by candlelight
Rose Petals Galore
Red, Pink , Yellow, Orange, Purple, and Blue
With your favorite the White Rose
Just for you
Two sparkling wine filled crystal glasses
Butterfly kisses soft and sweet
Nibbling your ear lobes
Both getting quite a treat
Tender little kisses on the toes and feet
leading you to another room with
Satin Sheets
Surrounded by a
Rainbow of Rose Petals
Valentine's Miles Apart
Valentine’s Day Miles Apart
sitting here at home
With a softened heart
A beautiful picture of you
To gaze upon
Alone with a nice Bottle of Chilled Wine
To sip on
My heart thinking of you
And you alone
New Satin Sheets to lay on
my glass half full of sparkling wine
A nice movie, a softened heart
Filled with sweet memories from the start
And blessed things to come
As this day is about done
Comfort in the Canyon
After a day enjoying the sights of McKittrick Canyon
Where we had seen the beauty of nature’s trees
Aspen, Madrones, and Maple
As they mingle their colors of
Crimson, Bronze, and Yellow
We had found a place to set up camp for the night
The campfire burned brightly
As the clouds gave way like a stage curtain
The stars beginning to rise for our nature’s night light show
The campfire competing for honors with its colored flames
Orange, Green, Red, Yellow, and Blue
The popping sounds of the wood crackling
Like a drum roll as the shows about to begin
Off in the distance a coyote braes into the night
Laying together in the sleeping bag
Getting comfortable and snuggled
We take in nature’s night show
Caressing warm hands under covers
Off in the distance
An Owl hoots as crickets play
Master musicians of the nighttime symphony
Air currents whispering through the canyon walls
Sharing sacred secrets of days of old
Contrasting against our dancing, campfires sway
The rolling hills, bluffs and buttes tower in the backdrop
Bats fly high in the trees, targeting their prey
Swooping down close to our faces, we giggle loudly
Our fading echoes stir silently through the trees
Sliding under our sleeping bag, you hum softly in my ear
Whispering a love song just as beautiful
Our camping rendezvous, beside a fire
Comfortable in each other’s arms we lay
The Kiss
Sitting here tranquil listening to the soft music,
eyes closed, relaxed, mesmerized.
You, feeling soft hands, with fingers stretched,
gliding effortlessly through your hair.
Gently touching your bottom lip sensually,
a sigh escapes your rose petal moist lips.
Breaths melting as our lips join in unison,
to the dance of tongues.
Your body tightening as you take in a deep breath of air,
then relaxing into a gentle state.
Moving my lips about your neck and ears,
thirsting for those erogenous zones.
Drinking in the moisture from your soft,
and silky skin.
Followed by a long kiss
A kiss of love and beauty
Heart beats getting faster, and faster.
My kisses find what my lips have been searching for,
as our lips come crashing together, like waves on a beach.
Plunging into unforgettable pleasure,
of a sensual kiss.
Roses and Love
~ The White Rose ~
“Innocence, and Purity”
With a dozen long stem white roses
this is what I would say
‘My love for you is like the forces of nature
Your innocence, and purity,
warms me on a cold winter day’
~ The Yellow Rose ~
I’ll always be there for you as your friend
I’ll be your Cowboy,
picking you up when you are feeling low
And ride off into the sunset with you in my arms
~ The Dark Pink Rose ~
The wonderful things that you do and your love for nature
Refreshes me like a cool spring breeze
~ The Light Pink Rose ~
“Grace “
When I look into your beautiful eyes I see heaven
~ The Orange Rose ~
When you touch me my knees get weak
You excite my heart like a mid summer thunderstorm
~ The Coral Rose ~
The warmth you give is like that of a campfire in my heart
~ The Lavender Rose ~
“Love at first sight”
When I first got to talk to you my heart fluttered
like the wings of Humming Bird
Thinking about you guides me through the darkness
Like the moon does on a dark night
~ The Red Rose ~
“Love and Passion”
With everything stated above ten fold
The love I have for you
drives the blood through my veins
Like the ocean surf pounds the beach
Love is an eternal spring it flows from our hearts
And into this Red Rose
I give unto you
The One I Seek
Are these your hands holding mine
as I pull you close wiping away your tears
touching your lips so divine
Is this your ear that I’m whispering poetry into
let me be your best friend and lover
will I be your hearts rescue
Will I lay Rose petals beneath your feet
placing your hand upon my chest
so that you can feel my heartbeat
Are those your eyes I’m looking into
so mystic, alluring, exotic
is it my heart and soul that they subdue
I don’t know why some dreams come true
but I do know that when I dream
are my dreams always of you
Are you the one always on my mind
in my heart and in my thoughts
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