» Romance » Struggle for Liberty, Marline [top young adult novels txt] 📗

Book online «Struggle for Liberty, Marline [top young adult novels txt] 📗». Author Marline

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Chapter 1

None of us dared to speak because we had no idea what was going to happen next. With my hands handcuffed behind my back I couldn’t grab Lissa’s hand, though I longed to, to reassure both her and me. Our whole line of girls looked up the moment a group of young men walked towards us. They stood in front of us and one man stepped forwards. I wondered what he was going to say and because I knew that he was one of the reasons why I was tied up like a prisoner, I refused to let myself admit that he was handsome. Incredibly handsome.

“Ladies.” The young man started, as he scoured over the line of girls. “You can view this as a school. Over the next few weeks you will learn how to become perfect lovers. You will learn all the ins and outs of how to please a man and finally, when you graduate, you will be bought as a mistress. Depending on your marks at the end of this course, your master will either be rich or poor, so I suggest you try your best and don’t give us any trouble.” He looked over the line of girls again and his eyes landed on me. He narrowed his eyes and then continued.
“These are your instructors.” He waved at the other young men next to him. You will be paired up with them and they will take you to your quarters where you will spend a month. I suggest you treat your instructors with respect because if you don’t, punishment will be severe. Have I made myself clear?” I was not even bothered to nod. If not for the handcuffs and the fact that there were around 20 men standing around us who were not

handcuffed and looked rather muscular, I would have attacked this man who was about to ruin my life. Each man walked up to a girl and to my utter horror and frustration, I saw the man who had spoken before walk up to me.
“Liberty, I presume?” He asked while he raised one eyebrow. I stared back at him blankly, not letting him get any reaction out of me.
“My name is Jason. I will be your instructor. Come with me to our apartment.” I looked at him as if he was an idiot. Which he was. Because I could not believe that he would just assume that I would do as he said.
“Ah,” Jason said, understanding. “They said you’d be trouble. But stubbornness will not be tolerated here. Understand?”
“Oh really?” I said, no longer being able to keep my mouth shut. “And what are you going to do about it?” A sly grin appeared on Jason’s face and he took a step towards me.
“I will punish you.” He said, when he was a mere two inches away from me. “And trust me, I’m going to enjoy your punishment.” He ran his fingers over my side in a suggestive manner. I knew what he meant and stared at him furiously before I took a step back.
“Don’t touch me.” I growled.
“What are you going to do about it?” He asked, echoing the words I had used previously. Before I could come up with a witty comment I heard a scream.
“Liberty! Liberty don’t let them take me. Please!” Lissa was sobbing as she was being dragged away by a man with such light blond hair that it nearly burned my eyes. I started running towards Lissa but strong hands grabbed on to me and held me in place.
“Let me go!” I screamed as I kicked Jason in the shin.
“Stop moving this

instant or your virginity will be lost tonight.” Jason warned me. I stopped moving to contemplate what I should do. Was being raped worth helping Lissa? Besides, who said that I would be able to help her? If I got to her then there were another 10 men who were ready to pounce on me before I could even attempt escaping.
“Liberty, please.” Lissa’s voice was barely louder than a whimper but it pushed me over the edge. I turned around in Jason’s arms and kneed him in a place where I knew it would hurt before I made a mad dash towards Lissa. Two seconds later I felt a heavy weight push against me and I tumbled to the floor.
“No, let me go!” I screamed as I kicked and bit and did whatever else I could to get the person off me.
“Need a hand?” I heard an amused voice.
“No, I can handle her.” Jason answered. He got into a position where he was straddling me and no matter what part of my body I moved; I could not get to him.
“Calm down.” Jason said through clenched teeth.
“Let me go!” I responded furiously. Jason raised his eyebrows, silently questioning if I was mad before bending down and gently placing his lips on mine. When he pulled away I stared at him in complete shock. He must have found this funny because he started laughing before getting off me and pulling me up.
“Hmm, that got you to be quiet and

calm.” Jason mentioned nonchalantly. “Maybe I should do that more often.” I instantly turned towards him and would have punched him if my hands weren’t tied behind my back.
“Don’t you dare.” I spat

Jason led me along a small path that led us to a tall building. In the building he pushed me into an elevator and then punched in number 6 and a code. Oh great, if I ever wanted to flee this building I would first need a code to use the elevator. Hopefully there were some emergency stairs here. On the 6th floor Jason turned right and steered me towards a door before taking out a key and opening it. The apartment was quite large, with a breathtaking view of the forest around us. There was a couch with a TV in one corner of the living room and a kitchen in the other. I heard Jason lock the apartment and then walk up to me.
“I’ll un cuff you, but only if you stay calm. Or else, you’ll be sleeping in handcuffs tonight.” He said to me. I contemplated for a second if I would give in but the thought of having my hands free was too tempting.
“Fine.” I said reluctantly.
“I’m warning you.” Jason said as he pulled another key out of his pockets, “try anything and you’ll regret it.” The moment my hands were free I brought them forwards and rubbed my wrists. It felt so good to have use of my arms again!
“This is where we’ll be staying for the next month.” Jason said, as he walked over to the kitchen.
“We?” I asked.
“Yes, I’m staying here with you.” He said calmly. I crossed my arms over my chest.
“I don’t want to stay here with you.”
“Well, you don’t have much of a choice. Would you like something to drink?” I shook my head and then started roaming around the apartment. There was one bedroom, a rather spacious one I might add, with a large double bed and again, a spectacular view. There was a bathroom, with a large bath and huge mirror. The reason I was so amazed by everything was because I had lived in a little cottage all my life. My parents were missionaries and didn’t have much money and the little money they had they spent on helping others. Suddenly I caught sight of something in the mirror. I gasped when I saw it was me. My dirty blond hair was a mess, hanging all over my face and my greenish eyes had large bags under them. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, after sleeping on the floor in the woods for the past week. I also looked over my clothing and realized that they were dirty and ripped. Jason suddenly appeared in the doorway and laughed at my expression.
“Yeah, you look pretty bad.” He stated.
“Jerk.” I muttered and Jason laughed.
“There’s a whole cupboard of clean clothing in the bedroom and I suggest you take a shower before dinner.” He said.
“Dinner?” I stared at him, baffled. I had barely had one meal a day for the past week and now we were having dinner

“Don’t look so shocked.” Jason laughed again. “I wasn’t planning on starving you.” I looked away from Jason’s gorgeous face and stared at my ugly one in the mirror. All I wanted momentarily was to get out of these dirty clothes and take a hot, steaming shower for the next 15 minutes. Without a word I walked passed Jason and to the bedroom. Without glancing at the double bed, I walked straight to the cupboard and opened it. There were at least 20 t-shirts I could choose from and 10 pairs of jeans stacked in there. I grabbed the first shirt and first jeans from each pile and then looked in a drawer underneath and found clean underwear and bras. I looked at their sizes and realized that they had all available sizes in this cupboard. I chose mine and then headed to the bathroom.

After scrubbing at my skin for 10 minutes, I was finally satisfied with how clean it looked. I then started on my hair. I applied shampoo three times and then drenched my hair in conditioner twice. When I was done I dried off and put on my new clothes. I opened the bathroom door and was lured into the kitchen by the most incredible smell. When I rounded the corner Jason was cooking dinner.
“Don’t get used to it, you’ll be doing the cooking from now on.” Jason said, without turning around. “Oh and if you can’t cook then you better learn fast because I like my food.” I narrowed my eyes as I sat down at the table. Maybe I would be able to poison him, steal his keys and get out of here.
“Poisoning me is not an option,” He said, as if he could read my mind. “Because I will be watching you the entire time you cook.” I grumbled silently. I bet a girl before me had already tried that.
“How do you expect me to cook something decent if you’re watching me?” I asked sarcastically. Jason turned around with an amused expression on his face.
“Do I make you nervous?”
I almost laughed. “No, just angry. Besides, why would I even want to cook you something decent?”
“Because you’ll graduate with higher marks.”
I’m not going to graduate at all, I thought, but I kept my mouth shut. All through dinner Jason and I didn’t say a word to each other. I was too angry and he apparently had nothing to say. After dinner Jason stood up.
“You clear the table and put the things in the dishwasher.”
I stared at him, mouth agape.
“You can not

tell me what to do.”
“Oh no?” Jason raised an eyebrow and the amused expression returned on his face.
“I believe I can.” Then his face turned serious. “Oh and by the way, after you clean up we have to fulfill your punishment.”
“What punishment?” I asked him.
“You defied my order. Now you must suffer the consequences.” And then it hit me. Jason warned that if I moved and went after

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